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New family member incoming! :)

We are still sorting out the details but Loki will soon have a sister! I'm awaiting co-ownership papers to arrive and hopefully we will be picking this girl up next month. She's 4 months old now and is the daughter of Emred Huntsman. We are so excited! I haven't fully decided on a name yet for her but I really like Juno. I can't wait to get her and start taking her to shows!
750 x 552 - 65K
525 x 429 - 84K
1008 x 748 - 133K


  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited June 2015
    Oh My Gosh! That's disgusting!  I am so jealous that I wish there were some tall buildings in Florida that I could throw myself off of!!!!!!   She is beautiful!  You better count your lucky stars... And share every moment!!!!!! and photo!!!!

    Better call her "Achy-Breaky" after the song "Achy Breaky Heart"... 'cos she is going to break it!!!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Congratulations @LokiLostCoast how exciting she is beautiful can't wait for more photos :)
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Look at that cutie!!! Congrats on the new addition to your family!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thanks guys we can't wait to bring her home. We will hopefully be taking her to her first show in September in Vallejo (provided I can get the time off) should be picking her up in the middle of July sometime we haven't set a date yet. I'll post tons of pictures when I do though. We decided against importing as it's incredibly expensive and a long flight for the pup. I love the European blood lines though and Emred Huntsman definitely has that Euro look/build. I can't wait to see how she turns out. She comes from fully health tested parents, BAER tested (clear), microchipped and all shots done including rabies. The breeder is incredibly nice and has been very patient with me when I asked a million questions. Before I was kinda freaked out about co-own contracts but after talking with him I'm very comfortable now. I'm in love with this girl already and I love her markings.
  • I love her eye patch and the colorings in it! She is exquisite. Her sire looks great as well from what I can see. Where are you getting her from? Hopefully not too long of a drive. We got lucky and only had a 3 hour trip home. Can't wait to see more pictures of her! With Loki too, of course. I like Juno for a name, though I'd probably end up calling her Junebug half the time! She is a cutie. :)
  • She's currently in Texas but will be flown to San Francisco airport and we will be driving down to pick her up there (5 hour drive from home). We may actually be in Fort Bragg camping since I'm wanting to spend time with her on my vacation and we have had it planned for over a year (family camping trip). I was thinking it would be a bad idea but I think Loki meeting and spending a few days with her first before we bring her home to his territory would be a good idea.
  • So as for the update on our new girl she should be with us on the 11th! I've paid the deposit and will be paying the rest on the 7th. So excited!
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Okay, so when you've made the final payment, my address is: 
    ************* FL34990
    We'll even pay the shipping!!!
    :)) :))
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Lol . I'll post lots of pictures when we get her :D
  • Well we will be picking her up on the 11th and we have decided to name her Indica my BF wasn't fond of the name Juno. More pictures to follow once we pick her up!
  • Oops forgot the picture lol
    750 x 509 - 202K
  • SeonSeon Lake Camanch, CA
    What a beauty!
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Looking forward to seeing more photo's of this Bullie!!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Sorry that the photos/update is late we were in a area with no cell service the past few days. So here she is! The One and Only Houston's Finest. AKA Indica. We are currently dealing with some issues with Loki. He is being possessive/ jealous aggressive we are working on it with him and I have decided that he needs to be neutered. currently we are crate rotating when we can not watch them carefully and police them. I am hoping that neutering Loki will help calm him down a bit because his possessiveness is becoming a real issue. We were camping the last few days and Loki was laying in my lap on a camp chair when one of the kids that were with our party (like 14 years old) walked up from behind me and reached his hand out to Loki and Loki lunged at him. Thankfully the kid was not bitten but Loki seems to have a bigger problem with aggression then originally thought. I'm really hoping us working with him and neutering will help.
    750 x 557 - 228K
    750 x 948 - 279K
    750 x 958 - 97K
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited July 2015
    I don't believe that neutering is the solution, I would do a lot more research before you take that significant step.
    The new Hollywood star looks fabulous.
    It is to be expected that Loki will react with jealousy when a new source of attention comes into the picture/... Just like every other behaviour he needs to be taught that this is wrong and will not be tolerated.
    Castration would just be punishment for loving you.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • edited July 2015
    I agree with philsergeant.
    Not sure, if neutering will bring the desired calming and no telling what consequences for his health it may bring in the future. I absolutely see that you are alerted and this issue definitely needs immediate working on it. Yet, I personally would give training and subordination some more time before taking this substantial step. Given your circumstances allow for that approach.

