Meet Champ!
Hi I would first like to say thank you for the wealth of info I've been able to obtain from this place. So awesome. This is Champ and I got him about a week ago from a seller who claimed he was 8 weeks old. I fell in love. I took Champ home and put him on the scale. 4 lbs! I'm not a Bull Terrier expert but aren't Bulls much bigger at 8 weeks? Being concerned I immediately took him to my trusted vet. He thinks Champ is 3-5 weeks max but super healthy. Anyways I figure I would ask here where someone would have a better gauge on size and growth of this breed. How old do you think he is? Also at what age/weight can I start him on his gelatin for promoting healthy joints and growth? Are there any potential risks or negatives involving this gelatin? Thanks for your time in advance.
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