I helped you out with getting that picture to post for you Diane. Next time just copy the DIRECT link and paste it in the photo (insert image) icon on the tool bar.
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
Thanks Steve. She is very mischievous. (Just courious about everything, into everything.) Our last puppy. We had her sold. I'm sending money back tomarrow. I want a better home for her. Claxxton loves playing with her, even Buster gets into it sometimes.
Does anyone know why Diane has decided to sell Willie? The curiosity is killing me. She changed the price from 1000 to 500, and that seems like she's in a rush to get rid of her.
Well Mr Feline, I know it's never good reading between the lines, because it's never possible to walk in anyone else's shoes, but if I were to hazard a guess; sometimes it's really hard dealing with two or more dogs that just don't get on, and yes, it is always possible to simply slip on the Cesar Milan cap and acclimatize them to one another.... But some times it's tough under certain circumstances and we can assume Diane wants to find the best environment for both. I often have to admit that sometimes I am no Cesar.... At least Diane seems devoted to finding the ideal home even if she "loses money" doing so..... But, I could be way off.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Good answer Phil. However, that may be the case on a new addition to the family and pack but if I'm not mistaken this female is over 3 years old. The usual protocol when dogs aren't getting along would be to rehome the newbie that's unable to mingle with pack vice adopt out one of the ones that's been around since it were puppy. I guess to understand what I'm saying a good comparison would be if you obtained another Bull Terrier and found out that dog had issues with another one of your Bullies and your solution was to rehome Isabella. I'm sure Diane has good reasons for her decision to rehome Willie and I'm sure Claxxton is very happy for making the cut.
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
I just think it's sad, she had Willie for three years, brings in a new dog which can be stressful on the other dogs, breeds her, which can also be stressful on the dog, then as soon as the pups are gone is selling her. That's how I see it. The first post said she had to go because of the landlord said so, but if she does have a landlord, why purchase another dog? I guess my question is why bring in another dog, just to get rid of your first? To me that's like giving up your first child because the second didn't color on your new sofa yet. I would just like to know what's going on, I understand it's not my place or really concern, but I can't help but ask. After I posted the original question, the post was edited taking the landlord part out.
Since it doesn't specify which "kids", I'm going to subject all of you to my adorable bunny while I am on a puppy waitlist. His name is Mont Blanc and he's two months shy of 12-years-old, just a little over one pound. He's how I got through Katrina, holding him and reaching a state of total zen when I thought I could not survive another second of the chaos around me. I love him so, so, so very much.
This is a picture of him taking a nap with his favorite toys, a Christmas Bumble and his hedgehogs.
@exiled...did not know you were there for the Storm of the Century.There is nothing more comforting than a loyal furkid when stress levels are high. Way back when, my youngest daughter wanted a hermit crab...so we got her one. Although not as furry as a rabbit he/she has been a constant companion in our household for 10 years now.
My mother in law lives in Kenner, just a few blocks from the Esplanade Mall, and evacuated to Houston the day before the storm. When the 17th street levee breached her house ended up with about 4 feet of water inside.
Wow. That certainly is interesting about other companion types.... We have Male Love Bird who we have provided with 3 wives but none of them lasted (divorce rate in USA today is crazy)... but we have had him 15 years and he is a great communicator even though he's getting a little cranky now. Don't know about the Rabbit and the Bullie though... Our kids go "rabbit hunting" every night around 10 when they get their pre-bed walk.... Our community is littered with rabbits and they're all scurrying around at night and the kids love to chase them. We wonder whether they'd attack them if we allowed them to get up close... or just wag their tail and rub noses, as they do with most other creatures they meet. Wouldn't want to test that out on your treasure Exiled.... but, if the Bullie grows up with him, it might be a great friendship.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
The bunny had a great bond with our Corgi that passed away a couple of years ago. It was one of those situations where the bunny would be against a side of the cage and the Corgi would snuggle up to that side of the outside of the cage and go to sleep. I'd never allow them to both be free together, especially with his old age and having lost most of his sight due to seizures. It's really an instinct that I won't allow to kick in for either of them. I'd never allow my bunny to be that vulnerable, he's like my child, my kids even acknowledge he's their brother, lol. His cage is large, but it's on wheels and easy to maneuver around the house. You're right, though, I'd fear the worst if he any rabbit was running loose and it wouldn't be a dog's fault if something tragic happened.
I must admit its a little weird how much brother and sister love each other... With the Olympic coverage it kinda smacks of all these Russian ice skating couples that seem to have this amazing relationship.....
Rodney is loving being out on the deck with us, playing with his new blue ball. He LOVES this toy, throwing it himself and teasing us with it. He also finds shady spots to relax. He's a very happy bullie and we love him very much. Bonus, I don't need to tape his ears!
Maya has the sweetest look going. Can't help but give that a hug.
Spud's pooped since we did the dog park two days in a row and was there with a 4 month lab puppy. Can't take pictures since my phone is gone but I'll ask my buddies at the park. Tomorrow Soud's harness comes and we will give the pulling a try.
@philsergeant...yeah I see that alien green sticking out there. We need to keep her away from the lawn guy when he comes to fertilize the lawn I guess.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Thanks Steve. She is very mischievous. (Just courious about everything, into everything.) Our last puppy. We had her sold. I'm sending money back tomarrow. I want a better home for her. Claxxton loves playing with her, even Buster gets into it sometimes.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Non mobile address
family and pack but if I'm not mistaken this female is over 3 years
old. The usual protocol when dogs aren't getting along would be to
rehome the newbie that's unable to mingle with pack vice adopt out one
of the ones that's been around since it were puppy.
I guess to
understand what I'm saying a good comparison would be if you obtained
another Bull Terrier and found out that dog had issues with another one
of your Bullies and your solution was to rehome Isabella.
I'm sure Diane has good reasons for her decision to rehome Willie and I'm sure Claxxton is very happy for making the cut.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
X_X :-??
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
This is a picture of him taking a nap with his favorite toys, a Christmas Bumble and his hedgehogs.
We wonder whether they'd attack them if we allowed them to get up close... or just wag their tail and rub noses, as they do with most other creatures they meet. Wouldn't want to test that out on your treasure Exiled.... but, if the Bullie grows up with him, it might be a great friendship.
Willie gets new clothes.
Boyda, your little partners in crime are soooooo BEAUTIFUL!
Spud's pooped since we did the dog park two days in a row and was there with a 4 month lab puppy. Can't take pictures since my phone is gone but I'll ask my buddies at the park. Tomorrow Soud's harness comes and we will give the pulling a try.
Pic's of our last puppy sold. Missy. She looks just like her Dad, Claxxton!
I liked the other photo's they provided of Missy a couple days ago too. - http://www.bulliesofnc.com/BTforum/discussion/1868/miss-missy#Item_8
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"