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Absolutely Unbeleivable!!! Zerlett Kennels strikes again.



  • I have no idea why anyone would find this humerous. My experience though was Brutus getting down right mean while doing it where this dog is spinning but mild compared to him. He growled and snapped it was awful used to make me sick to watch him =((
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • Obviously this would be the perfect place for me to show my video on Claxxton's actions. But I still do not have it figured out. Claxxton sits on his butt, reaches for his tail, and falls over. Usually on furniture making a loud noise. Startles us. I feel so sorry for him. We are encouraging him to play with toys, or I just let him outside with Willie for awhile. That or I just let him up on the couch & love him.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Give him some time to adjust to the attention and love you're providing him. His anxiety and depression will fade and when it does so will his bad habits. I'm Leslie can provide some tips that she used with Brutus who has made great strides and settled in as a wonderful and beautiful Bullie.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Diane I used an air horn. Every time he even looked at it I blew that obnoxious horn. To this day everytime he looks at it I give him a firm no and he knows if I say it twice moms getting yhe horn!!! He hasn't even needed a correction in quite a while:) good luck and kiss Claxxton for me he's a hunk!!!!
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • Thanks Leslie.  I can already see Husband with a horn.  Ha, ha...he'll drive me nuts playing with the dogs.  I have began an album on facebook if you want to see.  :-*
  • Diane only blow it when he's spinning and use it for nothing else he will associate that horn to mean bad dog. Follow it with a firm no. Everytime!! Yes I would like to see your album I will search you;) !!
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • YES!!  That bottom video is EXACTLY what our Bullies do!  I LOVE it!!!!
  • I assume by the "DanielleLV" YouTube uploader name... This is the Zerlett???

    Correct me if I'm wrong but proper use of the spring-pole would allow the dog's hind legs to reach the ground wouldn't it???

  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    It's a little sad seeing that video of Bowzer since he was one of the Bull Terriers Danielle had euthanized. The APBT's seen in the video were Danielle's also. They have all been gotten rid of too.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    edited August 2013

    "Steve: I never really cared much about breeding him or his breeding career. It was Danielle pushing to breed him and I figure if she wanted to use him and I got some kick back where was the harm? To me he's a brood stud, not the flashy showy type of dog I really enjoy. I figured it would be an easy way to see if he had any potential, and if he made something that perked my interest I might think about breeding him in the future at a more mature age. He still has a lot of growing left to do and he has days I like the look of him and day I absolutely hate the way he looks. He is primarily a companion to my husband, which was what I really purchased him for (it was the only breed we could agree on LOL)"

    It's apparent the continued pursuit to Breed Dozer is something Danielle is very adamant about. She currently advertises his availability for stud service as though she owns him.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • It seems this " Bitch " is not going away!!!! Someone needs to put her out of her misery!
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • I may have been the last person to communicate w/ Danielle....see message below it was sent to me August 1, 2013 from Danielle. BUT READ THIS FIRST; I had interest in the 6 week old female pup she had for sale. I was just about to send her a money order when something told me to hold off. Next day she contacts me saying "I have an emergency I need to speak with you right away". Being responsible I call Danielle and she blurts out "our landlord is crazy, for some UNKNOWN reason we have to move within a couple of days. Can you send the deposit AND the remaining balance for this baby gal now? I'm getting alot of pressure from my boyfriend. Also you'll have to pick her up within next several days as we're moving and I don't want pup to go thru all of this". Something just DID NOT feel right!!! I replied "as you know Danielle I don't live in Nevada NO I can't just pick her up without planning, and secondly I will not send anything to you without seeing this female". She continued to contact me via text and FB. At that point I blocked all communication with her. I have photos of the female pup. Always trust you intuition it NEVER steers you wrong. I do have her phone number and email, bet it's already been changed. This gal exists at the phylum below plant life on the food chain!!

    Received this message on August 1, 2013 from Danille Charlet @ Zerlett Kennels.

