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Firstly thanks for accepting me on to the forum.

I owned a EBT back in 2004 it was a breed I was always interested ever since watching Oliver Twist and one of my first purchases upon getting my own home ( though may I add I did not call him bullseye but a grand name of Wellington) Unfortunately I did not do the research I should of and my dog passed away before his second birthday of heart failure.

I always vowed to get another but after having a family ended up rescuing two Staffordshire bull terriers with one now reaching the ripe old age of 15yrs .Sadly he is reaching the end of his days and beginning my research into getting a another EBT as a companion for the other dog as she will be lost without a buddy.

I hope to pick your brains about all your experiences with the breed and what reasonable expections I should expect from a reputable breeder when I purchase a puppy.

Thanks again


  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Welcome to the Forum!!!

    Here's an article I wrote a few years back that I'm confident will put you on the right track for finding a reputable breeder.

    300 x 214 - 11K
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thank you for replying unfortunately I cannot access the article it is shown as site locked I've tried logging in and out a few times
  • Ignore my last comment I got the post up thanks very much
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Most welcome! So sad to hear of your first EBT experience, tragic and hard to live with. We look forward to finding out about all your wonderful experiences with the second. We're here to help!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Hey man I probably won't be able to help you like these other guys but I am a fellow newbie to EBT's and Im looking forward to seeing how this journey ends up for ya!!

    Ive had Bronte for about a month now and I can say you wont regret the decision to find your very own EBT!

    If i can help you at all I'll be glad to
  • Thanks very much for all your welcoming comments. it's all early research as our 15yr old Staffordshire bull terrier is still with us ( well he sleeps and farts all day but I think he has earned the right to do that ) he has now got cushings so reaching the last few months of the fantastic life he has had. I have now got a few breeders in mind and will keep you all posted btw Cfols25 I love the name Bronte
  • Welcome! I may be biased, but I got my EBT from Bullies of NC and she is quite a joy! Here she is with her arm around her best pal Max..

    960 x 720 - 45K
  • Welcome! I may be biased, but I got my EBT from Bullies of NC and she is quite a joy! Here she is with her arm around her best pal Max..

    I cannot argue there they have some fantastic looking dogs but a bit of a distance to travel from the UK I'm afraid. Loving the pose from your two
  • Glad you like the name mickjameslenehan!! Everyone round these parts thinks it is so strange that i didnt just name my dog gus, bo, hank, or charlie lol no appreciation for unique names these days  >:P

    also my family has had two staffordshires and I know that has to be hard preparing to say goodbye! Another great breed and fantastic companions
  • Hey fellow brit here! Welcome in the UK you may have to be prepared to wait a bit longer as there aren't quite so many breeders available I would check out the assured breeders scheme on the kennel club website you'll find some good ones on there . Where are you based ? 
    If you're also open to adopting an older bull terrier you can check out this rescue is run by the head of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire bull terrier club iirc 
    Absoloute get a fair few in sometimes they even have puppies and very young dogs 
    Bullies in need are linked on the battersea dogs home website the staff are friendly
    Hopefully you'll find some of this useful I recently went through trying to find a good breeder myself Stephen said it was his last litter or I would of just put you in touch with him he really cares about his dogs we often talk and I send him photos and all that which is what you want from a breeder imo . You should be looking for someone who will be asking you lots of questions aswell and if they aren't KC registered avoid avoid avoid chances are they've done it for quick cash or one of/both parents may have a restriction on them this could mean anything from the original breeder didn't want that dog bred from to all sorts of other reasons such as incest ( the KC will not register brother to sister , dad to daughter etc etc etc )   .
    Oh and hello welcome :)
  • Hello Harriet I have looked at a few of the rescue sites the two dogs we currently own are rescue but with the health issues of the breed and young children in the house I would like the peace of mind of knowing about the dogs background but would consider rescue if the right dog came along.

    I am in Essex there is a breeder in Kent called Rangorak they are KC reg who I will send an enquiry email too, their used to be a big breeder in Essex called bullyview but it does not appear the website has been updated for some time. Would be willing to travel anywhere in the UK though for a healthy pup from a good background.

    Bullies of NC wrote a great article on finding a good breeder the 2yr puppy health guarantee sounds great but never really heard of breeders offering that in the UK unless you know otherwise.
  • Bullyview are still about they're listed on the assured breeders scheme bullyview are very good looking dogs and I've never heard a bad word said about them in anyway but I am slightly biased . I would enquire with bullyview , right stuff, tulsadoom ,bullyon,  megasville , kilacabar , dazlin at least they would be my choices going on both looks , breeder integrity and the fact they are assured so all the facilities and care is up to a good standard ) they're all on the assured breeders list and do all the testing iirc aswell as they all do well in the show ring . You may have to pay a bit more but it's worth it for the right dog
    Even if you decide to go with another breeder any of the above should be happy giving you advice on the breed and what to look for etc and I'm pretty sure the bull terrier welfare trust will also be able to give you some good advice on breeders and who they would recommend. You can also enquire about puppies that have been returned I know of one breeder that told me a lady returned a puppy for chewing up her chair ..... well dur it's a puppy if you think that you have no business owning a dog let alone a bull terrier haha 
    Good luck on your search you must let me know which breeder you end up going with! I was in the same position a while ago but I quickly learnt what is and isn't acceptable when choosing a breeder including bullies of Nc's articles etc .
    Good luck I'm sure whoever you go with you'll have a fabulous little bull terror! 

  • The KC registered list is a different one to the assured breeders list nearly anyone can be kc registered but you can't be assured without kc visits etc
    Sorry about the multiple posts some technical difficulties here!!! 
  • So we sadly had to make the decision to have our 15yr old SBT put down last month, from been rescued wandering the streets at 18 months he had a good life so no complaints but it does not stop you missing him.
    So we are now considering in the new year to get our BT our concern is that our other SBT is 7yrs old she is fantastic in every sense, she has never chewed the furniture, so much as grumbled at the kids but she again was a rescue and taken of her Mother way too young so she lacks socialisation skills probably something we should of sorted out as a puppy but with two young kids at the time our priorities were different. I am concerned how she would react with a puppy, whether she is too old to cope with a puppy, she has always been good with dogs we have introduced her too and loved our other dog to bits, but has no interest in sniffing or looking at other dogs when out and about and has a little grumble when dogs won't leave her alone.
    Have you any thoughts on what you all think or if there are any good methods of introducing a puppy to an older dog
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    The best person to answer that question would be You. Nobody knows the temperament, character, and personality of your 7 year old BT better than you. No two dogs are the same. Most would do just fine with adding a puppy to the family and probably enjoy the company and companionship. ALL Bull Terrier puppies are prone to irritating the heck out of any adult that they have the opportunity to harass. It's just in their nature to be little rascals when they are puppies so there will always be a need for supervision, training, and a lot of patience.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
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