Will she ever walk!
Will she ever walk one day she wants to one day she doesn't but its more days she doesn't!! Have tried coaxing her with treats and favourite toys and she won't budge!! She so strong!! Coming 23 months when she be a good bubby!?!
This may sound cruel to some but a choker chain popped a couple of times will get her walking.
OK, On to the potty issue. The reason I believe he's holding it, is because he used to do it with his urine!!!! I though I had the pissing-est dog on the planet until I realized he was only going little dropplets. All he wanted was to go back outside, so 15 minutes later he scratched at the door again. KNOWING we'd take him out because he'd pee! SILLY ME! Took me a while to catch on to that trick. He does have a potty schedule not so much a command. He even has favorite spots to go! he Goes out about 6 am, goes #1 and #2. Goes out again about 8 for #1 then between 10-11 is when I like to take our walk. He used to #1 and #2 before we went. Even yesterday afternoon I waited until he went and he STILL saved a little itty bitty turn for the road! That's why I asked about marking their territory.
One of the books I read touched on what you said! About getting away with things because they know you love them. The book said the best way to get them to listen to you is to ignore them. They are so happy when they finally have your attention they'll listen better. Ignoring Apollo means my couch, blankets, sweatshirts and dish towels get shredded! So much for that theory!
As for the cars. I'm so over that. He tries to run into the ditches to hide but I just keep walking, pulling his little arse beside me. His strength shocks me every time. I'm pretty sure last week he pulled my wrist out of it's socket. It burned like a mother and I couldn't move it for about 2 hours. I tried stretching it out and it popped. I almost jumped off the couch. And no I did not go to the doc, and I sure hope my husband doesn't read this because he'll be upset I didn't go to the doc. LOL. On the bright side we did walk just short of 4 miles yesterday!!!! WHOOT WHOOT!!!
I don't know how to get her to take the hint if a dog doesn't want to play with her she is always jumping on dogs the majority are grumpy and growl at her and she don't take the hint!! :O
I thought I'd post this here to maybe see if it helps anyone else! Ill Letcha know if it was a fluke or not on our next try!!! Lol
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Our training yanks down on those things pretty fearsome .... But they listen! Remember timing is everything, the closer the reaction to the infraction the better.... If you wait the few seconds between the time they do something wrong and the time it peeves you off, the message is lost.
iv noticed alot of people talking about "crates" could someone explain ??
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
From time to time my bullies will pile into one vice use their own.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Yes beau has a crate she loves it just gets in when she wants a nap
Steve, you're right about the desk being a form of a crate. At the car lot, we do not have a crate for Stoeger but when he spends time there, he camps out under my desk. We even bought him a "work" bed, haha! We stuffed it under my desk and he loves to curl up under there. I've conducted entire car deals, start to finish without the customer even realizing he was under there!
Ah that sounds so cute his little under your desk little cubby hole
Here is one as an example--> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Herm-Sprenger-Stainless-Steel-Buckle-Prong-Collar-21-/260452071658?pt=Dog_Collars&hash=item3ca42738ea
But when it comes down to it, you and only you have the last call on what is best for your Bullie.
We're here to pass on advice that has worked well for us and our Baby-Bullie
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Has anybody ever done protection/attack training with their bullies?
@jai24- i cant really comment on the prong collar iv only ever seem them used on large breed dogs,never tried one. iv been around bullies my whole life we have always used chocker chains never had any problems.they sell them at most supermarkets,hardware stores and all pet shops here in SA.You also get nylon type collars that have a chocker on the back it can only close until the loops touch and no further you may want to start with that.
My male was also hesitant to start walking when he felt the lead pull tight he would stop and refuse to go further.started him out on a harness at first then moved to a chocker.i just walked and pulled him,2 or 3 pulls and he got the hang of it.My female took off like a bat out of hell with whatever collar i used.lol
good luck
A company in the UK made it for me. It's black nylon and the collar is two inches wide.
They are designed for Whippets but I thought it might be good for our boy.
Any and all of his collars irritate him one way or another.
The rolled leather collar applies pressure on a small area of his neck, rubs fur off.
The Kong harness's chest plate rubs his neck and wears fur off.
The prong collar actually does less wear than those two, ha!
We simply switch him from one collar to the next when we notice any adverse effect on his neck since they all seem to wear in different areas.
My hopes are due to how wide this custom Martingale collar is, maybe it won't chaff him
It just arrived today and Stoeger should be here at the car lot soon. I can't wait to try it out on him!
Forgot to mention the hair grew back and although still somewhat noticeable the hot spot has hair and its growing wonderfully.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"