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Miss You Chimera...

edited May 2014 in General

It is with the most heaviest of hearts
that I write this.

Yesterday afternoon, Chimera was hit
and killed.

Not even 2 year's old-gone in the blink
of an eye.

She had seen our neighbors little boy
playing with a large plastic ball in the front yard across the

She was upset and wanted to go over and
play with them.

When my mom went to step outside to
have a ciggerette- she slipped past her and went running thru the
high way, getting hit twice.

She was rushed to the vet immediately.

There was nothing could be done at that
point- the damage was too much to her spine and ribs.

I keep hearing her thru out the house-
keep hearing her tags, keep hearing her panting, keep hearing her
walking around.

I cant take it and at 7am took Cesar
for a walk thru the woods until 4pm this after noon.

I was hoping to forget Chimera wasn't
there- but the entire walk were signs from last year of Chimera's

Tree branches she had chewed on, Holes
she had dug, even a tennis ball she had dropped and I had warned her
not to bring alone or she would loose it.

I left it behind as I could not bear to
carry it home.

Most of our walk was spent sitting on
the ground crying while Cesar sat beside me waiting for us to keep

My legs ache, and my feet are sore, I
will be stiff for the next week I am sure- But I don't care.

I just needed to focus on something
other then the Ache in my heart.

I miss her already I miss her so much
and it's been one day, one day with out her and I Miss her so much.

She was truly MY dog- she Clung to me

Cesar Loves my boyfriend whenever he is
around, But Chimera followed me, loved me, trusted me above anyone.

Before Chimera I use to dislike the
idea of a higher-energy Bully, and then when I got her- I just loved
her high energy, sure it could get tiring keeping her entertained,
But God I loved her, I loved all the things we could do together.

I got her a weight pull harness to do
weight l with her this year, started building her agility equipment
for this summer.

Her favorite thing was to have me blow
raspberries on her face and her butt, she would get so excited and
wiggle all over the place!

She had trouble falling asleep unless
she was on my lap being hugged.

She loved kids and she loved my cats

she rarely worked for food- but present
a ball to her and should would have done back flips.

My heart is broken, and at the moment
just thinking about her makes it too hard.

I remember her as a tiny puppy, I
remember her as an adolecent, I remember her yesterday morning and
what I considered to be our first REAL walk of the season-
unknowingly it was also to be her last.

Chimera, I hope you know how much I
love you, you were my girl, my baby, my Chimer-Bear.

You could be such a little shit
sometimes, but I never held it against you because I loved you so

One of the things I always Loved about
you was- no matter how naughty you were, it always melted my heart
when I seen you try to be good, such an appoligetic dog if I ever
seen one I couldn't ever stay angry at you, I would walk into the
room to see you had shredded the plant and say

“what are you doing!?” and you
would drop what ever you had to come over to me and lick my hand as
if to say you were sorry and rub against me- bopping me in the eye
with your nose while I cleaned up the mess. I am going to go now,
have a few shots, a couple beers, and sit down to be by myself and

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  • I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
    "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

    I know you know this, but I was finally able to finish reading it today. I'm so sorry for your pain. I wish we could have a drink together and cry drunken tears.
  • I am truly sorry for your loss.  Made me cry.


