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Hi Max is 19 weeks old ( we love this little monster). I'm disabled so we will be sending him to boarding school on Sept 5th. I've never sent a puppy off to school but..... Just wondering if anyone has done that here. Also I seem to be loss trying to train him. Thanks


  • Hi....Max has wonderful nose sprinkles!!! I am looking for a trainer and vet for my future Bullie. If I hear the word stubborn again I will explode. All Bullies are not stubborn. I am sure Max will be a good boy and do you proud. I can't comment or give advice haven't crossed that bridge yet. I am sure excellent advice is here though. I see myself sitting in the car with tears streaming down my cheeks like he was real child on his first day of school when my baby goes to class. Good luck.
  • @philsergeant hi any help , thoughts ? Thank you
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I haven't seen too many training schools that boarded the dogs. Does this school have experience with Bull Terriers? Did they come recommended by someone you knew?

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Yes they did come recommed by a friend of mine. They have references with bull terriers. We drove up and toured the home/ kennels. They are very well kept , clean and a/c. Thank you for your input and help
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Well it sounds like something that may be very beneficial for your Bullie. I'm sure he'll get some good training and will be socializing with other dogs at the same time.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thank you I needed some reassurance ! His Grand Mother is Stellar Red.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Ahh, I remember Stella Red very well. I sold her as an 8 week old week old puppy to someone I knew fairly well. He was wanting to show her and asked for full registration. I trusted him and didn't think it necessary to conduct a Co-ownership contract and keeping my name on the registration. Little did I know a couple years the owner ended up getting injured. There was nobody to take care of Stella so his mother found it fit to put an add in the paper offering up Stella to a new home instead of contacting me. Poor Stella ended up with a Backyard Breeder who was thrilled to have a Bull Terrier with our bloodline which happened to have FULL registration. That breeder didn't wait a month before breeding her to whatever male she had. She continued to breed Stella at every opportunity she could. This was a terrible lesson I learned about the importance of refraining from trusting anyone with Full Registration. After that incident I swore I never make the same mistake twice and to date I have kept to that commitment and promise to myself. Poor Stella was bred to multiple poor quality Bull Terriers that were never health tested. All of which came from a background of other BYB's. I don't even know if that breeder ever kept Stella after she bred her back to back.
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Let's find her (the BYB) and lock her up... [with Hil]
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Omg that's terrible !! That's awful poor girl ! I wonder how I could find out where she is. I would have never thought that. When I got his papers back I recognize your name only because I was reading everything you had. I was going to go on your waiting list then Max stole my heart.
  • "Jana Manasco a real bitch of a young girl who lied extensively about a lot of bull terrier things including Lilly ". Boy I'm opening all kinds of wounds. Jeeze this lady must be stopped !
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Yeah... Unfortunately we are reaching the point in our country where, [like the rest of the world] if we stopped and took 10 minutes to flush the toilet, we'd find that at least 30% of our population had just gone down the sewer.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @CollenHH - She must have changed her name. It used to be Jana Stines but she is from Manasco Bull Terriers. However, I think Manasco Bull Terriers packed up their bags and quit breeding 3 or 4 years ago.
    Apparently their website left off with announcing an upcoming litter due March 2013.
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Well I hope she isn't still breeding. Stella is beautiful. Sad for real. On an up note MAX after two hours of NO BITE hold down with mouth shut, He STOPPED biting for the day ! Even stopped with other dogs! Did head butt the Catahula ... That was funny she try's to sit on him.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Great update on Max! He's coming along and doing excellent due to your efforts and attention. :-bd

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thanks , had a little set back. He flew into the pool like a lead balloon , scott went in head first after him. Seemed fine until the next day. He just seemed off to me. Took him to ER vet. Said he was one lucky boy with good parents. Small amount of water in lung. He is on anti biotics. Said if we'd a waited a day he would probably have had pneumonia ! Back to piss and vinager today ! Back to square one. He will catch on I hope !! Thanks to you guys for all your help !
  • No Bite & open your mouth ! He will work for plane graham crackers !!!!
    4032 x 3024 - 2M
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited September 2016
    Colleen. How's the pinning going? Is he behaving himself? I have been meaning to call you this last week and I have just been swamped trying to turn a dollar... Hope all is okay.... Love that face!!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Good you didn't call I was on a crying jag. He left for training Monday and while the trainer was he noticed that his eyes did not dialate in the sun. Well I got a call from them yesterday and he can not continue with training. He has had his vet come over to evaluate Max. He has very limited eyesight and limited hearing. They're taking him to a neurologist tomorrow because you cannot smell either and shows signs of a neurological problem. ( why he fell in pool and did not try to swim) I contacted the breeder and another litter mate is in the same shape. ( nice to let me know). So, I'm on hold until tomorrow. The breeder isn't very co-operative it's very upsetting.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Oh! Shyte!  I totally hate to hear this type of story. I predict (unfortunately) that you will get little joy from the breeder, so it will be up to you as to how you proceed.  Don't give up though, if you wanted to persevere he will be a lot better once you get over the adolescent phase.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • His appointment is at 11am tomorrow. If he is messed up neurologically it isn't very fair to him to have to have him in a cage all the time. I would hope that she would honor her contract and take him back - refund. Then I would go on the waiting list ( which I should have done in the first place!). I just don't know what to do, it makes sense now why I could not get him to listen to me... He can't hear.
    I wouldn't be going through all of this if she didn't keep telling me. That's the breed, that's the way they are. I know the one we had when I was a kid wasn't like him, but I thought maybe I just didn't remember! It is very upsetting to say the least.
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