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Just wanted to drop a quick message to publicly thank a few people.
I am a new BT owner, having only ad Boxers previously, because of where I am living at the moment, i wanted a dog I could fly home with me to UK when my stint here ends and Boxers are not able to fly so I went for a BT, a breed ive always admired from afar.
I had read all the information i could find and done a lot of research but i never expected to get the dog I have. Yes he is stubborn, oh so stubborn, so stubborn i swear i see him roll his eyes at me sometimes when i dare to ask him to move from his lying down nap. Yes he is hard to train, but we will get there... BUT I have never experienced a more loving, friendly eager to please dog in my life. If im tired, he lies on my feet, If i want to play with him, he plays and plays and then just stops dead and looks at me to say ive had enough im going for a sleep. He follows me everywhere always wanting to know what im doing and when im in a mood, which is often the case, he pocks me with his nose and licks my feet.

I am aware i have asked a lot of questions and it is because I want to do everything I can to make his life great and because i am in a country where i dont speak the native tongue well sometimes this site is my best point of reference.
In the small time i have been here, people like @Djammy @BulliesofNC and @philsergeant have been invaluable and whilst I dont always agree with how people word their posts ;), i KNOW that an concerns or information is done from a love of the breed and sometimes a tough love approach is needed.
One person I would like to thank publicly is @Cfols25, who has been helping me with questions via PM, I cant state enough how grateful I am for their time in answering what may be an annoying amount of questions but they were in a similar position to me with a skin issue and gave me the information i needed to be able to ask my new vet informed questions without losing them in translation.

Once again thank you all.


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