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My puppy roman



  • Never seen these before .

    Apparently decent I picked one up today and the seem like a winner lol
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Antlers and raw beef bones are actually good for the teeth on any dog regardless what age they are. It's a natural way of cleaning them and keeping them healthy.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Antlers and raw beef bones are actually good for the teeth on any dog regardless what age they are. It's a natural way of cleaning them and keeping them healthy.

    He has plenty bones etc the antlers were more for just a chew toy as such lol
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Well he'll surely love any antler he can chew on and enjoy.

    This is where I get mine because I prefer the Elk Antlers:

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Cheers mate he really seems to enjoy it lol
  • Where can u get them from in uk @roman.
  • Where can u get them from in uk @roman.

    I got mine from pets at home
  • When is a bullie male full height and when are there heads full size in length and shape etc obviously they continue to fill out but when is the actual structure there
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Full height is normally reached at 12 months old. Bull Terriers will continue to fill out until they are around 24 months old which is when they will reach their final growth potential. At 2 years of age most owners will see a big difference in the discipline of their Bull Terrier. This is when they become a lot easier to handle and mange because most of their rambunctious hyper puppy habits have dissipated.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • No problem pal they go through some strange growth big head little body then vice versa plus look heavy then lanky lol
  • When is it best to put your puppy on to 2 meals a day Roman still has 3 he's 5 and a bit month
  • I keep all my dogs on 4 meals a day till 6 months of age if they start to turn there nose up at it then I'd go to 3 meals till 6 months then 2 meals from then on . Some go to one meal after a yr but I spead them to 2 meals as I think it's a long time to go 24 hrs .
  • I have always fed my dogs twice a day after 6 month so I will stick with 3 meals for another month or so then go to twice daily
  • At what age do bullie puppies lose there puppy type coat
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Hopefully never!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Why never lol do they not go tougher to the touch or should they stay soft
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @Roman -  A very young puppy might feel very soft to the touch but as they grow the coat should actually feel slightly coarse. However, I have seen some Bull Terriers with slightly longer hair which is a lot softer than it should be. As far as losing their puppy coat that would be a good question because it's such a gradual thing that I couldn't even begin to say what the age would be. However, a 6 month old puppy no longer has the same softness that it once had as an eight week puppy. I've also noticed that the hair on a Fawn (not to be confused with Red) Bull Terrier are often softer than the average Bull Terrier. This may contribute to why people say Fawn is the least favored color especially in Shows.

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    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thanks mate that makes sense
  • In the last few days one of roman ears is a little soft at the top when he walks etc not as rigid as usual his ears have been up solid for months now any ideas why
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    This sometimes happen during growth and maturity. Start adding a package of Knox Gelatin in his food once a day. It will help harden the cartilage.

    knox gelatine.jpg
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    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • What do people suggest as the best liver to feed there dogs
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    That's a good question and one that I can't answer. Beef and Venison is the only liver I've provided my bullies. Which is better than the other, who knows. They enjoy them both and probably don't know the difference due to how fast they eat it.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • edited July 2015
    They love it but recently here in uk I see a lot feeding pork liver any thoughts on that
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I sure wish I could give you the Pro's and Con's with the qualities of the different types of livers but I just don't have the knowledge on their nutrition values or quality comparisons. Please note my basic daily diet consists of 3 elements below which maintain a balanced diet in which I do not have any need for questioning nutritional value or quality. Their nutrition values and reviews break down all the details to validate a proper balanced diet is maintained. By adding additions into my Bullies diet like raw meats, eggs, fish, veggies, etc is only to entice their appetite and provide extra protein and nutrients. Plus they love me for it.

    Basic Diet.jpg
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    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited July 2015
    As long as your dog keeps eating and doesn't get bored, and appears to be doing well on the particular mix you have him on, I would keep it, as Steve says, as basic as possible. Having more than one dog definitely helps with a sense of "competing" for food. Solo dogs do get the tendency to be bored with their food.  If you find you are "changing up" to create more exotic meals, it can sometimes backfire. Our kids love chicken livers and we added them in occassionally, but I always felt that they were a bit "rich", and now hardly resort to them because I felt they were not enhancing, in fact possibly detracting, from coat quality. The only thing that we add now and then and find that they don't distract, is eggs... mostly raw ones, sometimes scrambled.
    I've never tried pork or beef livers... chicken hearts are pretty good.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Thanks lad roman has always eat full raw diet he doesn't have kibble etc but he loves a little liver its his favourite lol
  • This dog will never learn ;(
  • When is dogs head fully developed am I correct in thinking its 2 years old plus what should a 7 month old bull terrier be like height and weight etc
  • Little update on roman he is roughly 7 and a half month and is 19 1/2 inches tall and 60.2 lbs in weight he's coming on well
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    60 lbs at 7 months! Wow, that's good! He's going to be a big Boy!!!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • He will be 8 month on the 11th of August so a little over 7 month but looking decent I think lol will need some fresh pics soon still looks like his head is small on his body lol but suppose there is lots of growing still to go with that
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Marco was exactly 60lbs at 7 months.... But I don't consider him a "big Bullie".... He is 75lbs now, and he is 30 months.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Marco was exactly 60lbs at 7 months.... But I don't consider him a "big Bullie".... He is 75lbs now, and he is 30 months.

