I saw a dog with wounds all the way around his neck due to a prong collar. Don't think you are supposed to leave it on the dog, just when you are working the dog.
I looked up a lot of information on the prong before I used it. I just make sure the prongs are on the back of the neck and the smooth part on the front and make sure it's high up on the neck, right behind the ears.
Prongs on the back of the neck????? Steve, Kate and I are Facebook friends too. The only crappy thing is FB picks and chooses who's updates I see. It's really annoying because I want to see my friends posts, not the random crap and ads or suggested likes! Kate liked one of my photos last week and I thought she was on a internet hiatus. I went to her page and missed dozens of Sergio pics!! I really liked the videos you posted here. Watching set my mind at ease. The way he uses it as "it the dogs fault he got pinched" doesn't make it seem as an adverse action. The human can sit there and say "hey dude, you did it to yourself". Jai24, if I can get video I will!!!! I know you are overseas, but I got ours at Petsmart. It was $25 and the prongs are nice and rounded. No sharp ends. You can add and remove prongs too!
@Apollosmama, That's the same one Stoges_mom bought at PetSmart.
BTW, the Martingale collar I had made for Stoge is just smidge too big.
I tried to have the smallest setting fit for the size his neck is now knowing he will be growing quite a bit more... Oh well, he will grow into it soon I'm sure and we will have yet another collaring option.
We were walking walls this morning. When I stood there and i pulled him backwards he didn't even flinch. It took about 10 times before he realized it hurt. But I caught and rewarded the second he backed up!!! He did good and I kept my hand at my hip. There was a few times he really pulled forward but I didn't move and rewarded the backup! I think it went well for the first try!
I'm looking into these martingale collars. I prefer the idea of getting a prong collar that can have some the bits taken out I'm guessing that will be less harsh
Prong collar is intended not to pierce skin but to condition the bully to know what's correct as long as the owner does it at the right time. To avoid any type of damage the best time to pull on the prong is on the moment of off heel.
For example as the dog moves in a direction not on path you pull and it will create a little whiplash that will catch the bully but not a direct pull. Very hard to explain but if you see how it's correctly used in YouTube videos. Not once has Spud been pierced by his prong collar and there have been times where he would pull and I wouldn't catch it quick and it was a hard tug so he felt it but never did it go through.
Thanks soap skid I kinda getting the jist now so in your opinion when I walk forward with beau and she still sits there will it prod in her neck and encourage her?? I'm just having visions of her still sitting there getting hurt (
You can do light tugs if you have the release command down. The release command is allowing them to release from what they are doing like sitting. When Spud sits and I'm ready to move forward I say come on and he starts the walk process. If he is distracted and is idle looking at something I do a light tug and say come on. The tugs indicate its time to go.
The only harsh tug on the prong should come when they pull and don't think it's harsh at all. Although at a certain point you can condition them with tugs to do stuff. When I want Spud to sit I just do a light tug on the prong and he will sit. When in sit I tug it down towards the ground and he will lie down. There's more its capable of but educate yourself online or through a trainer. I was taught by Spud's trainer.
Forgot to mention that in no way am I trying to influence you but educate you. Each bully is different and what's best is to train your bully based on his character and behavior then to think that the prong collar is an end all solution. Everyone works differently but as long as your are seeing results that's what's best for the pup.
There is a chance by the time Spud is 1.5 years I will move to a e-collar for off leash training. People have misconceptions about e-collars as well but if you have been educated on it you will see it doesn't hurt the dog as well. There's been discussion on this but I wouldn't mind seeing if anyone here has any good results with one.
