Claxxton hurt his foot.
So, Claxxton & Joel were playing 'tug a war' with one of my old shirts and Claxxton's foot must have gotten stuck in it. This was two weeks ago. He yelped when it happened, and would have nothing to do with Joel or his play shirt for over a week. He is still limping and licking it. Joel seems to think it is his dew claw, but I have seen him licking between two toes. Left front paw. No bleeding, no swelling, no visual signs of damage. However, Joel said he heard a 'pop' when Claxxton got hurt. It's been two weeks, he is better but still limps. Just stepping on the transition between wood floor to carpet with that paw last night caused him to yelp. When it first happened all he wanted was him Mama (me), and to be pampered. He is a lot better, but still hurts him. I have made an apt. with the Vet for first thing Monday AM. I don't know what can go wrong inside the foot. Maybe we need to wrap it. I have tried to keep him calm, no jumping. So, when he starts feeling better he goes from Joel to me 'talking & crying'' he wants to play. New puppy Bella wants to play with him, and he is cranky. :-/
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
:-B :-?
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Of course, making super excited sounds like we're about to give him the best treat in the world helps him get excited with anticipation and he gulps it without realizing we've just tricked him into taking his medicine.
I just take the pill between two fingers, open her mouth a little and reach as deep into her throat as I can without hurting her, drop the pill and quickly close her mouth, then holding it closed until she swallows, which is usually immediately. Sometimes it takes a second try when she tricks me and manages to work the medicine out of her mouth after I release her. But that's usually it. Right after that she is getting one or two treats - makes her swallow again, and I offer water. Done! Usually she does not even realize what just happened.
swallow them, immediately asking where the next one is.... Give me a
minute, I'll post a photo.