    Beth, soooo....I have some new the landlord
    decided (by the grace of God) that we actually can stay...I don't know
    what happened, and it still makes no sense. My boyfriend and I
    deliberated on the subject for a bit today, to stay or to go, and
    decided because of everything we put into the house with utilities that
    it would be in our best interest financially to not move. We are now in
    contact with the woman's husband, whose communication is worlds better,
    we paid rent today, and were signing our lease tomorrow. I'm sure you
    are probably irritated in the whole thing, but I wanted to let you know
    that if you still wanted to continue our agreement that we most
    definitely can. I don't like money being priority on this baby, the BEST
    home is my priority and you seem to be the best home by far. I
    understand if you decide to stay out of it. If you decide to go ahead
    with it, just let me know when you will send money and when you'll pick her up.Feel free to call me". Danielle.

  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Well, you made a very good decision to stop and dig a little deeper into the reputation on Danielle as a breeder (and a person). She'll end up selling her puppy to someone that looks no further than the cute puppy photos she provides. However, now a days most people will conduct thorough research before purchasing any dog especially one that's isn't very common and usually comes with a high price tag. Danielle won't hesitate to rip someone off and feel good about it. Her landlord has probably warned her about not having any dogs in the house she's renting. However, she seems to do a good job with hiding them in the garage tucked away in travel kennels.
    I'm confident after reading this thread as will as the plethora of others on the internet about Danielle Charlet and Zerlett Kennels you're blessed to have pulled out the purchase of one of her puppies. Additionally, don't ever let a breeder tell you to pick up a puppy any sooner than 8 weeks of age. 6 weeks old is TOO young and Danielle knows this. She just doesn't have any heart and lacks proper morals. She disgusts me and so many others that cherish the breed.
    Thanks for sharing this information. It's always good to keep an eye out on a person like Danielle who has proven to be a cancer to the breed.
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    As they say in the classics: " you can't make crap like this up"! Unbelievable!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Believe it or not I have a few more things to add about my Danielle experience. When my family and I are finished with our meal I'll share more!
  • Hmmmmm....curious that her landlord would suddenly come at her to move. Someone must have contacted them about her violations of her lease. I wonder who that could have been?  B-)
  • =D>
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • 2nd post: fortunately for my family and I we have enjoyed every moment with our bully's for close to ten years. Several years ago we had our first litter, far and away totally encompassed our lives, dove head first into the abyss. The reward of loving and giving everything you have into a litter is one of the greatest joys a bully lover will know. Fortunately I was not out maneuvered by one Danielle Charlet. Reading thru the many comments on this forum reads like a few bully owners would like to locate her. It is in the spirit of our breed  I'll share a few more of her statements from Aug 1, 2013. Danielle..."my boyfriend is joining the Air Force that's why I have to sell my 6 wk old female puppy. I planned on keeping her but my situation has changed. I'm only able to keep Ellie and Gus". (Not completely sure she said Gus). I'd like to move back to Tucson soon maybe I can breed and have another litter then". Side bar note....our first conversation Danielle pricing was $1400, few days later $1100, our last and final conversation was $800 cash for the puppy. I have never experienced or offered such bizarre pricing for an AKC Bull Terrier, never. As I closed out my earlier post, this gal exists on a phylum below plant life!!
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I can only wonder who the "True" parents of that puppy are and how many puppies from the litter actually survived. Her last litter ended up with birth defects and still borns. Only one puppy from that litter survived. That particular puppy (Rupert) was the one that she claimed a different sire with in order to scam Juan out of stud service fees. Her past litters were oddly plagued with the same misfortunes.
    I'm willing to bet the 6 week old puppy she's looking to sell for $800 doesn't even have registration papers. Well I'm sure she's ready to pack up and move elsewhere. She's doomed in that state for breeding. What she doesn't realize is that she's doomed no matter where she goes because many people are watching out for her. >-)

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • LOL Xtracho :)]

    My Husband got a call from one of our male puppy buyers.  He said he found an ad where Danielle was trying to sell a female puppy.  Well, I looked and the ad is not where she used to advertise for my puppy's.  Apparently it was true. 

