@DianeWright If you are going to post links to photos like that in future, I insist that you include a Peanut Butter or Mustard Dipping Jar in the corner on the same webpage!!!! :x Too yummy!
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Great mountain shot, I get the feeling they shot a bunch of those old "cowboys & crooks" movies on that landscape.... or Lassie or something. ~~~~ & MUD, MUD, glorious MUD!
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
I can't get over the strange things bullies do... In this photo you can see that the kids lie on my wife's dressing gown waiting for her to come out of the shower.... (They always have to be within 5ft of one of us), but they always mimic each other's pose, frequently lying exactly the same way.
I'd love to say this is one of my Bullies, but it's not. It does go to prove however, if you want to demonstrate what great characters Pit Bulls can be... Just have one of your dogs take a selfie with one.
Maya likes to sleep in the most uncomfortable positions while in the car ...she was actually yawning in this pictures...looks like she's about to attack )
Taping in that manner is good to train the ears to stand but remember the tape training is not solely to train the ears to stand but also to stand correctly by pointing up not out. You may want to consider putting a bridge between the ears and taping them tighter together. Raider sure is looking NICE though! :-bd
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
Have not been around (again) lately. Maya actually stood still long enough to get a half way decent photo. Two years old and she has filled out wonderfully!
Rodney should be in this picture, but I can't find him since there isn't a crazed maniac zooming around. There's something that resembles him, but there's no way that resting object can be him.
I've been working with Raider of not biting and have had limited success. On last week's Pontoon outing with our identical twin great grand daughters, Raider decided to nibble on one of the girls toes. Fortunately he just licked rather than bite.
Has anyone seen one of the Hi-End Boutiques ??? And I mean HIGH END! Wow, we went to an open air country concert last night and bumped into it. Dang, are the things expensive, amazing but, expensive! Fortunately nothing in the store would fit our kids... seems mostly caters for Fru-Fru variety. They had a bed that Isabella would die for (She loves to roll, dance and growl in her bed) But this one looked like a bear skin rug/ pool) $250!!!! She'd probably attack it. But they had some cool feeding bowls I'm going to save up for.
My car is in the shop so the rental agency gave me a minivan.... The kids love it.... I'm going to buy one next time... It even has a little TV screen they can watch cartoons.
What a awesome photo there's no way sophie would sit like that with the doors both sides open she would be gone obsconded there's faces made me laugh Marco is like okkkk ill just sit here and wait while u take a photo and isabella like come on dad how long have I got to pose like this I know I'm beautiful but u r taking to long lmao .
And the amazing thing is that they sit like that, gazing out of the window all the way to their destination... If I got a Minivan though I'd have to get them some "belt harnesses", if I had to brake suddenly they'd go flying.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
If you are going to post links to photos like that in future, I insist that you include a Peanut Butter or Mustard Dipping Jar in the corner on the same webpage!!!! :x Too yummy!
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
It does go to prove however, if you want to demonstrate what great characters Pit Bulls can be... Just have one of your dogs take a selfie with one.
X-Rated Bullies watching TV.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
I applied this on him just now to see how he'll react. He's pretty hyper now so I'll redo it after he settles down later this afternoon.
:-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
I think Raider is trying to get his ears to mimic those goal posts! Good job!
success. On last week's Pontoon outing with our identical twin great
grand daughters, Raider decided to nibble on one of the
girls toes. Fortunately he just licked rather than bite.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"