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help anyone know about big oaks bull terrier breeder

looking at a pup from a breeder in little rock AR called big oaks ranch bull terriers and i was wondering if anyone has gotten a puppy from him or know if he is a good breeder


  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I've never heard of them. Maybe they are a new breeder.  :-??

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    When researching their name: "Big Oaks Bull Terrier", I am only showing their multiple puppy advertisements on PuppyFind.

    PuppyFinder Add.JPG
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    Big Oak Bullie.jpg
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    Big Oak Bullie 2.jpg
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    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    1564 x 1341 - 189K
    WTF.JPG 189.5K
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    White BT Color Standard.JPG
    1826 x 445 - 86K
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    First, my comment above was regarding the pure white good looking fella shown by "Void". Regarding the others;... if you are a breeder, isn't what you are meant to do, breed... to a standard, to perpetuate the breed and to maintain the qualities of the breed. Otherwise you are not just a "dog offspring multiplier".. creating puppies just for cash return (from unsuspecting we'll-intentioned dog-wanters) ... why not create dogs with three ears or two tails.. surely you will get more cash for those... and who really cares about the dogs, anyhoo? It's just like here in Florida, you find all these large non-native iguanas and snakes running around all over the place... When brainless people get tired of the size they have grown in their apartments, or gone broke or bored of buying live mice for them for dinner, and drop them off on the side of the highway. Morons beget morons.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • PowellHousePowellHouse Charlotte, NC
    Absolutely DO NOT recommend. Bought a pup from this breeder and his only advice was to essentially abuse the dog into submission. Pup was great with the family and I.... an absolute monster to (most) other dogs and very weary of strangers.
  • My adult daughters bought a MINI buuly from Brad Anderson--Big Oaks Mini bll terriers. At Turb ok's first vet check, he was slightly under shod, seemingly over sized for his age, his ears did not stand AND he had only one testicle.
    I called Anderson. He said the ears ALWAYS stand, the bite would correct and having only one testicle was no big deal!!!!
    If i didnt want the pup, i could return him and he(,Anderson) would "take cate of him". Anderson's tine left little doubt what he would do. He added that all vets are crooks. Thats why he avoids them like the plague. His own words.
    Today, Turbo is 19" (6 months). Ears still not standing . Still undershod, and to have him neutered next month will cost me around $500.00 plus because he'll have to be opened up to find the second testicle.
    I love Turbo. My daughter's bought him for me . Ive always wanted a MINI bully and after my close friend died, my daughters purchased Turbo.
    I do NOT recommend Anderson as a reputable breeder.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    It's sad hearing about any breeder that sells puppies with genetic faults especially when costly surgery is warranted to correct an issue.
    Sadly many breeders are not providing people with proper Health Guarantees against ANY form of genetic disorder.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • arhagenarhagen Little Rock
    We got our Roscoe from Big Oaks. He was very good about letting us know about the bull terriers temperament. We had an incident with Roscoe when he was a pup at a dog park. A dog went after him and knocked out one of his puppy teeth. Ever since then, He’s been super aggressive towards other dogs. We are working on that, but other that he’s a great dog.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @arhagen - Sorry to hear that. Over the years we've had a few incidences where one of our Bullies got attacked by another dog. I recall one time when Deuce was a small puppy and another dog viciously attacked her for no reason. However, this didn't change her wonderful temperament or personality nor did it change the temperament of the other Bullies which had the same ordeal. The aggressive temperament is more often than not something within their bloodline vice an isolated incident.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • What would ya'll do if you purchased a dog at asking price, and at hes vet. check was found to be WAY over sized, undershod, ears that didint stand and most importantly only had one testicle????
    When contacted --the same day, Mr. Anderson said he never trusts vet. They are all crooks. His dogs ears ALWAYS stand. The pups mouth would correct AND most importantly, having only one testicle was no big deal-- just remove the pup's one decending testicle and leave the ither where it was.
    OR. i could send the dog back---at my cost and he would "take care of him"-- pup not worth the e xtra cost to have the open surgery needed to remove the undecended testicle.
    I asked him to just pay the difference between the two surgeries. Anderson blew up at me.
    He said he wasnt in business to give money aeay.
  • that1Boomerthat1Boomer Middletown, PA
    Personally. I would be upset as well.
    My advice. Cut your losses and walk away. Get a second opinion on the surgery and fix the pup. This Anderson sounds like he is not going to help anyway. I would never speak or return to his business. He sounds like a loose canon. Sometimes deals go south, sounds like you got the bad side of it all. Honestly, walk away and get the dog up to health as best you can. You will not win a fight with Anderson. But you can manage to help the pup. Take the high road, less aggravation.
  • If you neuter him now as planned at 7 months old, there is a big chance his bite would not correct. The hormone estrogen plays a crucial role in bone growth and development.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I would let him know you wish to return this puppy for a full refund due to genetic faults. Based on his current health issues God only knows what's in store for you in the future. No responsible breeder would be blind to not knowing the puppy had Cryptorchidism. This is a genetic fault which requires costly surgery. Any responsible breeder would have known about this issue long before the puppy left their home to go to their new owner. Testicles are palpitated by a Vet during their 6 week health check and vaccination. Your puppies issue was no surprise to the breeder.
    Contact your breeder and let them know you want a full refund due to various issues that plaque your puppy. Take them to court if necessary if the breeder lacks the pride and integrity to understand your concerns and make things right. Breeders with pride in their bloodline won't want to jeopardize their reputation especially if they feel a puppy owner plans on exploiting their unhealthy puppy to the public as well as AKC.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • I thank you all for taking the time to offer your sage advice.
    After MUCH thought, i have decided to keep the pup, obtain an ILP number for him and do obedience work with him. The ILP registration will take Anderson's name out of the pup's history--- ending any connection or acknowledgment of Anderson or his "puppy mill".
    Pup will have his surgery and be my companion.
  • that1Boomerthat1Boomer Middletown, PA
    Give him the best life he can have. That's the best any dog can have. All the best with your plans and keep us updated. :)
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    He's certainly found his way into the best home possible with an owner who truly loves him.