  • So...I'm perusing my Facebook messages (did not know Facebook had an "other" category for messages. And there in that folder is a message from Julio Marin in Mexico. Seems Daniel and Janice cheated him on a female as well. I do not have the details as of yet bit hope to have them soon. Steve, I'll email you the message, translated, because it is in Spanish.
  • Other category....gunna have to look for that.  Who's Janice?  Doing business like that in Mexico.  Mmmm I'd be watching my back.  No, I wouldn't have the nearve.
  • She apparently is one of Danielle's friends. Seems that, at least as far as I can figure, Danielle got a female from Julio and never paid for her. Dog's name is Alice.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    You'd think Danielle, and even, Janice would be on pins and needles with so many people within the Bull Terrier community despising her. She's up against a lot of serious allegations in which I have no doubt are authentic. Juan is actively working with AKC on the DNA tests and many have already complained to AKC about her. Danielle doesn't have an established AKC kennel name and Zerlett Kennels was just a name she came up with which has no reputation or merit. However, her name is out there and will always show a history of nothing but complaints. The problem is Danielle is learning all the ways around manipulating AKC documents and records (which isn't hard) and damaging the pedigree and reputation of many bloodlines which in turn only hurts the breed. As many already know, the Bull Terrier breed in general is on the upper scale in regard to average puppy cost. A lot has to do with the rarity of the breed, difficulties in breeding, and the fact that the bloodlines within the breed still run strong without too much contamination. Years ago the Rottweiler breed used to be this way until the breed became more and more popular in this country and many unprofessional and thoughtless breeders got their hands on some and began breeding any and all which soon spread bad genetics. Now the breed has turned into one with many concerns much like the German Shepard. Even the once very expensive English Bull Dog has been jeopardized in many ways by bad breeders here in America. It's breeders just like Danielle that contribute to the demise of breeds because they could care less about the health, temperament, and proper structure of the breed per the standard. I hope and pray the BT breed doesn't get this way as it gains popularity. However, the more and more I see new breeders evolving and the quality of their dogs the more I worry about the overall reputation of the English Bull Terrier. Even when I wish to add a new bloodline within my breeding program the last place I'd look for a BT would be here in America. Thus my reasons for acquiring Nitro from outside the country. For those wanting to learn more about proper and strict regulations look up Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and compare it to regulations of AKC. Although FCI is the only worldwide canine organization (not registration) America is not a part of the group. However, AKC recognizes FCI adogs throughout the world. In the event we maintained the same strict regulations as the FCI we wouldn't have nearly the problems we do here in USA. Until then we're going to see a lot more Danielle's popping up all over.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • edited August 2013
    Sad :(
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • Very sad.  Just makes you sick to your stomach about these Bullies.
    Craig Lee BONC Jacksonville NC
  • This awful saga continues... :-q
  • Hey you guys.  We talked to Chris, the owner of one of our male pups.  He is really into researching dogs papers.  He found Claxxton on a web page (World AKC records, or something like that.  He said it dated back to the late 1800's. 
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Geez, I didn't know Claxxton was that old. :))

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Well, look who's been in my photo bucket.  sonicblue23  AKA  Danielle Charlett
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Kinda like toenail fungus.  If you are prone to it, no matter how much treatment it gets, it keeps creeping back.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC

    =))  She needs serious help!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Who owns Dozier?  Isn't that the male she had to breed for another man?  Apparently I accidently put a pic in my photo bucket of Dozier, I didn't notice it wasn't Claxxton.  She brought it to my attention, that Dozier is her dog.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    I think you have it wrong.... It's just that she is dozier than most.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    She must be keeping a close eye on you. Dozier isn't her dog anyway.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • So, Diane, I see rather than leave my comment and the picture I commented on posted, you deleted it and my comment before posting here...As stated before (and in my comment that had my name on it) I own Dozer. I see you still did not delete the picture of Ellie that was before Dozer's picture, and decided to come here and start something. Sonicblue23 has been my alias for MANY years since I graduated HS in '03 if you would have posted the comment here in the forums and not simply deleted it; I made it very clear it was me. 

