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Well last night we drove over a 8 hour trip to get our new bully we got back home at 4 am this morning and now it's 6 am crazy time to go and get a dog but my partner wanted to make me happy after the upset of not being able to get the other puppy .Her name and the moment is ruby not sure if I will keep it she's 16 weeks old tri colour and is beautiful she's not had to best start 16 week old and I'm her 4th home yes I know what u r thinking but I won't write that the people I got her from had her 2 weeks and couldn't cope they had a puppy staff and said she kept starting with him and she was hyper in fact it was the staff that was hyper and his energy then set her off they said they could not cope with her she traveled very well I was is the back seat laying down and she snuggled into my face we got her home she had a pee in the garden I introduced her to the dogs one at a time which went really well but my old dog is the boss and had to check ruby a few times ruby went for a bit to much for my liking so I checked her she did it again and I bloody pinned her not something I wanted to do a hr after she came threw the door but I will not have that behaviour my dogs r all calm and we'll mannered to each other a hr it took her to give in lol stubborn minx lol so now she's in her crate fast asleep and I'm sitting here falling asleep oh as well she has heavy ears that r not up will I be able to train them with her being 16 weeks or is that to old I'll have to find the link and whst I need to get for her she's a real beauty I'll post some photos later today she's not had all injection either which I think is terrible so getting to the vets on Monday she should be well socialised by now .


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