    If you are feeling a little overwhelmed with having to deal with aggression on your own, or if the situation is already so critical that slow approaches are not in order, maybe you are able to find an experienced trainer in your area for an initial evaluation and some expert advice on the issue.

    I don't know, if you've already had aggression issues before with Loki. But if not, he may very well just be completely overwhelmed by the new situation, jealous and anxious that he is going to loose privileges.
    After all they're like children. Maybe he needs a while to adjust. During this phase he should be handled with LOVE as well as a firm, consistent hand.

    Aside from the problems your two beauties are looking great!
  • We've had other agression issues with him in the past. He has gone after a few other pups in the same manner. I realize that neutering is not a cure all and I really didn't want to neuter him because of the potential health issues but he is getting severe. He snapped at me when I was trying to get him off the couch as both dogs are no longer allowed on the couch or bed any more. We are trying to set boundaries with him
  • Congratulations on your new bully she's beautiful I hope u can solve the problems with loki xxxx
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited July 2015
    The reality is that if Loki snaps at you then he doesn't know absolutely who is boss, nuts or no nuts. He is young and this trend is new, apparently, so you still have the opportunity to set him straight on that matter.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • edited July 2015
    Right, philsergeant.
    He needs to know who's the boss and that aggression is not being tolerated, QUICKLY, before the situation gets out of hand.

    I am sure you have already combed through this forum to find info on possible ways to correct your dog's behavior and have found great tipps.
    I found an article here that tries to explain the underlying reasons of the behavior:

    The two reasons why I suggested a trainer experienced with aggression issues, if you feel overwhelmed yourself, are:
    1. Appropriate help & advice will come targeted and probably quickly. Also you will see that the problem behavior your dog show is not that uncommon after all and can probably be worked on with the right measures

    2. However, the problem needs immediate & consistent attention through training and correction. Here's some respect missing, which can become dangerous to family members quickly.

    As an immediate help, I'd remove any triggers, such as toys fought over, feed dogs separately etc. But as I understand the aggression does more evolve around favorite places etc. It's probably a little harder to avoid critical situations over that. I'd try to keep him as much on the floor as possible, as elevated or privileged spaces, such as lap sitting and on the couch seem to nourish his current misconception of being the boss.

    Good luck!