    My husband wanted to file a complaint that you were using Dozer's picture without our consent, and no notation indicating that Dozer was not Claxxton or not related to Claxxton. I chose the more diplomatic route and posted on the picture putting proper notation and photo credit. How you would think this picture is Claxxton when they don't look remotely alike is beyond me. Here is to original photo for reference:

    What I remember of my post was something to the effect of this: Diane I'm not sure why you have posted a picture of my dog Dozer here but I would have wished that you would have asked my permission before you posted it. This is Dozer AKA Zerlett's Bull in a China Shop, the prior photo is of  his mother Ellie or Reach for the Sky Electra of Zerlett photo credit to Danielle Charlet. Both dogs are Ann Dees lines and unrelated to Claxxton. ~Jess Rosolowski

    I'm not sure why you would delete it when it clearly had my name on it and then come on the forum here and exclaim that Danielle is stalking you. I found his picture on a google search btw ;) It's poor form in the dog world to post pictures of other people's dogs without notifying them first. That was my only objection and you are not the first person I have contacted regarding this since Danielle posts the picture publicly on Facebook.

    dozer head.jpg
    933 x 933 - 99K
  • This entire topic is tedious and has nothing noteworthy to offer.
  • I need to get with Juan and see what, if anything, has come about from the AKC.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Even after the gluttony of ThanksGiving I could gobble gobble up a plate full of those beauties!!! Only trouble is, I'm out of Mustard!, will have to wait until our next trip to the city to stock up.

    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Thanks phil.  We are having such fun.  They are growling now.  I want to keep them all.  ;))
  • Jess....Your posting in my photo bucket did start like that, the rest...well, never mind.  I am not going to argue with you here. Clearly from my post above I did think it was Danielle, as it said her name.

    I thank you very much for bringing to my attention that I had any pictures of dogs other than my own.  I bulk loaded pic's Danielle forwarded me.  I missed it, and I am truly sorry.  Yes, I should have been more careful.

    'since Danielle posts the picture publicly on Facebook.'  I did not even imply Danielle is stalking me.  But I have no doubt she now regrets geting rid of Claxxton.  I suspect according to you, she is bashing me over the pictures in my photo bucket, that is why you are angry.  I have no intentions in changing my photo bucket to private.  I have over 600 new friends, and they all want to see Claxxton & Willie.  I question your need to defend Danielle.   Does Dozier live with you as family?

    Please let Danielle know, Claxxton is happy with us.  We asked him recently, and he said he never wanted to go back to her.  He no longer cowers as if he is going to be beaten.  Yes, he still spins, but he is getting better.  We know that is from being caged all the time.  We are teaching him how to spend time in our home as a member, and be content to play on the floor or lay on my furniture. 

    This is a friendly forum, we invite you to join.  As far as Daniell is concerned, I've heard enough. 

  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Very well said Diane! I'm still a little shocked there are people out there, knowing all the things Danielle has done to her dogs and other breeders she's ripped off, that actually support and defend her. Actually there's only 3 people I've even heard of that support her and some that secretly entertain her as they do others.
    @Jezz_Rozo - I'm in high hopes you decide to pull yourself away from the dark side and band with the Bull Terrier community that truly loves and cares for the breed vice involve yourself with individuals that lack compassion for the breed. It's quite clear Danielle's moral compass is way off  track and she will never be forgiven for the unjust things she's done.
    My praise goes out for Dianne who took in a Bull Terrier that was seriously neglected, wrongfully treated, and lived a life crated for 80% of the day. Claxxton is now living within a loving home where he's cherished. God only knows what his destiny would have been had he remained with Danielle much longer. I'm confident you know the story with her previous 2 Bull Terriers may they Rest in Peace.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • I fail to see how I'm 'defending Danielle' when I simply brought to her attention that she had two pictures posted (in a photo album with Willie and Claxxton) of dogs that do not belong to her.

    If she had wanted to defend herself, honestly and honorably, she would have left the picture for y'all to see with a link and let y'all decide what to make of it. I know what I wrote, and I wish I had been wise enough to take a screen shot but I thought we could be adults and clarify a very simple error on her part. 