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  • Boyda made me cry again with that poem...get me every time...
    This was the most awful thing to read on Fb earlier tonight...I feel like I watched Chimera grow up. Loved seeing her happiness on the treadmill. I hope they have one in heaven for her.
    I hope you and Cesar can find solace and comfort in each other.
  • So very very sad, may she rest in peace and may you find comfort In your memories! Sending big hugs your way! =((
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited May 2014
    OH! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! My God, I'm in tears, I can't possibly believe it, Such a beautiful angel, GONE! What a total tragedy ! Kim, you know I read your every post, and follow everything that your angels do, they are my favorites!  I understand that this a burden that is almost impossible to bear, your Mom must be feeling awful too.... It will not help much, but know that we are all bearing your pain too, and thinking of you... I will be looking for Chimera in the sky tonight.  Be strong. Bullies are always so game for fun it is totally impossible keeping 110% tabs on them.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    I've just been sitting, looking at all her photos, staring at them one by one.... (through the tears)... that last one, that's where she is now.... a heavenly photo!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • edited May 2014
    This is heartbreaking...I am shocked and saddened. Surely no words I can conjure up will heal or assuage the pain you are feeling. My screen? Blurry through the tears. Our family sends our deepest sympathy at such a sudden loss.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Kim - I can only imagine the pain and sorrow you are feeling right now. Chimera was your baby girl that you cherished and were so proud of. You provided her all the love and attention any dog could ever wish for. Although her life may have been cut short you will always be left with many wonderful memories of her that will last a life time. Allow time to help heal the pain of your loss. We are all wishing you well.

    Rest in Peace Chimera.

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    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • If only I had words to add or ease the pain just somehow.  My heart is broken again reading about Chimera.  I'm so, so, so very sorry that this happened. 
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited May 2014
    I spent all day yesterday thinking of you and wishing you strength. And kissing & hugging my furkids 3 times as much as usual (which is a lot). I believe if we combine two pieces of common known fact and apply logic, things become somewhat clearer. First, people know people (unless they are hermits) and those that really know dogs say that "dogs are better than people". Second, hardly anybody comes back from heaven telling us all about it.  I believe that the only conclusion to this is that only dogs go to heaven and can't tell us about it when they come back, (or perhaps they think we are too dumb to understand).
    When we lost our Donna 2 1/2 years ago, when we finally got back the use of two functional brain cells, we decided to wait and look for litters born about the gestation period after her passing.... 6 months, or a little longer seeing as they have some R&R time in heaven, but not much, as they have much work to do on humans back here.  We like to believe that our Isabella is our Donna returned to help us through life.  Chimera's coming back to continue her angel duty, for sure.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Kim, 
      Steve came over yesterday and told us what happened. From the bottom of my heart, I am so very sorry. No words can comfort you at this time, but please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. 
  • Thank you everyone, this has deffinatly hit me very, very hard- it was completely shocking and I can still hear her noises thru out the house, her tags, her breathing, her panting.
    Its hardest at night when everything is quiet.
    The first night I had to keep getting out of bed to check her crate to see if she was there.

    I have had so many people reach out and tell me how much they loved seeing Chimera, her video's and pictures.
    and also how many people have told me how how lucky she was has made the guilt i feel far less.

    I keep thinking "what if's"
    what if I had taken her with me to the bathroom?
    what if I had stopped her from looking out the window at the neighbor kid?
    what if I had waited to use the bathroom untill after my mom had come back inside?

    I am trying my best to cope with that.

    Every time Cesar goes outside to go potty he goes to the end of his lead to stare out over the road where she was hit, he did not see it happen, but I know that he knows.

  • Kim,

    I am so sorry to hear about your little girl Chimera.  She was your shining light while on this earth and she is gods shining light always looking down from heaven.  Her spirit will always be by your side protecting you.  God bless you in these troubled times.

    Craig Lee BONC Jacksonville NC
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited May 2014
    Kim, I truly know that it is really easy to throttle yourself with "what ifs".... We torture ourselves with them in all aspects of life. A couple of weeks ago I found a stray at the bottom of our garden and spent an hour trying to coax him in... He was so weak, skin and bones, must have been in the wild for a month... Fly bitten and scared.... Anyway, long story short.... He has been given a forever home at my daughter's and is now much loved.... So, what if, I hadn't been home at the time, or hadn't the patience to reel him in, what if he hadn't found my place and died in the woods, what if he had not been adopted, but put down........ Better to dwell on all of the "what if nots" for Chimera, ...I'm sure there must be stacks!. What if she never experienced your intense & strong brand of love, what if she'd never found you in the first place.. What if she had never been taken on all those lovely long walks.... And also! WHAT WHEN, you get to heaven and she smothers your face with slobbers & kisses!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Sorry to hear about Chimera, my prayers are with you guys.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    How you makin' out Kim? can't stop thinking about you, hope you are managing.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Same goes for me. We all know how much you loved Chimera and I've seen you active here and other forums. Breaks my heart so much.
  • I read this through tears; it is a beautiful tribute. I'm so very sorry for your loss, I know how your heart must be aching.