  • It's not places that seems to be triggering the agression. He seems to be completely possessive of myself and my boyfriend, mainly me. And we are not letting him on the bed or couch. He will be completely fine with her is able to tolerate her but is extremely fixated and keeps looking for an oppertnity to attack her it's like he's trying to dominate her but he's being extremely aggressive and to myself he appeares to be trying to hurt/kill her. The few times he has gotten her no damage was inflicted but and she has only yelped during the last attempt. I've tried the pinning method and my boyfriend has smacked him on the rear for it but none of that seems to work. Indica is also on a co-own show contract so I don't to have to worry about her getting preggers by Loki which is another reason I've been looking into getting him neutered.
  • It also seems to only be triggered by puppies. Pretty much anything under a year and the rest he gets along with. I've seen him try to snap at a 8 week old bully pup.
  • So I came home from work today totally shocked because Loki and Indica are now playing together and getting along pretty well. Loki still dominates her but it's not severe and she submits. It seems like he is just teaching her boundaries and that he's the boss.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    That's great news.  But, with respect, he isn't and mustn't believe that he is the boss.  Ideally they develop a relationship where the two know that he is the "stronger" or older, but that she is never afraid of him and is brave enough to play and "fight" without cowering or fear. This will only happy if he TOTALLY believes that you and BF are the capo de capo, and that he could never threaten you or your loved ones. Any dog, especially an EBT, needs to understand this hierarchy very clearly, and once you reinforce this he will never "actively" snap at you, any children or Indica. Bullies are very smart and he will understand his role and be protective of each member of the family. Having said that, he should also never feel that he is being cast aside, losing attention and love to the "newby". Even when he gets severe reprimands. Which probably mean BF needs to love on him more and you need to love on Indica simultaneously. 
    (I am possibly misreading your post above, but in case, ideally they shouldn't be left alone while you are out, while their relationship is developing... Forgive me if I misunderstood).
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • They weren't left alone together they are under constant supervision unless they are in their crates. Indica doesn't seem to be afraid of Loki at all she is however becoming respectful of him which is good. Loki is also getting down off of the couch and bed when told he is still testing us seeing if he can get away with it but he jumps down when we tell him to. When he submits her she just either lays there or tries to army crawl away lol
  • I'm definitely getting payback since Loki was such an easy puppy. This girl never seems to stop moving, getting into stuff, trying to chew on cords, mouthy and has had three accidents in the house so far and she's hungry ALWAYS lol. I've got my work cut out for me lol
    750 x 748 - 103K
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited July 2015
    Oh yes. With Bullies come huge rewards, but only because they are a ton of effort the first couple of years.... Who would want to win small prizes anyway?
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • First Indica fatality is my iPhone... I now have to pay $175 to get the screen replaced. Blah...
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    So!?  Just thank God that isn't $175 for a vet bill for her...better that way.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • I am a supporter of neutering but I find myself in the minority for that most of the time.

    Indica is a beauty! Love her lounging in that chair. Understandable that Loki might be a bit jealous, but as you've said, you have had some issues before she arrived. Her appearance could make them worse, so I think you should take all steps you believe necessary to help both Loki and Indica.

    haha, Indica turning out to be quite the termite it seems! Bitter Apple worked for us, especially for wires and cords, but some pups just can't be stopped. Money is money, and while it's better that she wasn't harmed, those "snacks" can add up!
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Indica has a mischievous look in her eye, lol. I think all Bull Terriers puppies have that look.

    Could be the picture but she looks a little thin. Sorry to hear Loki isn't taking to her all that well. It may take some time but I'm sure once Indica settles down and Loki gets used to the new addition things will get better with each passing day. Looking forward to seeing new photos of her as she starts to fill out.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Looks skinny? She's about 32lbs right now and never seems to stop eating lol

    And yes I'm glad it wasn't a vet visit but it still sucks having to shell out $180 to get my screen fixed on my phone while I'm completely broke at the moment and having to run up my credit card even further for vet visits (Indica's puppy wellness/ bordetella, lepto vaccines and Loki's neuter) while I'm happy to make sure my dogs are healthy and happy it's still the pits being utterly broke and having something unplanned happen that I have to shell out even more money for. She also chewed my work phone cord on my BFs watch. I love both of my dogs but yes Indica is a pain in the ass right now lol.
    616 x 521 - 60K
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    That's a much better photo of her. She looks beautiful!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Not a very good stack but it was the best I could do with an uncooperative boyfriend lol.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    You got to do like they do at shows and have someone throw a squeaky toy in front of her and when it lands on the floor making noise quickly snap a photo.  :))

    Puppies don't stand still for more than a second anyway so getting any photo that isn't blurred is always a blessing.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Yeah the breeder gave me shit cause she wasn't stacked properly but he gave me a good idea a d said to try using a flirt pole. I'll have to try that next time!
  • @LokiLostCoast she is beautiful but by god does she look like she's got the devil in her eye lol she's say mmmmmm mummy what can I eat next of yours u telling everyone about how naughty I been pmsl :))
  • She is gorgeous!!  She has the total "I didn't do it!!" look on her face.  LOL  

     I'm curious to know how her and Loki are making out now?  Did you end up neutering Loki?
    I'm getting a 8 week old puppy in another 6 weeks and am worried on how Hannah will take to her.  I'm afraid shes going to be real jealous as she never leaves my side!  Having said that, she does get along very well with other dogs and has never shown any signs of aggression towards human or animal.  She will be just over a year when we get the puppy, also a female.
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