    Many breeders bank on the fact that most owners will quickly get too attached to give the dog back to them for a refund or puppy replacement when a genetic health fault is found.

    However, with posts like these others who are researching certain breeders may start seeing some posts which don't put them in good light as a breeder and think twice about their decision for seeking a puppy from them.

    In the event anyone reading this post was to ever pay for an expensive puppy (regardless what breeder it was) which ended up having a genetic disorder in which the breeder would not admit or compensate for I would recommend reporting the incident to AKC. If not, this sort of thing will continue happening to others they truly expected to be purchasing a healthy dog free from any genetic faults.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • that1Boomerthat1Boomer Middletown, PA
    Steve, it is like buying a 75" tv, hanging it on the wall and hiding all the cables. Loading the remote with a battery and the tv won't power up. Now times that feeling by 100%. That will never even come close to how it feels to lose a puppy to health issues. I agree with your policies totally. You speak with respect and experience. :)
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I wrote an article 5 or 6 years ago that I truly wish people would read prior to purchasing a Bu;; Terrier or any breed of dog. It outlines many key aspects to consider, many of which most people don't even think about.
    So many irresponsible breeders rely heavily on their new puppy owners falling in love with their puppy quickly and becoming so attached that they couldn't bare to give the puppy back due to newly learned health issues. This is sad because it will allow backyard breeders to continue breeding knowing they can produce unhealthy puppies and sell them to people who fell in love with a photo of a cute puppy vice did their homework on reputable breeders to ensure the puppy they planned on purchasing came from a breeder with a history of producing healthy high quality dogs.

    Anyhow, here's the article I wrote and I hope many others reading through this thread will take the time to read it.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • I recently purchased a puppy from Brad at Big Oaks. He was awesome to work with. He went above and beyond to answer ALL my questions. I was alittle concerned about the couple of complaints on here. So, I just straight out ask him about them. Brad advised that the one gentleman went ahead and purchased the puppy against his wife’s wishes. As she had just gotten a pug for herself and did not want the bull terrier puppy. As a stay at home mom she was home all day and she refused to do any training with the puppy.
    And he said the other lady was offered the option to return the puppy for another one or a refund and she declined.

    There’s always two sides to any story. And you can’t make everyone happy.

