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Hannah's getting a Sister!!

Well we already found a sister for Hannah.  Didn't take as long as I thought.  Once the decision was made, everything else seemed to fall into place.  Funny thing too, both of the parents are from the states.  So they are duel registered.  We are naming her Tea', after Tea' Leoni.  She was born Aug 15 and pictured here at 5 days old with Momma.  7 in the litter, 3 girls, 4 boys. I'm already not sleeping at night in anticipation of getting her.  She won't be ready to go til Thanksgiving weekend (Canadian)  We keep telling Hannah she's getting a baby sister, so hopefully she won't be too jealous of her and will bond with her.  Hannah will be just over a year when we pick up Tea'.  So exciting..............
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  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Oh what a cutie she is!!!  You'll have to keep us posted with photo updates.  Where did you get her from? Do they have a Kennel name?

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Wow! Tttttoooooo sweet. There's only one thing that's five times better than one Bullie and that's TWO Bullies!!! ( I hope you meant Dual Registered) .... We don't want any trouble now, do we?
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Hahahaha...........oops!  Yeah thats what I meant philsergeant!!  Yes she comes from a new kennel just starting out by the name of J C Bull Terriers out of Hamilton, Ont.  Tea' s dam, Lilly, came from Tri State Bull Terriers in Kentucky and sire, Bear, came from Bull Terriers of Michigan.

    Momma "Lilly" is out of Eisenhower Schwarzengger Cochrum x TSBT's Elainea of Ann-Dees

    Daddy "Bear" is out of Sir Bentley Jennings x Coco Jennings.

    Not planning on showing her at all, but do want to get into obedience trials and other fun stuff along with Hannah.  

    No worries..............I will be posting tons of pics along with any issues I may have with her.  Seeings we've already survived the first year with Hannah, figure the second one will be a breeze!!!!  LOL
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Yes, Second year's a lot easier than the first, after two years it's a breeze ( :D ).... I'm going to want to know how well two sisters get along... never had that kind of pair and wonder how Raspberry (Tea) is going to stake her claim.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Unfortunately the sire and dam came from two new breeders here in the states that do not have a good reputation. Bull Terriers of Michigan actually contacted me a couple years ago with a bogus story of why they were in pursuit for an adult female Bull Terrier for breeding. Sheryl Jennings was the one who contacted me and I still have our email exchange. She wasn't pleased when I researched the unethical breeding practices she was conducting. She even sold a sterile "Stud" named BudyyBoy to KY Hillbullies. They do not health test and offer no health guarantees. Tri-State Bull Terriers is no different. Chances are JC Bull Terriers opted to purchase from this breeder because they aren't too many breeders in America that provide Full Registration for breeding without co-ownership contracts unless they are a puppymill, have no reputation, or simply don't care about the future of their bloodline.

    I think your puppy is very cute and don't wish for you to be angered in any way for providing you information about the breeders here in USA from which your puppy came from. However, I'm not the type of person who will turn a blind eye to corrupt breeders who are not breeding with the intent to better the breed with quality, health, and sound temperament.

    Hopefully the breeder you are getting Tea from will at least provide appropriate genetic testing on the puppies from the litter and sell them with a decent health guarantee that covers ALL genetic disorders. Sadly there are more and more new breeders popping up each year that do not care at all about the future of the Bull Terrier breed and the puppies they produce are worsening the breed vice complimenting it.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Well it's an absolutely precious picture of mom and baby. You must be over the moon right now. I hope that regardless of whatever breeding practices are in this baby's pedigree that she turns out beautiful and perfect. You're going to have your hands full with these two soon enough!
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Well said Quinn!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Thanks Quinn.  I hope so too!!!!  The breeder is providing a full health guarantee that does cover all the genetic disorders.  That being said, it would certainly be heartbreaking if she develops anything.  But that is a chance you have to take with any animal.  We are already in love with her!  Going to meet the parents on Saturday.  Can't wait.............and her name is pronounced Tayah, not like the tea you drink!!! hahaha
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  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Love the name! Wow, you get to visit with the puppies while Mamma is still nursing her babies. That's not normal protocol for most breeders but to each their own.

    I can imagine how excited you are to receive her in a few more weeks. At least you have plenty of time to prepare for her arrival.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Yes we are extremely excited.  You're right, its not normal protocol at all and we actually don't get to see Momma or puppies.  We are just going to get to meet Daddy and the owners. (plus it will be nice to see the conditions the puppies are being raised in)  We happen to be driving down that way to take my granddaughter back home and the offer was made to stop in.  Thought it would be a good idea to check things out, especially after the information you provided us with.  Also going to go over all the paperwork.  I'm pretty sure she said she doesn't let anyone see the puppies til after 6 weeks of age.  Does that sound about right?

    We are telling Hannah on a daily basis that she's getting a sister and Tea' is coming!!!    And we show her the pictures!!  Lol.........I'm sure she understands it all, shes so smart.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Normally puppies are allowed to be looked at and handled by strangers when they are weened from the mother. This is normally at 4 weeks of age.
    That's good that they are not allowing strangers to touch the puppies or go into the whelping room where they are being nursed because it could cause stress on the mother and possibly endanger the puppies.
    Visiting them is a good idea though especially if you haven't already done so. You can take advantage of the time by asking them to see their written health guarantee as well as genetic tests that were conducted on the parents. You may also want to inquire about their policies for registration. Most reputable breeders will sell their puppies with Limited Registration unless a co-ownership contract is conducted for Full Registration.
     Due to the age of the puppies may may want to also ask if the puppies have had the first dose of worming medication. It's important that the puppies are dewormed starting at 2 weeks old and then every week until they are 6 weeks of age. By the time they are tested at 6 weeks old there should be no signs of worms in their system.
    Take a photo of the sire when you visit. I'd love to see him.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thanks.........great advise.  I will do all that!  Tea' opened her eyes yesterday and was the first in the litter to do so.  Right now she is also the biggest!!
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    That's awesome. Good sign too.

