@ BigBear... Did you know there are still places in Africa where, as a child, they start wearing these round brass rings and keep adding them so that their neck stretches...... It's a sign of beauty to have a long neck... But Sophie is already beautiful and it's illegal in the UK.!!! |)
Lol sophies collar is not to stretch her neck the material holds the cord choke in place behind her ears so it does not full down her neck ha ha u do make me laugh )
Those are some excellent photos of Sophie! You caught her in a stacked position on that first photo and boy does she stand with confidence and pride. She sure looks sharp!
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
Thank u @BulliesofNC it's very rare I can get my camera out quick enough to get a good photo of her standing but she heard a noise and had the camera OUT lol .
He's doing really well! Settling in nicely calming down in some respects (not so worried when I move around the house, not barking as much at random noises) getting hyper in other ways like bouncing around spinning in circles like he's chasing his tail but he's not! Hahaha getting very playful an very loving towards me. Medically his skin is still showing signs of improvement one leg even seems like there is some hair re growth, his no2 seem more solid and not like he is straining with that much anymore....... So I'm holding out some hope that he is really doing well with me! No changes on the leg he seems to know when he's over doing it with it, I still walk him but very limited he lets me know when he wants to go back which is a good thing and we really don't go far! I have had a rough price range on surgery if he is going to need it 800-1500 so I need to sort a few things before I can pay for the procedure but I'm going to try and keep him comfortable and not irritate it until he can have it sorted!
Seems like he's doing good all round fantastic operations r very expensive did the vet seem to think he has what steve said glad he's bonding well with u I thought it was the same photo from the other night lol I'd blame it on its late in the night ha ha )
That's brilliant I finally got to sleep at about 2 am and been out at the beach today with them not that the weather was great tired now a early night tonight lol .
@aau004.. Okay/... I'm going to send you a bunch of pre-paid Fedex boxes... and when she has puppies you can put each one in one box and overnight them to me here in the US. It's about time we had some good SA Bullie (land-shark) blood in this country!
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
HA ha The couriers will have a tough time.!!! we are really looking forward to our 1st pups but its till some time though... I think Roman needs a SA Female so expect a Fedex delivery !!! he looks ready for action
HA ha The couriers will have a tough time.!!! we are really looking forward to our 1st pups but its till some time though... I think Roman needs a SA Female so expect a Fedex delivery !!! he looks ready for action
Believe it or not there is people looking to breed with him from everywhere dirty little dog lol
@Seon ... Please, please don't take this the wrong way... As there have been many, many times in my life when I have had to say to myself ( afterward ) " hey, lame-brain, what were you thinking".... But, I would put a harness on him when he is on a boat. I know the last thing he is going to do is fall in the water ( even Miami Dolphins Star players fall off their boats into the water if you remember the story from a few weeks back) ... Especially if the boat's moving, he would go under and in an effort to pull him back, with that choker chain, swallowing water? And things that I hate to even think about. Okay, so, if you must, you can never talk to me again, but I'd prefer that to hearing reports of Raider's mishap. I want to see photos of him growing up and throwing footballs. With a harness you can pull him back on board like a giant tuna, and have a good laugh doing it.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Oh my!! @philsergeant I don't know if Quinn would be interested in Marco's advances!! There are tennis balls to be had so she doesn't have much interest in others...
@BulliesofNC she loves that playing in that yard... Surprisingly though, she takes care of her tennis balls. Kind of chomps on them rather than destroys them. They break in half usually, but then the chewing experience is even more fun!! Except when she finds a wild tennis ball that is not hers, those she will rip the skin off of. Don't know why!
@philsergeant Good catch. I had just taken the PFD (personal floatation device) for doggies off of him and we were idling back to the marina when the picture was taken. I was also holding the leash "just in case" and as you can see, no tension on it. He thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
As mentioned, this was Raiders maiden voyage on the fishing boat and after a few more outing, where he and I feel comfortable, he’ll have free range on the boat but with his PFD on while on the water.
BTW this is where he rode where we first got underway.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Raider is half that weight at 16 wks...but then again he's a Mini
@philsergeant, you've got a couple beauties there!
@seon that will explain that then
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
you not tell by the ladylike pose,Solo is a SHE!
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
I think Roman needs a SA Female so expect a Fedex delivery !!! he looks ready for action
That's a great photo of him. You just got to convince him to keep those front feet pointed straight vice facing outboard.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Yeah mate legs are straight just the way the pic was taken as he was just about to chase a bee lol
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
@BulliesofNC she loves that playing in that yard... Surprisingly though, she takes care of her tennis balls. Kind of chomps on them rather than destroys them. They break in half usually, but then the chewing experience is even more fun!! Except when she finds a wild tennis ball that is not hers, those she will rip the skin off of. Don't know why!
doggies off of him and we were idling back to the marina when the picture was
taken. I was also holding the leash "just in case" and
as you can see, no tension on it. He thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
As mentioned, this was Raiders maiden voyage on the fishing
boat and after a few more outing, where he and I feel comfortable, he’ll have
free range on the boat but with his PFD on while on the water.
BTW this is where he rode where we first got underway.