My male bull terrier bonez we moved to my mother's house and they have dogs and today I noticed he has a bold spot on his tail it doesn't hurt him and he has raised pink bumps on his stomach they are outside the skin not under none of my mother's other dogs have anything on them what could this be please help!!!
Your dogs immune system may still be developing and certain factors can spark the inability to fight off common mites that all dogs are prone to having but suffer no effects from.
Hot spots are common as well due to the same reasons. Often you see the bald spots on a Bull Terrier show up close to the base of the tail as well as the center of the head.
You can cure the skin problem by changing his diet to a good quality grain free dog food, providing him with a supplement that boasts his immune system (we use Nu-Vet), and rub Bag Balm on his bald spots and rash.
Try this for 2 weeks and post the results. I'm confident you'll be happy.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
You really should have her looked at by a Vet any time there's excessive blood discharge. Females leak or drip blood during estrus they don't urinate it.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"