Eye Troubles
So things with Icarus have been going well and we've settled into a routine. He goes to daycare on Saturdays to get socialization and give me a break . A few of the handlers at daycare have mentioned to me that they think he might have some vision problems (one of them has an EBT as well so she's familiar with the breed). I will admit he does seem to have trouble tracking objects if they are thrown, and will bump into things a bit, however it's never been anything big enough for me to think much of it. Since this isn't a sudden change in status, I am guessing it may be another congenital issue for him. I'll probably take him to see the vet next month (this isn't an emergency and I'd rather wait to go see my dad then pay for a visit here), but I was wondering if you guys had any guesses on what the issue might be. I tried googling to see if there any eye issues that are commonly seen in deaf EBTs but I didn't come across anything definitive. I've looked in both of his eyes and the pupils aren't ragged or blown, and both are clear without any scratches. He did have goopy eyes for a bit, so I treated with some eye drops, but he was having the same behaviors before then so I don't think it was infection related.
This is more out of curiosity, this doesn't seem to be an impediment for him other than making him extra clumsy and I doubt there is a fix for anything. It surprises me even more that he may have trouble seeing, and he can't hear but he is still so sweet and I haven't seen any aggression at all. I'll never understand why someone tossed him.
This is more out of curiosity, this doesn't seem to be an impediment for him other than making him extra clumsy and I doubt there is a fix for anything. It surprises me even more that he may have trouble seeing, and he can't hear but he is still so sweet and I haven't seen any aggression at all. I'll never understand why someone tossed him.
I just visit the forums every now and again to dig up some old threads that need responses, bless their hearts