Sophie has become incontinant
A few weeks ago I started to notice wet patched on my sofa I just put it down to sophie licking her paws that made it wet then one day she was on my lap asleep when I leg became warm so I got up and she had peed on my leg I thought it strange as I hadn't noticed her going a pee more than normal which would rule out a urine infection so I left it a few more days and nothing then it started again so I got her straight to the vets I explain that she did drink alot but she always had and maybe she was just leaking so I had to get a pee sample well that was fun running around after her in the morning try to put a container under to catch well we got one they tested her for diebiets kidney and liver urine infection and checked that she was breaking down all proteins every thing came back clear kidney all works fab so now I have to give her drops in her food 3 times a day till it stops this should take ten days then gradually decrease the amount slowly there called propaly syrup my vet said this can happen in bitchs that have been spayed I've never had this problem with any off my female dogs before and she was spayed well over a yr ago has any one had this problem I have to wash her bed every day as when she's asleep on it threw the night by the morning it's wet threw I'm upset this is happening to her as she not long turned 2 and still a baby .