1st Heat
I noticed a tiny drop of blood from Stella one week ago on 4/28. The first two days were okay, she would NOT wear the diaper at any cost but didn't make much of a mess. She also turned 8 months old on the second day. On the third day, she began to bleed more and I was having an issue with the diapers so it was just not a good day. That night, she began to cry. When I woke up to go check on her, I let her outside in the backyard and followed her to the grass and she just rubbed her bottom on the grass. On Thursday, she accepted the diaper like it was no big deal - I mean a complete 180 from the day before. All day she's alright with an occasional rest/nap but then at night it's like cries of pain or something.
As far as behavior and eating she hasn't changed one bit, thankfully. But she cries at night, and it isn't to go out. Is there anything I can do to make it easier for her to go through this?
another dog during the time frame she is ovulated and in full estrus. She may even cry for attention during this time frame. Truly I don't think that what you're hearing are cries of pain. I think she's just in an uncomfortable stage that's new to her and she's feeling the urge to breed. The whines and noises she's making are those that attract male dogs. Cats do it all the time and often wake people up at night when there's one outside in their yard making all kinds of noise in attempt to lure in every male cat within a 5 mile radius.
If you feel your Bull Terrier is authentically crying in pain you should have her seen to ensure there's no health issues causing actual pain. However, if you're simply hearing her whimper as if she's uncomfortable this isn't uncommon for some females when they are going through their heat cycle.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"