@soapskid no I'm here to get advise I'm a learner with ebt they intrigue in me in every way.. So any advise is greatly appreciated I have been taking her training since she was 9 weeks she 23 weeks now. The trainer keeps saying the walking will come which in time it will I'm sure but for now its frustrating. Ironically when are there she walks :O but she is very comical as she is the naughty kid in the class she doesn't listen :-S I think if I could walk in a pet store here and have a good look I'd be happier. @boyda I'm not speaking against, us Brits don't seem to use them they don't seem to be acceptable here from what can work out that's why I'm doing my best to be educated on them
Jai24 So, Yesterday was the first full day we used the prong collar. Like the video, I worked with him against the wall, while pulling slightly back on the collar. I can't believe how far I actually pulled before he would move back. Talk about a high tolerance of pain! When I started walking against the wall and stopped he immediately sat!!! He wasn't playing games. I kept my thumb in my pocket and never pulled on it once. We started walking circles around the first floor where I would randomly stop. I did that when I first leashes trained him, so he already is pretty good at anticipating my moves. What was good about this, was he kept trying to pull to the right while we walked. Having that prong on kept him from yanking me too. But, I still could not believe how much he would still pull forward. Still not as bad at the Martindale though. He understands though, and all I had to do was put the collar on! Took him outside with it on and he tried to pull his jumping and biting me and the leash. It was a short fight. He jumped once and nipped me on the underside of my upper arm, but when he landed and tried to run he got himself good. All shenanigans vaulted! His neck wasn't even red! This morning I was brave enough to take him to the kids bus stop. He did outstanding. He tried to jump on two of the kids but realized mid jump his mistakes. He sat politely for petting after. I still only kept my thumb in my pocket with the leash in the J shape. My husband took him for his walk this morning and he said he did great! This afternoon was a bit different. My daughter is the weak link of the family. He will launch himself at her to nip and bite whatever is close to him. Fingers, elbows, hair etc. It is her that has the most problems when she takes him potty. I will look outside and they are rolling around in the grass and he is biting her while she's trying to pin him down. It's exhausting! He's never going to give up fighting with her if my husband and I are the ones who have to break it up. So this afternoon I put the prong on him and the 3 of us went outside. I showed her how to clip it, where it should sit and how to hold the leash. She stuck her thumb in her belt loop and walk ahead so he couldn't see me. Well he still started his crap with her, but it went pretty bad. He pulled sideways which caused the chain part to the side. The chain was pulled so tight he got it lodged in his mouth. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it the best so it's the part where the leash clips to and the chains pull together. That caused extreme pressure from the prong on the back of his neck and he flipped the hell out. I had to clamp him in my legs while I dug in his mouth for the release. On the bright side, his neck wasn't even red. It was slightly pink, but faded quickly. No horror story of puncture wounds. Which leads me into, make sure it fits correctly. I took 2 links out yesterday, but I wanted to see how minus 3 would fit. It seemed too tight so I added one back. That was my mistake. It wasn't too tight. It fit perfectly around is neck, I was just too much of a chicken poo and uncertain of myself. Had that third link been out earlier, it wouldn't have been stuck between his jaw. Soap, was it you who was wanting an e-collar? Those are the ones that give them a little shock when you press a button right? I saw one at Lowe's for $99 yesterday. I am SERIOUSLY thinking about getting one. If I have to break up on more fight between Apollo and my daughter I am going to go bonkers!!! Bonkers I tell us!!!!! I had to stop 3 times while writing is to break them up!
@Apollomama - Borrow Nicole's e-collar and see if you like it. She had one for her stud Caesar but I don't think she uses it anymore because he learned from it. I've used one before and they work great. I loaned mine out and it never returned. However, I've never had a need for it since.
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
I'm sorry yours never came back. I know I was socked at some of the prices on them. I think I'd still pay it if it meant peace between my 4 legged son and 2 legged daughter. I will get a hold of Nicole. I'm really ready to try. I can't tell you how many times they fight. She got a fresh bruise under her arm yesterday. He's got to stop hucklebutting across the couches too. The only reason the love seat hasn't fallen over is because I manage to make it over there to catch it. Lmao. Plus, he has fallen over the couch 3 times now. (In between the couch and the Windows) He's really going to hurt himself. Once he jumped into the window. I'm totally shocked he didn't go through it. Scared the heck out of me.
Sounds like you need the prong collar AND a thin horse whip.... He sounds like he needs his butt stinging each time he troubles your daughter. Our trainer shuffles the lead around under her foot, and if they try to jump up she jambs the lead to the ground, bringing the prong collar and the head to within 6" of the ground in an instant... It sure stops the up-jumping fast. The next action on their part is to lie down and wait for petting.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Apollosmama Wow thank you for all the info.... I think by sounds of it I would be exactly like you abit hesitant with size etc. this is the exact thing I thought I might have with beau she may still just just dig her heels in and won't get up on a walk either lie or sit and I would be pulling and shed sit there and I think my natural instinct would be to back up myself so it would loosen for her sake :-S He seems to be a git with your daughter I have this my youngest who 7 beau would see her as the weakest link I pinned beau down but my kid made it look like her I hid and ducked and my kid held her neck so we think beau thought it was her but what we think did help ( I know we're not out of the woods yet she still a baby and testing us) was when we starting training he said we had to hand feed and she had to work for it even her meals so one day I got my kid to do it for a few days as she kept nipping at her face. So my daughter got her to sit, look, leave it whilst feeding her felt like it took for ever for beau to finish a meal but I wanted her to learn my daughter is higher than her. Touch wood for a couple of weeks beau hasn't pushed it with my daughter since the last incident I reported on here so maybe that could work for you? Good luck
Have you tried walking your pup with another dog? Sometimes it's easier to have a dog walk with another who is confident and well mannered on a leash, kind of a lead by example type thing.
