He's got a very good temperament. It wasn't the fact how she was bugging her but the fact that she could mess with him while he was enjoying a bone. You won't see that too often with Bullie breeds. Often it's the chew bones that bring out the devil in a dog.
- Steve Gogulski "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!" www.bulliesofnc.com
He has always been a brilliant dog even my rabbit can get in bef with he great with kids csts hamsters and rabbit s and loves cuddles hes the best dog that sophie could be brought up with he is a veryy placid and calm dog thst will give her good energy . He puts up with so much off her its unreal she hangoff every part of him if it gets tonmuch I do seperate them for few hours through out the day as he is a old fella who will need some time frombher that then gives me one to one work with her she went out today for her first proper walk she walked perfect on the lead she sat at every road sat for people to pet her she was in a lovely calm state
Thank u this is the reason I got my bully now I said I wouldnt get another dog yet but zeus is why I did because of how well behaved he is he can teach her how to behave just got back from there second walk she walked perfect and sat every time I told her to to cross the rd and when someone wanted to stroke her they can only pet her ince shes sitting nothing worse tgen someone wanting to pet your dog andvits leaping all over the place .
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"