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Are Bull Terriers Good With Kids?

BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
edited April 2012 in Bull Terrier Character

This is a popular question I receive from first time owners or people unfamiliar with the breed.

Like many canine breeds, the temperament of a dog depends a lot on how it was socialized from the time it was a puppy. I wouldn't put any child around a dog that wasn't well socialized with other people or other children. Kids have a tendency to sometimes tease or provoke a dog without even knowing they're doing so. How well a dog tolerates a behavior like this that is foreign to them depends a lot on how that dog was raised and socialized.

Bull Terriers that have been raised properly around children make wonderful pets and are as kind hearted as can be. The link below is a fantastic video which depicts hundreds of photos of nothing but Bull Terriers and the fortunite children lucky enough to grow up with one.



- Steve Gogulski
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"


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