    She's got a very unique light Black Brindle color to her that I have not seen much of before. Is her mother the same color? It's hard to tell from just a head shot but her mothers color looks black which I'm used to seeing on Black Brindle's.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Went and visited the breeder yesterday!  Everything is on the up and up, great people.  They've turned their dining room into the nursery, very, very clean and well kept.  Saw mom and babies from a distance.  Mom looks in great shape.  Yes she is a black brindle, which she looks solid black with brindle points on her face and legs.  Shes just a little bit bigger than Hannah which is nice, cause we wanted the same size.  Dad is like a fawn brindle (boxer like) and we are hoping Tea' will look like his colouring.  I (stupidly) forgot my camera, so no pics.  But when we pick Tea' up I will for sure take it and get pics of both parents.  The couple works out of their house, so they are home with the kids 24/7.  They showed us the charts they are keeping on the puppies since birth, with weights, size, first time doing things.  I am very happy with everything we saw.  Right now Tea' and one of her brothers are the biggest.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    So, tell me honestly, which is more exciting..... Waiting the 9 months for a human baby or waiting the 9 weeks for a BULLIE baby?
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • For sure the Bullie baby!!!!  We are both so excited to get a second one.  Can't wait to see how Hannah reacts to her...........hopefully great and she loves her like we already do!!  LOL
  • For the record -- My DOG is Quinn...I am not. ;)

    Tea' looks so darn cute!! I have a feeling that more brindle/brown will appear in her fur as she gets older. Coats change a lot. Though I am disappointed you forgot a camera when you visited!!! Would have loved to seen everyone. It's great that these breeders get to stay home all the time. At least you know that they are being well taken care of. I got to visit my dog and her litter when they were two weeks old, and yes, we were able to see and touch the pups. Mom was out back, but got to meet mom and dad separately from the puppies later. Hindsight is 20/20, but I think I lucked out with Quinn.

    I remember the day I was sent the first pictures of the litter on their exciting. Can't wait to watch your baby grow up.

    "Fawn brindle" just regular brindle? Most brindles in Bull Terriers and Boxers look the same, color-wise. Some can have lighter browns than others, but are still simply "brindle." Would love to see a picture of dad-dog!
  • Hahahaha..........sorry about that!  Love that name for a bullie though!  Quinn is a great looking dog. I love her markings.  I couldn't believe I forgot that camera..............too much with packing up my granddaughter I guess (and I'm getting old and forgetful!) 

    Ya I think Tea' will turn out just regular brindle.  3 pups are light and the other 4 are black brindle like mom.
    No worries, I'll be posting lots of pics, especially of her and Hannah together.  
  • Heres a pic of Tea' at 4 weeks old!!  Another 4 weeks to go and we bring her home!!  So excited........ :D
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  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    I sure hope that's her serious face and not her fun one.. :-) ... She looks like a fabulous character... Bet you are marking that calendar hour by hour!!!!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Look at that CUTE face!!!!! 

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Another updated picture.  Shes 5 1/2 weeks old and up to 7lbs!!!   These next 2 1/2 weeks are going to go soooo slow........we are now counting the sleeps!!!  LOL
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  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    She's precious!  There's nothing more cute than an EBT puppy!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    @Fullobull... Don't COUNT the sleeps.... make the best of them, she's about to rip your peaceful nights to shreds!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Ooooooh you're making be broody for bullie babies!!! She is absolutely precious!!! But yes...don't count the need to enjoy your sleeps while you have them!!
  • Tea' is now 7 weeks today and we have 6 more days before picking her up!!!  She's up to 10lbs and still the biggest in the litter.  I can't wait to have her snuggled in my arms and showering her with kisses :x

    It will be a long drive home though, over 4 hours and I'm sure Hannah will be making a fuss with me holding baby Tea' in my arms.  My husband says hes going to take ear plugs.......hahaha.

    I'll be sure to post pics of Hannah and Tea' first meeting next weekend!!!
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    Tea - October 1 - 5.jpg
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  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Tick Tock Tick Tock :|
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    She is soooo cute!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Awww, what a cutie!  Congratulations! 
  • Thanks everyone for all your comments.  We are sooooo excited and can't wait to see Hannah's reaction when we pick her up.  Hannah just adores puppies and watches "Pick a Puppy" every morning!  I'll try not to flood the forum with pictures............LOL :))

    @BulliesofNC -  I ordered that vitamin supplement you carry Nuvet and they have a supplier here in Ontario.  I want to start Hannah on it and what age should I start Tea'?
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Good for you! You can start her on the NuVet as soon as you get her. I prove out NuVet samples with every puppy we provide to new owners. Start her on it asap and she will maintain a strong immune system right from the start and her health will be excellent provided you have her on a good food and giving her a lot of exercise. I can't wait to see photos when you have her there with you!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • oh wow!! she is muscular!!!! seeing her pictures now, she is simply gorgeous!!!
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