Bad Mom!!!
I'm feeling like a terrible mom!!!! We took our girl for a walk by the beach last night and this morning she's walking all hobby...after a look at her paw pads, she has a blister on the bottom of each paw!! She wasn't acting like they hurt during our walk....I feel so bad! Any suggestions? I put coconut oil on them and confined her to her crate. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do? Help!
But now that it's happened it is almost as hard, if not harder for fur-kids paws to heal than our feet do,//// So she is going to be very limited for quiet a while... Zambuk and/ or bag balm/ Blister care ointments, same stuff you'd use on human burnt feet. Then there's this:
That was until the next day when she was hardly able to get up and ready for the vet, some taping and a good deal of "time-out" regarding wild play.
I sometimes feel when playing and focussed they are so full of adrenaline that they hardly feel anything.
This is probably one of the reasons why it is so hard to separate fighting dogs. But that's a very different topic.
Anyways, keep soothing the paws with coconut oil. You can add some human antibiotic ointment (e.g. Neosporine) from the grocery store on the pad for disinfection, especially if the sores decide to open. Only apply very small amounts of it, especially, if doggie tends to lick the rub off. You can also or alternatively soak the feet in diluted Epsom salt for healing and disinfection (pat feet dry afterwards). But note that Epsom salt CAN sting and cause a little discomfort. So chances are that doggie will not like it too much. In that case just stick to the ointments.
If you have some anti-slip baby socks (or special dog socks) you can use to protect the pads and keep the rubs from being licked off at home. And if you own dog boots, use them for walks for a few days or if you don't just try to keep doggie off hard surfaces when running and allow her to walk slowly on the potty rounds.
Maybe try to play some non-running or tug games for a few days to lessen the stress on the paws. Just searching/ sniffing things, tricks, stuff like that.
Disinfect the foot pads especially after you went outside and don't rub the feet directly BEFORE you go outside with oil as it does not help, when the paws are softened at that point.
I am sure you're gonna be good again in no time! Not much to worry about as far as I can judge it from here. It happens.
... did not even realize that you had already answered - was too busy writing. So, I could've spared all the words. Because great advice was there already.
Naaaaaaa, who am I kidding ... I LOVE talking. No regrets.