Brutus ate something nasty!!! now what???
Ok last night the cat dragged up some kinda kill small rabbit or ground mole I don't know what it was and before I could get over their Brutus took the cat out with his nose and swallowed it whole!! As soon as I started walking his way he gulped i wasnt quick enough to think of the peroxide and don't know how much to give anyway but now 12 hrs. Latter he's sick as well....a dog:( HELP!!!! DAM CAT I SHOULDA LET SAVANNAH .......never mind:(........
Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
Next time call the pest control man and stop expecting the cat to dig up those ground moles for you :-)
( I knew you kept the cat for a reason) :-))
I'm glad you didn't let that occasional party-pooper get in your way of family fun!!!