While are talking about white bull terrier appearance.... Why do whites always get bald elbows? Here are pictures of Isabella's elbows, front and rear, first.. Then Marcos... Same diet, same age, same genetics, same everything. I wonder if Marco was white at those areas, like he is white elsewhere, would he have them? Anything anyone knows to fix it?
White Bull Terriers usually have thinner coats and fur. Many of them you can see right through to their black pigmented marks on the skin. Don't be fooled by the fancy photo's you may see on the internet from shows where the white Bull Terriers look sparkling white without a single callus or bare spot on an elbow or ankle. Those white BT's have so much chalk on them if you went to pat one it would cause a cloud. Some Bull Terriers are rough on themselves by the way the sleep, play, and rough house. Many people have a hard enough time keeping them from banging up their noses and not only losing the hair off the bridge of their noses but developing a callous on it like a construction workers hands. I'm always rubbing Bag Balm on the elbows and ankles of my Bullies and with a couple of them it's a losing battle. The older they get the hair just won't grow back and callouses will slowly develop. Sleeping on them, getting up and down, and playing hard only makes it worse. Some Bull Terriers just seem to be a little more delicate about they way they sleep, walk, play, etc. and thus end up having less bumps, bangs, and bruises. White Bull Terriers have a lot higher of a tendency to have skin problems. Hearing impairment is another thing that's effects white bull terriers a lot more than the colored ones. I will continue to swear by the benefits of supplements that help the immune system. I strongly feel that all Bull Terriers need a little extra boost to their system to keep them healthy. I think it also minimizes the possibilities of allergies and thickens their coat. I know your Bullies are on the best possible nutrition available for any dog and you don't short cut them from anything that would prove to be beneficial. I'm unaware if you are adding a supplement to their diet though. If your not, I recommend that you do. Keep rubbing that Bag Balm on her bare spots because if you slack off they'll be hard bald callouses by the time she's 3. During the winter those spots will be a lot easier to manage and you may even see the hair grow back. Nitro is the same way and he really enjoys roughing himself up worse then any Bull Terrier I've seen. He can't chase a ball without diving head first for it every time and sliding across the grass for about 5 yards. Out in the woods he'll chase a squirrel, rabbit, or snake straight through a pricker bush without a second thought. He'll come back with a smile on his face and about 5 cuts on the bridge of his nose and he could care less. When I bath him it takes twice the time as most other Bullies and he usually only stays clean for a few short minutes before he finds a way to get dirty again. He should have been a Tri-colored Bullie! Thank God for the use of chalk at the shows because otherwise people would be asking what battle he just came from. )
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
Many others use NuproGold which is good also. I actually used NuproGold for about 4 years and had great results. I think there are some added benefits with the NuVet though and I'm thoroughly pleased with the results. There's a video on that link that I provided above that explains in detail about the product and the proven benefits for a dogs health. My dogs eat one a day and think I'm giving them a treat.
There are several supplements that have been tested and proven to be beneficial for a dogs health. My concentration was finding a vitamin/supplement that helped the immune system. Although I hate saying anything negative about the Bull Terrier breed I find that their immune system isn't as strong as other breeds and from the ages of around 3 months to 24 months their immune system is still developing and often not 100% capable of fighting off certain ailments especially with the skin. Take for example demodectic mange. Many people that see a dog with mange think it was caused from neglect (which could be true) but the truth is mange comes from a type of mite that all dogs have. The fact that some dogs immune system simply can't ward off negative effects of mites causing bald irritated spots is because their immune system couldn't handle it. In truth, grain shouldn't have a real bad effect on a dogs skin but if their immune system can't handle it they will be affected. Yes, I still avoid grain with my dogs but it isn't because I fear they will react badly from it (I doubt they would) but I know it has no nutritional value. My objective is to strengthen their immune system so they are not prone to several ailments that could develop early or late in their development. I guess I've seen too many of the same ailments with this breed over the years that I feel more confident in the true cause and correct cure vice what I see diagnosed by vets that don't know the breed and the treatment they provide. I can't help feeling bad for a Bull Terrier that I see that has bad skin problems or other problems that could have been prevented and can be easily cured. A common site will be that of a Bull Terrier with either a bald spot on the bridge of their tail or the center of the head. A very common thing for a bull terrier that is about 8 months of age to 24 months of age which is need of help with their immune system. As the Bull Terrier gets older and immune system develops the spots will most likely go away but during the time the owner and their Vet are all confused by the small areas of localized demodectic. I can go on facebook at any given time and read about some rescue shelter or private foster that's asking for donations to some poor Bull Terrier suffering from BAD skin allergies or mange. They claim to be in need of expensive treatment and medicine when 99% of the time they need a change in diet, exercise, and a supplement that will help their immune system. Now I realize there will always be some BT's that have genetic disorders associated with their immune system and will battle health ailments for the rest of their lives but too many people ruin them when they are young and developing and put a permanent damper on their future development. Those that care about their Bull Terriers and provide properly for them reap the benefits of a healthy dog that "mysteriously" doesn't develop these ailments. I take a daily vitamin myself. However, I don't always eat right. However, I will say that my dogs don't have the opportunity to eat junk and enhance their risks for health complications. Again, these are just my opinions and my experiences of what has proven to work well for my family of Bullies. I'm anal and do a lot of research. I just want them here with me for as long as feasibly possible.
