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Is Harley on Track weight wise

Hi, all I know these questions can be along the lines of 'How long is a piece of string?' but would appreciate your thoughts.

Harley's 7 months and weighs in at 15 kg or 33 pounds in old money. She weighed in at 25 pounds 4 weeks ago. Is that weight gain in the ok range? She's a leggy girl and has a narrow face..I just wondered how much more she's likely to grow? She's on a complete raw diet supplied by Natures Menu which so far is the only food she hasn't gone off. Attaching some photo's...just because ;)imageimage
1114 x 1300 - 173K
1075 x 1111 - 198K


  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    .... Just because?... She's beautiful??... well, both of them are actually... And she looks to be a nice fighting weight... Believe me, it's tougher to keep it off them when they are very food motivated, than it is to pack it on if you ever want to beef her up a bit.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
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