Bull Terrier Saddleback Marks
Richlands, NC
I seen this photo today on Facebook and couldn't help cringing knowing there's so many people who could care less about the breed standards and decide to breed their dog regardless if it's not providing any benefits to the future of the breed.
Sadleback marked Bullie production.jpg
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The other litter that "bad" posted is the same way. Not a good thing. It makes me wonder if they ever read this line in the AKC breed standards for white Bull Terriers:
Color Is white though markings on the head are permissible. Any markings elsewhere on the coat are to be severely faulted. Skin pigmentation is not to be penalized.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not critizing anybody's cherished pet but I still feel it neccessary to stick to the standards and strive to develop each breed of canine so it measures up to standards in every facet. If this can't be done then the aspect of adding a litter of 6 or more genetically faulted puppies to public only hurts the breed and the value they still retain as a rare breed with exceptional pedigree and quality.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Many will say we've ruined the German Shepard's, Rottweilers, and English Bull Dogs here in America and I'd hate to think we'll eventually do the same with the Bull Terrier but with so many photos I see on Facebook now a days I'm beginning to wonder.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"