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
After I hit "Post Comment" I noticed my lengthy response. I apologize for rambling on. I didn't even notice how long and dragged out it was. It's a good thing I haven't written a book. 8-|
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
Atiba, Glad you're busy! He is just a very special dog... besides great looking he just has such a great temperament, like a jolly, gentle giant... if you get one of his litter I believe you'll have a great win.... but he's hard to describe... gotta find the gap and go see.... It'll make the waiting easier.... or harder.... I'm not sure.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
@bonc_jackonville my aunt actual lives in Jacksonville on the marine base, I was planning on visiting her and making a trip to both of your kennels. Just the timing. @philsergeant NICEEEEEEE he looks like a true stud in his pictures
I'm on the base now working. Let us know when you are coming. Yes, Lucian is very gentle. All of our studs actually are. Jealous of Steve due to have 3 litters in a very short while. ^:)^ Any of the litters are going to be awesome.
I am sooo jealous of anybody that's hugged Lucian!!!! I'm putting it on my bucket list and when I get their you'd better check and make sure Lucian is still their when I leave
Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
I do have a love affair with Lucian!!!! Brutus is more black than brindle but I guess I'm stuck flipping him over when I want brindle!!! If I remember correctly I got Brutus shortly before I found your forum and I immediatly loved Lucian, I'm guessing I would have had to have the money of both mine to beable to affort such a fine specimen of a dog!!! If only I had found this forum a few yrs. Earlier!! I will be forever gratful for this forum as it saved my Brutus from a certain rehoming process and yes I am very proud of him. Both my dogs were certainly not mistakes as I got handed exactly what I needed as it turns out!! I still dream and continue to wish I had found you guys and got me a Lucian puppy!!! Maybe someday........till then I will continue to love from afar that beautiful creature, he is just stunning. My old pitmix was his same dark brindle so it just happens I'm a huge fan of brindle and then I seen him!!!!! Don't tell my Brutus I visually cheat on him he does not like sharing his mom!!!
Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
My Bullie came to me as a pup with a bald spot on his tail and one on the crown of his head. He is rising 15 months now. I know there is a lot of discussion about diet but I decided to try him with a bacterial inhibiting cream (for humans) known here as Fucidin. I googled to check if it was safe for dogs before I used it. Miraculously the bald spot on his tail has grown brand new fur and the spot on the top of his head has diminished significantly. I put it sparingly on his nose bumps in case he rubbed it into his eyes. Has anyone got any history of using this cream on their bullies? I know it works but I don't know if its ok to use periodically long term. I haven't read anything to say you can't but then I haven't read anything to say you can.
I found it online at Amazon... it comes from Thailand, so it'll take a month... I'll research it meanwhile.... Thanx for the tip... (got any pictures of the before and after?)
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
As mentioned earlier, those two bald spots are common for many Bull Terriers. My recommendations for others who are dealing with the problem is to provide their Bull Terrier with a supplement that will help its immune system and rub some Bag Balm on the spots. The last time I had to treat a Bull Terrier with this ailment it was gone in about 3 weeks with so signs of hair loss.