    Steve, you yourself have voiced similar annoyances about other site showcasing YOUR photos and taking off your marks, signs, etc. I fail to see how voicing that concern equals me defending Danielle. I can see that Dianne might be upset that I gave Danielle photo credit, but Danielle DID take the photos. As much as you might hate her, that doesn't excuse Diane from showcasing photos that she took of my dog without proper credit.

    How would you feel, Steve, if you google searched "white bull terrier" and found a photo of your dog on a flicker site, unmarked, in an album called "Proud Parents" ...... when your dog isn't related to (or parent of) any of the dogs in that album?

    Wouldn't you be a little concerned? Wouldn't you be a little upset? Who knows what kind of inferences could be drawn, especially since there were shots of pedigree documents and there were no names on the dogs.... specifically if she did decide to breed. 

    All I wanted was that Dozer be listed properly if she is going to display his photo. Instead of listening to that VERY reasonable request, I get a dramatic series of posts to what should have been a very quiet and very private exchange. How would you feel if that happened to you?

    Why am I being painted with this brush when I have done nothing but be reasonable? Dozer, Cinnamon, and Delilah free roam and sleep with us in our bedroom (and sometimes our bed when they hop up at night). They are our fur babies. Why would you even bring that up, as an ad hominem attack, when the issue is about display of my dog's photo? Why resort to character assassination?

    The only thing you know about me is that I bought a dog from Danielle. You don't know how I raise my dogs, how I feed my dogs, or anything else about me, yet I am on the "dark side" of the bull terrier community.

    I've never said anything negative about anyone. I've never been a drama queen. All I've ever done was clarify things because being honest about problems is the only way to solve problems without creating more problems. So, does that philosophy make me or my position less worthy of being heard? Does where I purchased my dog make me less worthy, since Diane purchased her dog from the same person? 
  • Jess_Rozo you were upset before you ever saw my photo bucket.  That's why you googled 'white dog'.  That must have come from Danielle.  Apparently there are 'show people' that do in fact post other dogs intentionally for self gain.  I explained to you how that happened in my photo bucket.  Why would you want me to leave it up, you brought it to my attention to correct it. 

    You're trying to make more of it than it really was.  I was NOT trying to take credit from any of your dogs, or anyone else's dogs.  You pointed out a mistake of mine, and I tried to correct it.  I said I was sorry, and I truely am.  Now, please, please, please....forgive me.  It was not my intent for Steve to stick up for me.  I brought it here because we ALL have are alert where Danielle is concerned.  If she pops up in the BT world we all want to know, yes, and stop her.

  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @Jess_Rozo - I can understand your concern with people using your photos. Trust me it happens to me all the time. I guess it all depends on how the photos are being used which would determine whether I needed to have them removed or not.
    Maybe I'm unaware as to the extent of what occurred with the photos and comments. I guess I was just a little taken back that the thought of filing a complaint was warranted. Your comment made it sound as though you were very upset. However, your explanation on your request to remove the photos was very understandable.
    I'm not trying to pick sides and in the event there was some form of malice involved than I apologize. However, I'm confident this was just a trivial mistake that could have been easily corrected with communication. I hope it's all cleared up now. Don't let others stir the pot and cause hate and discontent for you if they are pointing things out to you in fashion that's projected in the wrong light.
    This whole thread has no positive merit to it other than allowing others to be fair warned about Danielle as a potential breeder. My hopes are that you're not a friend or supporter of her.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • I'd say your hopes are not warrented.  My cell phone lit up with messages from Danielle.  She addressed every word mentioned in this thread.  She wanted me to know the reason she sold Claxxton is because he is an ugly dog, poor producer for puppys, and did not show well.  I will spare you guys the rest.  It bores me.

    I suspect she is trying to discredit our current litter.

  • Know what...screw her and her flea bitten boyfriend. For whatever reason she sold Claxxton, THANK GOD she did. She is the worst kind of dog abuser....bordering on the psychotic and purporting herself to be reputable. She must have been schooled where they taught "Tell a lie long enough and you'll believe it" classes. Time to deny her of her audience. @DianeWright....get one more text from your cell phone provider and then call the cops. Need her address?
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