Help Me Help Baxter!
This is Baxter, a 9 month old I adopted from the SPCA on Friday. He is certainly going to be a challenge - I'm afraid his previous family did little to curb negative behaviors and I suspect Baxter was the alpha in that group. Any ideas on where to start? Thanks in advance.
Perfect Baxter.JPG
2048 x 1536 - 844K
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Displayed negative behaviors: Nipping at faces, ears and feet, Jumping Up, Repeatedly on furniture.
Displayed positive behaviors: Crate trained, Sits, Shakes and lays down on command, and for the most part does well on a leash.
The SPCA only had info on his age and reported info from the family who gave him up: 9 months, non-aggressive but too rough even for the adults in their family.
I am more than willing to put in the work to help this awesome guy become the great dog I know is in him and all EBT's. I have spent 6 hours a day hanging out with him and playing and I am about to have 10 weeks of 24/7 time I am going to devote to him.
Sorry for the limited info but this is all I got from the SPCA. We are off for a wellness exam at the vet this afternoon.
It sounds like the jumping could be for attention and the nipping for dominance . I have this great training book I have been using and it seems to be successful. "Training the best dog ever" by Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz. ($15 at B&N, but check Amazon first) It is for puppies as well as adult dogs. When our Apollo jumps and nips I simply remove him from my lap, hop on the couch and ignore him. It seriously hurts his feelings. After about 30-45 seconds I get back on the floor, pet him, talk softly and he completely calms down. He's happy to have me back again. I picked him up one day because he was chewing on a root out back. When I picked him up he bit my nose so hard he drew blood. I believe this was his way of trying to be the alpha. He was going to eat that root and put me in my place for taking him from it. I yelped a quick sharp NO, brought him in and ignored him for about 10 minutes. He was beyond happy when we got to play again. As for being on the couch, it is a privilege in our house. He is not allowed on there alone. He knows when I pull the orange blanket out he can sit in my lap. The air horn is a great idea and you can also try a spray bottle.
He's a handsome boy and he is so lucky you adopted him!!
Thanks for all the replies. We just got back from the clinic where he had his first wellness exam and the vet says all is good - "a remarkable physical specimen , you got him at the SPCA?" Makes me proud LOL, even though he's only been with us since Friday.
Even when you have him under control, please send pics and stories as he develops and steals your heart.