Thanks boyda, yes with my next door neighbour dog which worked great at first but now beau goes back to her sitting down I everyday now just drive her to woods and she will walk fine just can't get round the streets #-o
I told you you sold me a 4 legged spawn of Satan! On the bright side he doesn't hucklebutt upstairs anymore. He gets so into the hucklebutting down here. I won't give him the satisfaction of chasing him, so I do the stare down. Eventually he gets intimidated and just walks away. Other times he tries the stuff he does with my daughter. I just stare him in the eyes and wait for the perfect moment to strike. Then he's down on his side. It scared me the last time he fell over. He went down with a thud. It was about 2 weeks ago now. Having an EBT is like having a 2 year old running along a cliff with scissors! Phil, I used to bring my wooden spoon outside but I broke it. Then I upgraded to a spatula. But I broke that too when I smacked the couch. That plastic against the leather couch made to most wonderfully loud noise that would stop Apollo in his tracts. I have also stepped on the leash to lower his center of gravity. The first time it worked. The second time I wound up feet over head. Stoeger gave me the idea when he said he did it at the dinner table. I have yet to try it with the prong. Jai24, My daughter is 13 and hates the world when things don't go her way. She gets so frustrated with him when she does pin him down she winds up screaming crying and running from the room. Thank you teenage hormones! Getting Apollo to walk the street here was a biggie too. I think it's too many sights and sounds and they go on overload. He is 8 months tomorrow and cars still give him a start. He can hear them before I can even see them and starts to pull away. I just walk right through it! He'll get it and so will Beau. One day we'll be on here and someone's going to post all the same issues. We're going to laugh and remember our conversations.
When Stoeger gets a bout of energy and we can't excert that energy at that specific time I put his prob on, step on the leash close to the collar and make him lay down for at least ten mins or until we can play or get outside so he can go crazy. It really has worked but I think we got lucky and got a very well behaved and smart pup.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Steve, Kate and I are Facebook friends too. The only crappy thing is FB picks and chooses who's updates I see. It's really annoying because I want to see my friends posts, not the random crap and ads or suggested likes! Kate liked one of my photos last week and I thought she was on a internet hiatus. I went to her page and missed dozens of Sergio pics!!
I really liked the videos you posted here. Watching set my mind at ease. The way he uses it as "it the dogs fault he got pinched" doesn't make it seem as an adverse action. The human can sit there and say "hey dude, you did it to yourself".
Jai24, if I can get video I will!!!! I know you are overseas, but I got ours at Petsmart. It was $25 and the prongs are nice and rounded. No sharp ends. You can add and remove prongs too!
BTW, the Martingale collar I had made for Stoge is just smidge too big.
I tried to have the smallest setting fit for the size his neck is now knowing he will be growing quite a bit more... Oh well, he will grow into it soon I'm sure and we will have yet another collaring option.
For example as the dog moves in a direction not on path you pull and it will create a little whiplash that will catch the bully but not a direct pull. Very hard to explain but if you see how it's correctly used in YouTube videos. Not once has Spud been pierced by his prong collar and there have been times where he would pull and I wouldn't catch it quick and it was a hard tug so he felt it but never did it go through.
The only harsh tug on the prong should come when they pull and don't think it's harsh at all. Although at a certain point you can condition them with tugs to do stuff. When I want Spud to sit I just do a light tug on the prong and he will sit. When in sit I tug it down towards the ground and he will lie down. There's more its capable of but educate yourself online or through a trainer. I was taught by Spud's trainer.
There is a chance by the time Spud is 1.5 years I will move to a e-collar for off leash training. People have misconceptions about e-collars as well but if you have been educated on it you will see it doesn't hurt the dog as well. There's been discussion on this but I wouldn't mind seeing if anyone here has any good results with one.
