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Trivia Question on Proper Color

OK Bull Terrier Fans, Let's see who can provide the correct AKC Color as well as what his actual color would be called for this 1 hour old Bull Terrier puppy  from Blitzkrieg Bullies.

Litter BB02, Boy 2 - 140819 (6).jpg
800 x 563 - 54K
Litter BB02, Boy 2 - 140819 (1).jpg
800 x 496 - 52K
Litter BB02, Boy 2 - 140819 (2).jpg
800 x 524 - 60K
- Steve Gogulski
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"


  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Well the answer to that one is simple, it's a chocolate lab!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    LOL, you're tracking.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Fawn or brindle fawn. Omg. They are so small.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Nope, he's not a Fawn or Brindle Fawn. Actually, there's no such thing as a Brindle Fawn. Good guess though.
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    What, no more guesses????   ^#(^

    BB02 - Boy 2, 140824 (1).jpg
    800 x 450 - 80K
    BB02 - Boy 2, 140824 (7).jpg
    800 x 450 - 86K
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • edited August 2014
    This cutie is black & tan ( & white ) - obvious!
    He - and his black - is just a little washed out from the process of birth. 
  • Looks suspiciously like a guinea pig to me.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Nah! it's that same chocolate lab... he just fell asleep in a bowl of milk.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    The actual color is a "Black and Fawn." Obviously he has the Liver gene which casts out all black pigmentation and lightens the coat. It's very rare to see a Liver Black and Fawn solid like this and although Liver Bull Terriers are frowned by some because they don't follow the breed standards others find their rarity and unique color very appealing and attractive. They are sought after by many as a "designer dog" in the same fashion as a Blue French Bull Dog.

    This is one of Trent's puppies (Blitzkrieg Bullies) from a recent litter. He was eagerly claimed by someone before he reached 24 hours old with no breeding or showing intentions. Just a gorgeous Bull Terrier that will strut his stuff as a one of kind Bull Terrier with the same colors as a Red Doberman which are Liver also except they of course are acceptable within the breed standards just like many other breeds to include Phils guess  - The Chocolate Lab, which is merely a Black Lab born with the Liver gene.
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Yeah, I think you and Trent and Craig need to make it part of the contract of sale... if new owners don't post photos here frequently they have to give the dog back to "The Club"!!!  (we'll take photos!! )

    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • He's a big boy. He is growing so fast. I thought long and hard about keeping him but the wife said no. I doubt I ever see another one of these the same color.
    "Blitzkrieg Bullies" - Alexander, AR
  • Please require the owners to post pictures when this boy grows up! When I saw him on the website I knew he was a liver, but couldn't quite figure out if he was Black and Tan or Tri or what! Very interesting coloring. I think the only other time I've seen a dog like this is on a random google search. Cute pups in the whole litter!
  • Does anyone know why that colour is not allowed within the breed.
    I have never understood why Black n Tan is not allowed with Staffordshire Bull Terriers as the old Black n Tan Terriers that were origionally added to the Bull n Terrier mix were as good as any of the other working terriers.
    About Chocolate Labradors.
    Many of those who work their Labs will swear that Chocolates like acting the Fool too much and wont apply themselves to serious work.
    In this area it would be very very rare to see anyone working a Chocolate.
    A strange point of interest, I have a friend who bred Rottweilers that were very well known for their size.
    In one litter he had a pup with a White patch on its chest.
    He thought he would have to give it away.
    It was actually the first one to sell.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @venger - Each breed of canine has their own written Standards which outline exactly what the breed should look like which includes structure and colors.

    For the Bull Terrier the standard dictates that the eyes are to be Dark. Liver Bull Terriers have light colored eyes often a yellowish green color. The standards also dictate the nose to be Black. Liver Bull Terriers have Red noses. With this said, Liver Bull Terriers have 2 faults against them not to mention that the fur color within colored Bull Terriers is uncategorized and not included within the 22 colors. The puppy photo above would have no choice but to be registered as a Black and Fawn when in fact he is not Black at all.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • @venger - Each breed of canine has their own written Standards which outline exactly what the breed should look like which includes structure and colors.

    For the Bull Terrier the standard dictates that the eyes are to be Dark. Liver Bull Terriers have light colored eyes often a yellowish green color. The standards also dictate the nose to be Black. Liver Bull Terriers have Red noses. With this said, Liver Bull Terriers have 2 faults against them not to mention that the fur color within colored Bull Terriers is uncategorized and not included within the 22 colors. The puppy photo above would have no choice but to be registered as a Black and Fawn when in fact he is not Black at all.

    Thank You Mate.
    That explains it very well and I see now.
    I noticed that with the APBTs who have a Red Nose they also share that amber type eye colouring.
    So there must be a genetic link shared.
    I know that Joe Mallen made a point of including the same point about eye colour when drawing up the Staffordshire Bull Terrier standard.
    He said that it should have DARK EYES.
    I also read articles penned by the old timers of the CROSS GUNS fraternity where some considered Blue Eyes a sign of weakness in their Bull n Terriers.
    Whether that was a truth or myth I dont have a clue.
    I am guessing that like your Bull Terrier Shows Staffordshires lose points or perhaps get disqualified for the wrong eye colours.
    Anyway thank you Bullies NC.
    I have learned a good bit from you already in the short time I been here.
    One of the pictures that has stood out in my mind over the years was a black n white pic of an obvious Military man and Officer, standing in his Blazer and Slacks with a big Bullie beside him.
    Never have I seen a more suited pair than those two.
    A canine version of the man and a human version of the Dog.
    Very Tidy.
  • General Patton had Willie (named for William the Conqueror), that's a classic pair!
    patton w bt.jpg
    400 x 386 - 35K
  • General Patton had Willie (named for William the Conqueror), that's a classic pair!
    Interesting photo of General Patton!  I notice that Willie's tail was cropped, wondering if that was standard back in those days?
  • I think it might be just curled under. There was a really famous picture taken of Willie right after Patton died, sitting amongst his belongings, seeming to be in mourning; I found it and posted below. Tail seems intact in this photo.
    Willie mourning.png
    255 x 198 - 53K
  • edited September 2014
    Ahhh, so interesting!  Thanks for the info.  A friend of mine showed me a photo of her great grandpa who had a bull terrier named General Lee and his tail was cropped.  I was wondering if that was standard back then.  She said she thought she recalled that he had some kind of an accident which made them crop it but then she also said he was a spinaroonie so she thought maybe they did it in an attempt to stop the spinning.   I love these old photos! 
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @RoscosMom - Just so you know, if you point your mouse to the right corner of the discussion screen (to the right of the Quote option) there's a hidden Option Box that gives you the capability to edit your posts.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    I did it for her....
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
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