    When our puppy arrived it was exactly as advertised and we couldn’t be happier with her.
    I would definitely recommend anyone who’s in the market to buying a puppy from Brad at Big Oaks Ranch.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    edited March 2020
    @Bigcountry - The unfortunate thing is that there's been more then one complaint mentioning this breeder. Based on the photos I included above of Bull Terriers they've produced and sold leads it easy to conclude their bloodlines have genetic fault which honestly is not a sign of a responsible breeder. I don't personality know who they are or anything about their breeding practices. But seeing their posts of dogs they sell paints a negative picture of their breeding program. May I ask if you received a legal contract which clearly defines a 2 year health guarantee against ANY genetic disorder? Were you presented a BAER test conducted on your by a Vet? Was your puppy microchipped for you? These are just a small few examples that are provided by many responsible Bull Terrier Breeders. You may have received these documents and many more. If so, than your breeder is doing things responsibly. I wrote an article that I posted the link for above that outlines key aspects of a responsible breeder. Only you know if these aspects were conducted similarly by your breeder.

    There are many breeders who are extremely friendly during the time they are getting paid for a cute little puppy but that doesn't make them a good breeder.

    Anyhow, I'm happy to hear you have a new family member and we all look forward to seeing some photos of him.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • This is so sad to read but I'm so happy you are wonderful pup owners. He will love you for ever :x
    I love our breeder, we are actually very very likely to get our next (female) from her so that we can actually continue on her kennel here in the US. She is phenomal and her pups are gorgeous. She just recently began with minis too! Her kennel is Le Monde Kennels in Russia in case any viewing want to have a look!
  • I feel like this needs to be said.
    Bullies of NC IS a breeder and IS in direct competition with ANY other Bull Terrier breeder! Im surprised that they are not only allowing this defamation but participating in it.....
    Not everyone wants an overpriced inbred “show dog”. Typically they have more health issues because of line breeding in my humble opinion.

    Our Bull Terrier came from Brad at Big Oaks We felt like Brad is very down to earth and honest person. Actually thinking about buying a second one from him.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @Bigcountry - Competition??? I think you may want to review our Waiting List before you make a comment like that.

    Listen, I was VERY nice in speaking about your breeder and bit my tongue with true thoughts based off projected photos and reputation. Like many others that are familiar with the breed it's not difficult to look at the structure, conformation, and overall qualities of Bull Terrier and have a sound assessment of how well the dog emulates the breed standards. If you are oblivious to these qualities than you shouldn't be voicing your opinion. I'm starting to think you aren't a puppy owner at all but are the actual breeder trying to post a positive spin to this discussion which initiated from a someone else that had concerns about Big Oaks.

    In the event you feel as though you have a top quality Bull Terrier than exploit your dog and show him off. Take him to a show and see how he pans out with other Bull Terriers. Just understand that saddleback marks are a genetic fault and labeled as a "serious fault." But more importantly than color is proper structure and conformation which a sign of proper health and genetics. It's apparent you are not familiar with these qualities.

    Not too many people care if they have a "SHOW" dog with extremely nice qualities but they all hope they are purchasing a dog that actually emulates the proper qualities of the breed. If a breeder is selling puppies for an expensive price it's expected that their qualities are fitting.

    You have yet to show off your puppy with photos. So far your only contributions to this Forum was to post rebuke to this topic and combat the comments I made with truth and sincerity.
    I'm not trying to slander your breeder (or YOU) but this Forum is for others to learn from and receive honest feedback.

    Regardless where you got your Bull Terrier from, how well it looks, how good of a temperament it has, and how well it's health genetics are as long as you are happy with your dog is all that matters. There will always be breeders that truly don't care much about bettering the breed with proper qualities or striving to emulate the Breed Standards. However, there will always be people falling in love with cure puppies without conducting homework on the breed. Many people impulse buy and purchase in close proximity to them based on availability. Others feel it better to research breeders and join a waiting list from breeders that produce puppies that are sought after based on their reputation.

    Please don't be upset with me for providing details which are common sense and used to enlighten others trying to learn about the breed.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Apparently @Kava posted her statement in the wrong area. So I've placed it where it needs to be -

    2138 x 770 - 243K
    Kava.JPG 242.9K
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • BBANRMsBBANRMs Charlotte, NC
    Hi there Kava - We had a beagle/basset mix that had epilepsy - happy to answer any questions/share what I know...
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
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