Spay and Neutering
Richlands, NC
There will always be controversy on the pro and cons of spaying and neutering. Unfortunately most Vets try and encourage desexing all dogs and cats with claims of health benefits and pregnancy prevention. To date I have not read any authentic literature that provides merit behind the health benefits of desexing a dog unless problematic health circumstances warrant it. As far as preventing unwanted breedings, that would fall into the court of the responsible owner and I feel decisions of surgically desexing a dog for the mere sake of preventing a "mistake" is unfair to the dog who's health may be jeopardized from the surgery conducted. Call me crazy but I have many Bull Terriers and I have yet to have an "accidental" breeding.
The following article provides some good knowledge on the subject of spaying and neutering:
The following article provides some good knowledge on the subject of spaying and neutering:
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"