@boyda I'm not speaking against, us Brits don't seem to use them they don't seem to be acceptable here from what can work out that's why I'm doing my best to be educated on them
So, Yesterday was the first full day we used the prong collar. Like the video, I worked with him against the wall, while pulling slightly back on the collar. I can't believe how far I actually pulled before he would move back. Talk about a high tolerance of pain! When I started walking against the wall and stopped he immediately sat!!! He wasn't playing games. I kept my thumb in my pocket and never pulled on it once. We started walking circles around the first floor where I would randomly stop. I did that when I first leashes trained him, so he already is pretty good at anticipating my moves. What was good about this, was he kept trying to pull to the right while we walked. Having that prong on kept him from yanking me too. But, I still could not believe how much he would still pull forward. Still not as bad at the Martindale though. He understands though, and all I had to do was put the collar on! Took him outside with it on and he tried to pull his jumping and biting me and the leash. It was a short fight. He jumped once and nipped me on the underside of my upper arm, but when he landed and tried to run he got himself good. All shenanigans vaulted! His neck wasn't even red!
This morning I was brave enough to take him to the kids bus stop. He did outstanding. He tried to jump on two of the kids but realized mid jump his mistakes. He sat politely for petting after. I still only kept my thumb in my pocket with the leash in the J shape. My husband took him for his walk this morning and he said he did great!
This afternoon was a bit different. My daughter is the weak link of the family. He will launch himself at her to nip and bite whatever is close to him. Fingers, elbows, hair etc. It is her that has the most problems when she takes him potty. I will look outside and they are rolling around in the grass and he is biting her while she's trying to pin him down. It's exhausting! He's never going to give up fighting with her if my husband and I are the ones who have to break it up. So this afternoon I put the prong on him and the 3 of us went outside. I showed her how to clip it, where it should sit and how to hold the leash. She stuck her thumb in her belt loop and walk ahead so he couldn't see me. Well he still started his crap with her, but it went pretty bad. He pulled sideways which caused the chain part to the side. The chain was pulled so tight he got it lodged in his mouth. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it the best so it's the part where the leash clips to and the chains pull together. That caused extreme pressure from the prong on the back of his neck and he flipped the hell out. I had to clamp him in my legs while I dug in his mouth for the release. On the bright side, his neck wasn't even red. It was slightly pink, but faded quickly. No horror story of puncture wounds.
Which leads me into, make sure it fits correctly. I took 2 links out yesterday, but I wanted to see how minus 3 would fit. It seemed too tight so I added one back. That was my mistake. It wasn't too tight. It fit perfectly around is neck, I was just too much of a chicken poo and uncertain of myself. Had that third link been out earlier, it wouldn't have been stuck between his jaw.
Soap, was it you who was wanting an e-collar? Those are the ones that give them a little shock when you press a button right? I saw one at Lowe's for $99 yesterday. I am SERIOUSLY thinking about getting one. If I have to break up on more fight between Apollo and my daughter I am going to go bonkers!!! Bonkers I tell us!!!!! I had to stop 3 times while writing is to break them up!
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Wow thank you for all the info.... I think by sounds of it I would be exactly like you abit hesitant with size etc. this is the exact thing I thought I might have with beau she may still just just dig her heels in and won't get up on a walk either lie or sit and I would be pulling and shed sit there and I think my natural instinct would be to back up myself so it would loosen for her sake :-S
He seems to be a git with your daughter I have this my youngest who 7 beau would see her as the weakest link I pinned beau down but my kid made it look like her I hid and ducked and my kid held her neck so we think beau thought it was her
Phil, I used to bring my wooden spoon outside but I broke it. Then I upgraded to a spatula. But I broke that too when I smacked the couch. That plastic against the leather couch made to most wonderfully loud noise that would stop Apollo in his tracts. I have also stepped on the leash to lower his center of gravity. The first time it worked. The second time I wound up feet over head. Stoeger gave me the idea when he said he did it at the dinner table. I have yet to try it with the prong.
Jai24, My daughter is 13 and hates the world when things don't go her way. She gets so frustrated with him when she does pin him down she winds up screaming crying and running from the room. Thank you teenage hormones!
Getting Apollo to walk the street here was a biggie too. I think it's too many sights and sounds and they go on overload. He is 8 months tomorrow and cars still give him a start. He can hear them before I can even see them and starts to pull away. I just walk right through it! He'll get it and so will Beau. One day we'll be on here and someone's going to post all the same issues. We're going to laugh and remember our conversations.