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
I will try to put up a pix of his tail and heady as it is now- before pix are sore point. I lost my iPhone which had loads of his baby stages on and which were not backed up on anything. it went missing on a simple trip to a shop and straight home again. . after two days I cried my eyes out in frustration. The cream definatly works though. I originally had fucidin from my doctor when my boy accidentally clamped my wrist when he was a pup and the wound was looking a bit red and angry I called my doctor for a prescrition for the cream a little worried about saying id had a bite from a Bullie because it sounded worse than it was. Unbelievably my doctor said he had 3 Bullies himself aged 9,8 +6. and went off at a tangent telling me about them so didn't question how the bite had happened. Mother and daughter and the other unrelated. He put up a prescription straight away.The bald spots on my Bullie were getting worse and as I said after googling it I thought it can't make things worse.I really hope you get the same result as it could prove a turning point for our furkids .
Atiba, I was not able to get Photos of Lucian this weekend. He found something he was not supposed to find, and was under the weather. He was pretty much on fluids for that is all that would stay down. He has perked up some as of yesterday and is eating again. He even came down this morning at 530 to see me off and was wagging his tail.
No too sure. We watched him like a hawk over the weekend. Scary for any of our babies to be under the weather. Comes with the territory when you own animals I guess.
Sorry for the massive gap in responding to the question of fur re growth in Spirit- been caught up in the back end of the Summer and stuff. The fur re growth was quite quick- if anyone has used Fucidin since my post there may already be some result. Spirits fur re growth is the clean white fur area between the two grubby bits on his tail. His tail is still good and the little crusty bit on the crown of his head is all but gone....BUT..... since that post Spirits skin erupted about 10 days ago and he has bumps on his body under his fur and has itched his back causing the skin on the back of his neck and shoulder to show pink through his fur. I reluctantly decided to have him neutered about 6 weeks ago - he is great and there's isn't a bad bone in his body. I was going to stud him because he is such a brilliant temperament but then had a change of heart as there is so many pups that get put up for adoption and didn't want to maybe add to it - I will probably adopt a brother or sister for him in the future instead. Anyhow- I'm now really really worried that neutering him might have cause a hormonal change causing the spots. The only other thing could be him rolling in the fields when I take him out or maybe diet? At the moment I'm trying not to panic and am keeping his diet consistent but I could do with some help if anyone has anything to offer. I'm trying to avoid going down the road of pills and potions from the vet- if I sit tight will it resolve itself. It almost happened over night. It isn't getting any worse and it doesn't seem to be bothering him. I'm trying not to let him grass surf.
If the diet is good I wouldn't change it. for the sub-fur bumps what I tried, and worked very, very well, is Coconut Oil.... you need to find the creamy, think kind, like white soft wax, not the runny, "oil" kind. You can get it in the food store., I think I have a picture.... Rub it on his skin every morning or night, besides removing the bumps it makes his coat nice and shiny... took 2 weeks for all the bumps to be gone... now I just keep using it on him. I have been trying the Fucidin Cream on her bald spots but don't think it's helping as much as the bag balm... so I alternate... slow progress, but it's definitely getting better
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
Do you think it might be demodex mange? A vet can do a quick skin scrape and let you know in seconds if it is. The treatment is fairly easy, just a week of pills, longer if needed, but usually after a week or two the skin scrape should be clean or show dead mites. It also isn't on the expensive side. Every dog has natural mites on their skin, but a dog without a strong immune system has a harder time fighting of the mites then one with a good immune system. Also, if your dog does have demodex mange, it would be best to get them fixed, this isn't a trait you want to pass on. A lower immune system doesn't mean your dog will live a bad life, just means that they are more sustainable to skin/food allergies. A cream like Fucidin would help clear the site, but if he does have mites, they would come right back after you stopped using the treatment for a bit. Needs to be cleared from the inside out.
Source! I had a BT with a localized spot of demodex mange once and that was my course of treatment.
I just realized Steve had already mentioned Demodex mange, so sorry about my little repost! Guess I should read through all the posts, lol!
Also, if it was just a small localized spot of demodex that has not come back, you can still breed. But if it comes back after they entered adulthood, I would not recommend breeding.
I'm confident if you follow the recommendations I mentioned in my first post above you'd be free from any sort of skin problem unless your Bull Terrier has a hereditary ailment. As mentioned before, we've received several rescue BT's that were in bad shape. Getting them on the right diet,nutrition, and supplements is 99% the answer.