    I don't really know if its big or not lol as compared to my other type dogs its just small lol so by the size of your dog I'm assuming they don't really grow to much after 7/8 months then as a 15lb increase in almost 2 years isn't much ?
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    A true 75 lbs Bull Terrier is a Big Bullie. You're just used to seeing him Phil. Marco is a gorgeous big Bullie.
    I seen people refer to their 55 lbs Bullie as being big and I guess to them it probably is big.  Personally I like them in all shapes and sizes.   ;)

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Birdie seems small compared to what everyone here reports. She weighted about 22 lbs the last time I checked. She will be 5 months old on August 1st. I am planning to take her by the vet's office next week to get a weight and buy whichever dose of heart worm med she needs. I haven't been buying it ahead because the dosing changes at 25 lbs.

    Here is the breeder's photo of Birdie at 36 days old.
    36 days a.JPG
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  • Bullies come in all shapes and sizes lol when was the last time u weighed her and what food etc do u feed
  • I actually have been writing weights down ... 22 lbs 6 days ago. But that probably isn't real accurate since it was obtained by me holding a wiggly pup while teetering on an ancient bathroom scale and then subtracting my weight. I'll be interested to see what she weighs at the vet.
    She is eating Blue Buffalo Freedom puppy kibble and meat -- sometimes chicken or whatever I am going to fix for myself but mostly elk.     
  • That's how I weigh my dog not always the best lol
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited July 2015
    I've always found the two-weight bathroom scale method pretty accurate... as long as you have an accurate scale to begin with.... (It's the realizing how much I have to deduct that I find the scary part  ;) )
    They typically start to level off the big ramp at 14/ 15 months, ayound any gain after 18 months is pretty slow.
    Marco was 65 at 12 months and only got to 75 at 24 months. Isabella was 62 at 12 months and is only 68 now.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    That "Zebra" Shot of Birdie is great... kinda one of those photos that if you stare at it it starts spinning!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Think my scales are hurting with me and roman standing on them lol
  • My scales never give me the same weight twice and the marker never quite settles back on zero. But I figure they are good for showing trends if not totally accurate weights. It would really be better for me if she didn't get really big. 

    The zebra photo arrived on the same day that I found out that her mother had been taken from the litter. I sat and debated walking away from her and my deposit. But that sweet little face suckered me back every time I considered finding another breeder.
  • edited July 2015

    Funny picture of roman as I watch television think someone wants to play lol
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  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited July 2015
    @thefourthmonkey You'll be very happy you didn't walk away... That little darling is going to wrap your heart around her little paw. How big were her mom and dad?  You could always try the Japaneses small feet trick and keep her wrapped in tight bandages!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • She is a he lol I wish he was a girl cause I'm tired of him humping like a mad man haha his mum is 20 1/2 inch tall and 71 3/4lbs his dad is just over 21 inch and last I knew 83lbs at less than 2 year old if I remember correctly
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Wow Roman! he is going to be a big monster!! Especially if he keeps watching movies!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Haha hope so mate I work him hard as well so I like my dogs fit as well as strong so I won't try add some extra lbs if it harms his function
  • @philsergeant: lol at wrapping her paws to keep them from growing. I only have photos of mom and dad and there is nothing in them that helps me gauge size. When I ask the breeder specific questions like "how much does mom weigh?" I get everything except an answer. I couldn't even get a helpful answer when I picked her up and asked how much she was eating. And yes, she already has me wrapped around her paw!
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    @the4thmonkey .... Unfortunately there are a LOT of "breeders" that need to be slowly lowered into a vat of Hydrochloric acid.... Their love of money surely detracts from their love of God.... so that day will eventually come... so you don't need to do anything to hasten the day... just love your Bullie and "up theirs"!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
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