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my sweet Bella hurt her hip :(

My husband and I just adopted our sweet Bella a month ago, she is a spazzy 4 month old bull terrier who fits right in our hearts. silly little girl was climbing up rocks at the dog park and jumped off to follow me (I was walking around the rock) and hurt her right hip on her landing (or at least we think that's what is hurting.) she has a bruise on the inside of her hip going up her belly a little and it's just getting bigger, this happened 2 days ago :( she did not and still doesn't show a massive amount of discomfort when touching her leg, its when you bend her leg up all the way or when she puts to much weight on that side she will just stop walking on it. we  have been making her take it easy and icing and heating her hip area but it seems like she is just getting worse. we have a vet appointment tomorrow and are really hoping she didn't break anything but she has us worried. what else should we do for our Bella while we wait :( 


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