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
If bag balm is working and he is on a good diet, then I wouldn't worry. Also, like Steve had mentioned from above, it would be good to put him on supplements for his immune system. If he gets another localized bald spot, or if his skin is turning red in any given area, after you had done all of the above, he will need to get a skin scraping to verify it's demodex mange and he'll get some meds for it and it will clear up within a week or two. With my old boy, the supplements didn't work but the pills from my vet did. I didn't try bag balm, so I'm not sure if it helps or not, but it seems like it does from everyone else's expericance. The pills work from the inside out, much like the supplements, and sometimes (just sometimes) creams/balms don't work as it's not hiting the needed area, his immune system. The picture does look like demodex mange, but only a vet can really verify that for you. Also, I know manage sounds like a scary word, but no need to fear, unless it's Sarcoptic, then you really need to go to the vet. (That picture does not look like Sarcoptic mange)
I did consider mange or mites but the spots seemed to erupt all over almost over night which made me wonder if it is some sort of allergy (or hormone) issue- like a human might develop hives. I will be going into town tomorrow so will try to find the coconut cream. Re: Fucidin persevere as it take a little while for the fur to grow back. Going back to the spots i'd nearly forgotten that nearly two weeks ago I took my Bullie , along with my collie across the fields late one evening as it was getting dark. My Bullie disappeared off into a swampy pond and I could hear him having a drink. He emerged like a swamp monster - all I could see in the dim light was his white head, shoulders back and tail- the rest of him was greeny black with algae and muddy water. I did bath him but maybe I didn't do it good enough and maybe ingesting the water hasn't helped either? I'm avoiding going anywhere near there again. Ah, these Furkids! I'm sure grey hair has nothing to do with age!- or wrinkles
Even localized demodectic mange is usually caused from the dogs immune system becoming too weak to fend off the effects of common mange mites found on most any dog.
You can always have your Vet conduct a test to see if there's any concerns in regard to your Bull Terriers immune system. If I were to bet on it I'd say there was because it isn't uncommon for this breed to battle skin problems especially if they're not afforded proper foods and supplements to boost their immune system.
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
It's frustrating as he has been doing really well on the skin front. I will take on board the advice and monitor him. What ever the cause I hope it can be rectified as naturally as possible.
Anything anyone knows to fix it?
Some Bull Terriers are rough on themselves by the way the sleep, play, and rough house. Many people have a hard enough time keeping them from banging up their noses and not only losing the hair off the bridge of their noses but developing a callous on it like a construction workers hands.
I'm always rubbing Bag Balm on the elbows and ankles of my Bullies and with a couple of them it's a losing battle. The older they get the hair just won't grow back and callouses will slowly develop. Sleeping on them, getting up and down, and playing hard only makes it worse. Some Bull Terriers just seem to be a little more delicate about they way they sleep, walk, play, etc. and thus end up having less bumps, bangs, and bruises.
White Bull Terriers have a lot higher of a tendency to have skin problems. Hearing impairment is another thing that's effects white bull terriers a lot more than the colored ones.
I will continue to swear by the benefits of supplements that help the immune system. I strongly feel that all Bull Terriers need a little extra boost to their system to keep them healthy. I think it also minimizes the possibilities of allergies and thickens their coat.
I know your Bullies are on the best possible nutrition available for any dog and you don't short cut them from anything that would prove to be beneficial. I'm unaware if you are adding a supplement to their diet though. If your not, I recommend that you do.
Keep rubbing that Bag Balm on her bare spots because if you slack off they'll be hard bald callouses by the time she's 3. During the winter those spots will be a lot easier to manage and you may even see the hair grow back.
Nitro is the same way and he really enjoys roughing himself up worse then any Bull Terrier I've seen. He can't chase a ball without diving head first for it every time and sliding across the grass for about 5 yards. Out in the woods he'll chase a squirrel, rabbit, or snake straight through a pricker bush without a second thought. He'll come back with a smile on his face and about 5 cuts on the bridge of his nose and he could care less. When I bath him it takes twice the time as most other Bullies and he usually only stays clean for a few short minutes before he finds a way to get dirty again. He should have been a Tri-colored Bullie! Thank God for the use of chalk at the shows because otherwise people would be asking what battle he just came from.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Obviously we want nothing but the best for our Bullies and I know most everyone on the forum values your opinion and suggestions.
Many others use NuproGold which is good also. I actually used NuproGold for about 4 years and had great results. I think there are some added benefits with the NuVet though and I'm thoroughly pleased with the results. There's a video on that link that I provided above that explains in detail about the product and the proven benefits for a dogs health. My dogs eat one a day and think I'm giving them a treat.