  • My heart is Aching for you, I'm so sorry hon. Tears are falling as I feel as if I can feel your pain. I can't even imagine. I also always have looked forward to your post and videos.
    Im so sorry.
  • Thank you everyone for your thoughts and kind words.
    It is so very much appreciated.

    I have been keeping busy, sleeping with the radio on at night so I dont have to imagine hearing her in her bed.
    trying to take things day by day.
    Some times I  find myself looking over her pictures or videos not really sure what drew me in the first place.
    sometimes it makes me laugh and smile- other times it makes me cry and have to stop.

    Cesar has finally stopped looking out at the road, I am hoping that is a GOOD sign coming from a spiritual view point.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited May 2014
    Know that we are thinking of you, not only when we read this string, but all the time, because we all are so fearful of being in that space, feel for you so much, and so wish we could more help you through it.... We are terribly powerless, but we are yours.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Oh how I dread reading this thread again. It makes me so sad.

    Ceasar will always remember. A year after we lost our male shepherd I dropped his collar. (which i had displayed with a picture on the fireplace) My female, hearing the jingle of his tags, came bolting out of the laundry room looking for him. You could see in her eyes how excited she was and it broke my heart! At least we can talk about our emotions. We can scream, cry, punch pillows or even walls but they can't.
  • Kim, I am in tears. I will not tell you im sorry because I know that the pain your feeling is far greater than any words. Never go thru the what ifs its not you or anyones fault. It was her time to go you dont have to understand it but as time heals and lessens your heavy heart it will get easier. I gotta go hug mine now in her memory. You will be missed Chimera.......
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • Our walks are so very quiet now, Chimera would always zoom around while walking.

    I am making plans to have a fence put up to hopefully help prevent this from ever happening again.
    I always want VERY much to move into the country.
    I hate being right in town and right on the highway.
    I am house hunting, something in the country with enough room for dogs and rabbits and chickens.
  • i donit blame you at all. i have had much luck with the trulia app. we love where we are not but ever given the right opportunity with more land and privacy I'd say we're gone. I put in every detail i want and they dont show you anything but that. You'll get updates on homes too.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited May 2014

    I will be praying for you to find your ideal space. I am sure you'll stumble on the perfect place... Chimera will pave the way and guide you there for sure. We lived in a "built-up area" for 24 years after we came to the US.
    It wasn't that bad to begin with, but as time progressed the congestion became unbearable, so I understand your feelings. We managed to move out here, "in-the-sticks" 3 years ago, where we have 3/4 acre but most of the properties are 5 or 10 acres..... Totally love it..... If something ever drags me back to the insane built-up world ever again, I'll shoot it.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • It is not too bad right now, But this summer the reservation is building a large gas station/ ciggerette shop right across the road from us, and it being tribal, the gas  and ciggerettes will be extremely cheap and the place will be extremely crowded.
    I am expecting to have a lot of kids  loitering in our front yard and possibly our front porch (because this is upper MI where no one gives a damn about anyones property)

  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Looks like you're in the zone for a relocation, big time!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • I heard this song a few weeks ago and it kept making me think of Chimera, so i put it with some video clips together to make this for her.

  • I'm not sure if there's meant to be a link...? But I watched that video you posted on your's a beautiful tribute to her. But it made me cry again!! Chimera is a lovely soul. :)
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    I don't know where your page is, but if you could post the video here I'd love to see it
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
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