Dog run smell.
Does anybody have any suggestions to keep the smell down in a dog run? Our yard is fenced in with a dog run inside for the dogs to do their business. Which, surprisingly, they go into on their own and use it. We use sand in it. I clean it daily and sprinkle Stall Dry (that I use in my horses stalls) but its still pretty stinky! We move the run closer to the back door during the winter months cause of all the snow, so we can't concrete it cause its not permanent. Any ideas??
Once you have that done purchase a product called Wysiwash - This stuff is more powerful than bleach when it comes to sanitation and kills all bacteria and germs even Parvo. It's a lot safer too and leaves the area smelling like a chlorine pool.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"