There are several supplements that have been tested and proven to be beneficial for a dogs health. My concentration was finding a vitamin/supplement that helped the immune system. Although I hate saying anything negative about the Bull Terrier breed I find that their immune system isn't as strong as other breeds and from the ages of around 3 months to 24 months their immune system is still developing and often not 100% capable of fighting off certain ailments especially with the skin. Take for example demodectic mange. Many people that see a dog with mange think it was caused from neglect (which could be true) but the truth is mange comes from a type of mite that all dogs have. The fact that some dogs immune system simply can't ward off negative effects of mites causing bald irritated spots is because their immune system couldn't handle it. In truth, grain shouldn't have a real bad effect on a dogs skin but if their immune system can't handle it they will be affected. Yes, I still avoid grain with my dogs but it isn't because I fear they will react badly from it (I doubt they would) but I know it has no nutritional value.
My objective is to strengthen their immune system so they are not prone to several ailments that could develop early or late in their development. I guess I've seen too many of the same ailments with this breed over the years that I feel more confident in the true cause and correct cure vice what I see diagnosed by vets that don't know the breed and the treatment they provide. I can't help feeling bad for a Bull Terrier that I see that has bad skin problems or other problems that could have been prevented and can be easily cured. A common site will be that of a Bull Terrier with either a bald spot on the bridge of their tail or the center of the head. A very common thing for a bull terrier that is about 8 months of age to 24 months of age which is need of help with their immune system. As the Bull Terrier gets older and immune system develops the spots will most likely go away but during the time the owner and their Vet are all confused by the small areas of localized demodectic. I can go on facebook at any given time and read about some rescue shelter or private foster that's asking for donations to some poor Bull Terrier suffering from BAD skin allergies or mange. They claim to be in need of expensive treatment and medicine when 99% of the time they need a change in diet, exercise, and a supplement that will help their immune system. Now I realize there will always be some BT's that have genetic disorders associated with their immune system and will battle health ailments for the rest of their lives but too many people ruin them when they are young and developing and put a permanent damper on their future development.
Those that care about their Bull Terriers and provide properly for them reap the benefits of a healthy dog that "mysteriously" doesn't develop these ailments. I take a daily vitamin myself. However, I don't always eat right. However, I will say that my dogs don't have the opportunity to eat junk and enhance their risks for health complications. Again, these are just my opinions and my experiences of what has proven to work well for my family of Bullies. I'm anal and do a lot of research. I just want them here with me for as long as feasibly possible.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Thank you Steve. Invaluable information and awesome insight as usual.
0.55/day, less than cup of coffee, you too can help nourish an immune deficient Bullie
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Thanks for the order code Steve!
BTW, with shipping it's $0.59/day to strengthen a Bully's immune system
It just allowed me to order.
I will post some this weekend or earlier if the rains stop. Atiba, you or anyone else are always welcome for a visit. They love company.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Mother and daughter and the other unrelated. He put up a prescription straight away.The bald spots on my Bullie were getting worse and as I said after googling it I thought it can't make things worse.I really hope you get the same
result as it could prove a turning point for our furkids .
Atiba, I was not able to get Photos of Lucian this weekend. He found something he was not supposed to find, and was under the weather. He was pretty much on fluids for that is all that would stay down. He has perked up some as of yesterday and is eating again. He even came down this morning at 530 to see me off and was wagging his tail.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Source! I had a BT with a localized spot of demodex mange once and that was my course of treatment.
Also, if it was just a small localized spot of demodex that has not come back, you can still breed. But if it comes back after they entered adulthood, I would not recommend breeding.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Going back to the spots i'd nearly forgotten that nearly two weeks ago I took my Bullie , along with my collie across the fields late one evening as it was getting dark. My Bullie disappeared off into a swampy pond and I could hear him having a drink. He emerged like a swamp monster - all I could see in the dim light was his white head, shoulders back and tail- the rest of him was greeny black with algae and muddy water. I did bath him but maybe I didn't do it good enough and maybe ingesting the water hasn't helped either? I'm avoiding going anywhere near there again. Ah, these Furkids! I'm sure grey hair has nothing to do with age!- or wrinkles
Even localized demodectic mange is usually caused from the dogs immune system becoming too weak to fend off the effects of common mange mites found on most any dog.
You can always have your Vet conduct a test to see if there's any concerns in regard to your Bull Terriers immune system. If I were to bet on it I'd say there was because it isn't uncommon for this breed to battle skin problems especially if they're not afforded proper foods and supplements to boost their immune system.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"