skin problem!
so we started noticing some chicken pocks like inflamed bumps on his tummy, then they seemed to spread around him around his body with in 24 hours, to this point he doesnt really scratch him self or seemed faced by it or have any type of pain. we feed blue buffalo dry food, but we are changing to a grain free food. we are not sure what caused this, we think it could be a food allergy or something. he has no lost of appetite. his has his first set of shots, and his due for his second set in about a week. we are not sure what to do. we are scared to shower him. we are worried. im thinking of taking him to the vet. i read some of the post made of skin problems in the site. any input is appreciated! thank you in advanced. here are some pics.
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Typically chicken isn't a problem with most Bullies... But I'd try PureVita or Orijien or TOTW, all grain free, preferably with two meats in it (so they don't get too much of one)
Anyway, I can't really see the bumps in those pictures, so I could only recommend continuing with the gradual change of food and see if he improves. I did not have luck with TotW, but maybe you will. It's not a bad food. I don't care for Royal Canin. I feed Acana Regionals to my dog now, but Orijen or Acana may have a puppy food that is better suited. There are lots of good grain free foods out there. Poke around online, especially on dogfoodadvisor, and see what you can find.
Also, I used to avoid chicken as well because I have heard of it being a problematic protein in some dogs, however, my dog ended up having a problem with fish. She is fine with chicken.