I have just made it to this thread philsergeant, I am just LMAO!!! Thank you for the wonderful visuals and the great captions too! ROFL!!!!! Re the tug pictures? When my girl Target was little we also had a 139lb Rottie who just loved her to death. They were great pals. Target would bug Thor until he played Tug with her. But then as he was so much bigger it turned into CRACK THE WHIP! I would interfere as I was worried about that lil Bully flying around in a circle hanging happily at the end of a Tug with Thor hanging grimly on and circling!
She just adored this and would be unrelenting at bugging Thor, then I'd just put one of them out, and give Thor a break.
Sonja, I had a visual of Thor swinging the hammer like he does in those Marvel comic books and letting Target go at 50 mph! ( maybe she should have been called " missile" and you name your garage wall "target" :-) I bet she never forgave you for spoiling her fun, but understand your concerns ( garage walls can be expensive). Glad you enjoyed the thread, I try and keep everything silly because there is too much serious crap in the world and my bullies make it all better... So, when in doubt, know that I am always joking! Keep posting, I read all your comments!
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Lol@ yoshirican, I've taken so many pics of my bullie and he has only been here a week!! Lol I want to play tug with the stoge but I'm so nervous about screwing up his bite! He wants to tug with me but we have in other ways :-) Oh and we have seen the first (of I hope many) hucklebutts from our little beef-stoeger-noff!!( his daddies nickname for him! Lmao!)
Aww the pups are getting big philsergeant! Too many pretty bullies in this thread Bear isn't going to be huge but I think he'll grow up quite handsome! For fun, current pics of how he is developing :P
Hanging out on Friday.... Such a tough life huh! ... Really can't decide on where they should hang out on Fridays... (I work from home Friday's).... normally end up like in the last pic, under my feet at my desk, not letting me get any work done... But: 1) Marco's window box 2) Isabella chilling with Gran. 3) Rarely find them like this, and : 4) Under my chair. grappling.
Great photo! That Red Smut and White has a great chest on him! He looks like he's scaring her away. She's kind of giving him the side look and backing away. :P :-bd
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
Isabella tried to help, and claimed the prize in the end (typical female) :-) ... But Marco carried this log about a mile on his own... it was pretty heavy, I was impressed!
Xchairity, I LOVE their butts don't touch the ground!!! I'm really falling for these reds! Too cute! Phil, Marco is starting to look like such a grown up boy, where Isabella still has that puppy face!
Apollosmama, I also noticed their butts are 'too short"... it's because their hind legs are too muscular to fold under... That Xchairity is apparently a fanatical personal trainer or sumpin' :-) I hope Issy's face stays that young forever... I have never seen a bullie with such a soft look... (enlarge this one)
My favorite picture of Marco with his idol.... one of the neighbourhood horses, his best pal who comes over to the fence everytime he sees Marco. He even came over to give Isabella a kiss yesterday and she stayed and they sniffed and sniffed... as soon as the horse puckered up though Isabella did a back flip! "Whow! I'm not having any of that"... didn't catch the picture though, that would have been a classic!
Awesome picture Phil!! Our bullies do look similar to horses! Lol I saw a jockey costume thing and told stoges dad we were gonna get it! It's exspecially great aroun ere because we live close to a horse race track!
Speaking of bulbies sleeping under desk.... Stoeger is the car dealerships little mascot, yesterday the car sales tired this little guy out!! He had to catch a couple zzZz's under his daddies desk!
I used Google Earth to scope out your dealership, and I saw that the "Salesman of the Week" parking sign had been removed from the parking lot.... I guess it's been nailed to the underside of the desk!
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Someone is sitting with him right there! Stoeger loves our truck, I have a crate for him and if I have to run in a store I leave it running with him in the crate and the ac/heat on. I have a keypad entry so I lock the doors. He is never left in long but goes everywhere I go so sometimes it happens.
I concur Stoges_mom. My 4 legged go with me to take my 2 legged to school, Brutus goes on calls with me too, I leave the windows down a crack or heat/ac on as well. Cleo would eat my truck as we have here but B man is great.
Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
Leslie, thank you for the 200th comment on my string... ( I am in a secret competition with the Stoges, but seeing as they are over 300 already I think I have about as much chance of a fart in a thunderstorm ) ... Just kidding, no competing here, just loads of fun.
That brake lever chewing Bullie is the twin of Marco ( I nearly went out and checked my car) ... But there is definitely someone there with him... Obviously she doesn't give a crap about her husband's car... Where did you get the pic?
Fortunately I have one of those driver/ back dividers so I can take the kids anywhere... And yes I do need to leave them unattended for 4 or 5 minutes every now and then... But can leave the car running and locked... So it's a toss up between leaving them at home, caged, for two hours, or giving them an outing, and a shopping spree at Petco ( which they love ) for 5 minutes alone in the car ( while I beat up on the cashier to move her fat arse) :-)
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
I have just made it to this thread philsergeant, I am just LMAO!!! Thank you for the wonderful visuals and the great captions too! ROFL!!!!!
Re the tug pictures? When my girl Target was little we also had a 139lb Rottie who just loved her to death. They were great pals. Target would bug Thor until he played Tug with her. But then as he was so much bigger it turned into CRACK THE WHIP! I would interfere as I was worried about that lil Bully flying around in a circle hanging happily at the end of a Tug with Thor hanging grimly on and circling!
She just adored this and would be unrelenting at bugging Thor, then I'd just put one of them out, and give Thor a break.
Sonja & Pumba
I had a visual of Thor swinging the hammer like he does in those Marvel comic books and letting Target go at 50 mph! ( maybe she should have been called " missile" and you name your garage wall "target" :-)
I bet she never forgave you for spoiling her fun, but understand your concerns ( garage walls can be expensive).
Glad you enjoyed the thread, I try and keep everything silly because there is too much serious crap in the world and my bullies make it all better... So, when in doubt, know that I am always joking! Keep posting, I read all your comments!
I want to play tug with the stoge but I'm so nervous about screwing up his bite! He wants to tug with me but we have in other ways :-)
Oh and we have seen the first (of I hope many) hucklebutts from our little beef-stoeger-noff!!( his daddies nickname for him! Lmao!)
Aww the pups are getting big philsergeant! Too many pretty bullies in this thread
Bear isn't going to be huge but I think he'll grow up quite handsome! For fun, current pics of how he is developing :P
He's developing very nicely.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
1) Marco's window box
2) Isabella chilling with Gran.
3) Rarely find them like this, and :
4) Under my chair. grappling.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Those two are just my idols!
HAHA Not her Steve- she has that boy wrapped right around her paw, whatever she says GOES.
Thank you philsergeant! when that picture was taken it was after a 5 hour walk and we were heading home
I hope Issy's face stays that young forever... I have never seen a bullie with such a soft look... (enlarge this one)
Our little man sits like that but with his legs closer together, it's a hoot!
Great pics Phil!!! Tell me more about those harnesses, they look awesome!
What's the deal?
They get a LOT of use!
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
OMG Diane, that's hilarious!!! the exspression on he face is priceless!
Stoeger is the car dealerships little mascot, yesterday the car sales tired this little guy out!!
He had to catch a couple zzZz's under his daddies desk!
I found this on the internet. This is what a owner deserves when leaving a BT (or any dog) in a locked car. Notice the chain around the BT's neck.
That brake lever chewing Bullie is the twin of Marco ( I nearly went out and checked my car) ... But there is definitely someone there with him... Obviously she doesn't give a crap about her husband's car... Where did you get the pic?
Fortunately I have one of those driver/ back dividers so I can take the kids anywhere... And yes I do need to leave them unattended for 4 or 5 minutes every now and then... But can leave the car running and locked... So it's a toss up between leaving them at home, caged, for two hours, or giving them an outing, and a shopping spree at Petco ( which they love ) for 5 minutes alone in the car ( while I beat up on the cashier to move her fat arse) :-)