Bluto does not and will not eat his food.
Bluto won't eat
My 6 month old bull terrier refuses to eat his food, when I set the food down he runs up and put his nose in it then just stops and won't even look at it.
The weird thing his he is more than happy to eat the food out of my hand but will not in any bowl I give him and I wash the bowls as well so I really don't know what to do with this habit at all. I even. Change up his diet like adding water and nothing happens.
I want him to be a big healthy Boy so this is bugging me since I know it is important he get enough food in him.
Not sure I'd qualify changing the menu by strictly adding water.
Have u tried changing the food itself ?
Is it open range feeding,. Or do you stick to a routine ?
When chooba was a puppy he acted the same way. IMO he would rather take part in wutever I was doing than eat, regardless what was on his plate. By hand feeding I only reinforced it.
I tried setting the food out for 20min, then putting it away. Theory being, eat now or be hungry until the next scheduled feeding. But it never worked
He'd just be attached to me at the hip for 20min.
I found a range of foods I knew he liked,. Kept the menu sppntaneous, kept him active to ensure a healthy appetite, and free fed.
I rarely see him eat,. But the food disappears.....And I have 2 healthy good sized bullies.
Some don't like the idea,. But to each there own. Bullys and your personal circumstances are unique and there is no one fix that suits all.
Try different things and find out what works. But continuing to hand feed I don't think is a long term solution.