Hey @philsergeant, I went fishing today without Raider and when I got home my wife told me that she had him in the Kennel for about 10 minutes when he started furiously barking so see peeked out the window and saw a Coyote standing right against the wire. She immediately started yelling and banging against the window and the Yote ran off!
Raider did his job and I rewarded him with a slab of Steak! BTW I'm eating Beans tonight ( ... )
It's amazing that they can sense something that is out of sight and not making any noise (that we can hear anyhow)... Problem is ours sometimes go nuts about 03:30 when I'm meant to be getting my best sleep.
Next to the "Quote" word, to the right, when you mouse over it turns to a hand and when you click you get Edit or Delete... which is what I did to your first one.
BTW, I don't think anybody else will want to know about your beans tomorrow morning (... not even the fish
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Took Raider out on his second boat ride yesterday. He had more of a free range than before, walking from bow to stern which he enjoyed. Like on his maiden voyage, he took in the scenery and barked at the buoy markers.
@BullysofNC, he licked them then I released the fish. I forgot to bring a cooler so none kept. I also forgot the sun block and Raider's mommie tore me a new one when we got home .
@mbgood & Seon.... Thanks, it is hard to accept compliments for the kids because only God can create such wonderful creatures... Everywhere we go people just love them, and they show their special side, like you can see how Isabella got especially quiet and calm for this special needs kid, and it was wonderful to see how much it meant to the kid to be able to pet her for a long while, Isabella just stood there cuddling.
What beautiful photos Marco looks like a bull ready for the charge they look huge what wonderfull kids a nd beautiful weather u have there miserable here in the uk
Issa is the funniest, she is like a running back (USA Football)... She runs right toward you, (or Marco), full speed, fakes left, fakes right, all in a split second, then goes the other way at the last possible moment... impossible to tackle.... I like taking fast frames when they are running/ playing... you get some really weird "poses"... Issa looks like the hunchback of Notre Dame in that one shot.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
They look so happy running free !!! the grass and water looks so nce...out here its almost winter again and the grass turnes yellow and brown and the bullies are full of dust and sand. They are all the same like speeding buffalo...and if you stand still they dont really try and miss you......
Just looking through a few pictures back and I noticed Marco has a prong collar on was wondering did it affect his neck I did get one for Sophie but as she has no fur under her neck and it made her so sore and left marks and i used it so lightly on her had good results for making her walk well but it was no good for her skin so had to stop it she had a skin problem on her neck when she was younger it kept flaring up and resulted in her fur never grew back .
@bigbear1tracey ... Yes we don't use a prong collar on Isabella for the same reason... being white her fur is much thinner than Marco's.... Even with Marco we only use it when he goes out in public places where he is likely to see other dogs. He is good most of the time, but he just LOOOOOVES other dogs, and will pull to get toward them... The pinch collar doesn't stop him but helps somewhat... He has a good strong amount of fur around his neck, but we still only let him wear it 2 / 3 hours a week. We have tried all the harnesses and "thunder collars" that people design to stop dog's pulling, but they are designed by morons and don't work.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
I know the feeling if I was to put a harness on sophie is just gives her more strength she is a terrible puller hence why I got the backpack and thst collar because otherwise I can't walk her .
This is how much Bullies "fear" being left alone. Whenever we shower and change; the dogs come to the bathroom to see how we dress afterward.... If, in my case, I put on long pants, they are almost certain that we are going out/ or to work, but, for sure, they are not going along, and we are not staying home. Bad news. They work this all out. If it's shorts we're wearing then there's a 90% chance we are staying home or they are going along if we leave the house. This is how Marco waits to find out the result... Lying over my shorts while I shower, in hope. Same thing every day.
Bullies always have their noses "Up Something"!... Ours always spike themselves because they love to trance under drooping plants and all the palms here with droopy fronds have those real spikey spines.... They look like they ran into a Porcupine all the time.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Holy Crap, That's not funny. Ouch! How about his eyes? The rest I am sure will heal ... That could not be one porcupine, must have been a whole nest... I can't believe the Bullie would stick around that long... but then I can. Tell us more.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
The picture is from 2005 of a female bully named Inca; I think she was Canadian, but I'm not certain. She even had quills inside her mouth. I found it so fascinating (and horrifying) that I have saved it all these years, and give it a look-see every now and again to remind me that Piggy's (and now Smurf's) endless (and sometimes irritating) curiosity could be much, much worse!
Ah bless her u can't even imagine the pain she must of been in well that photo looks like she would make a good recovery I'm shocked at how well she looks was that photos after the spikes was removed or some time after .
I can’t believe those pics.....wow. And that she didn’t lose en eye is amazing...Now my Jinx injury looks like nothing...Wow.. We have plenty Porcupines in the bush were we walk but luckily they are nocturnal so we will stay clear from them
I remember those photos going viral years ago. They had additional photos at the Vets office taking each one of those needles out of that Bullie. It was a long process. Ouch!
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
Raider is just a naughty little shit! I can translate exactly what that look is telling you from here! He says; "Hey Dad, stop being such a whinge, and get that credit card out and get your **s down to the Pet Store pronto"!!!!
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Solo can't be bothered to move today ,weather is horrible,cold and rainy.second week of heat cycle it's all getting on top of her ( have to keep going and poking her to make sure there's signs of life )
Next to the "Quote" word, to the right, when you mouse over it turns to a hand and when you click you get Edit or Delete... which is what I did to your first one.
BTW, I don't think anybody else will want to know about your beans tomorrow morning
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Took Raider out on his second boat ride yesterday. He
had more of a free range than before, walking from bow to stern which he enjoyed. Like on his maiden
voyage, he took in the scenery and barked at the buoy markers.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
They are all the same like speeding buffalo...and if you stand still they dont really try and miss you......
This is how Marco waits to find out the result... Lying over my shorts while I shower, in hope. Same thing every day.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
The rest I am sure will heal ... That could not be one porcupine, must have been a whole nest... I can't believe the Bullie would stick around that long... but then I can. Tell us more.
We have plenty Porcupines in the bush were we walk but luckily they are nocturnal so we will stay clear from them
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"