To spay, and when to spay, that is the question.
Palm City, Florida, USA
Our boy we are not going to fix for as long as possible, and hopefully stud him, ( his dad won a bunch of stuff). Our girl we are going to need to spay, lest we end up with some redneck cousins. ( see previous string " Sir Hump-a-lot" ). I've read a bunch about when to spay and not, and there's such conflicting opinion. It seems so unnatural to spay before the first estorous, but a lot of "exspurts" recommend it. Then again it's hard to predict when the first estorous will occur and, once started, I believe you need to wait until a while afterward before spaying. Some real bully owner input please.
In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"