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no hair under neck?

Hi I have a bully that I adopted about a year ago, she
has always had no hair under her neck, I thought I try a new collar that was padded
all round but it just started to thin out the hair on the side of her neck, so
I've gone back to the old collar. I’m looking of a collar or any suggestions
that would help. Thanks 


  • Do you leave her in the collar 24/7? If so, that might be the contributor. I'm sure more will chime in as well.
  • there can be alot of reasons for this
    -food allergys
    -nylon allergy
    - enviromental allergys (such as bedding or detergents)

    I would have a skin scraping done at your vets to get some what of a diagnoses to help figure out what is going on.
    My own male suffers from this, first i switched his food- which helped about 80%
    switched his collar to cotton from nylon, switched to walking him on a harness instead of a collar
    keep his collar off at home, etc

    that keeps him *mostly* cleared up on his neck, but there is still a little redness and irritation.
  • Thanks . I take off the collar when ever I'm home, I walk her with it on but use a harness. I feed her pro plan. The first collar is nylon, with a lager gap where the buckal is, this one only did under her neck. I bought a new one that was padded all the way round nylon easy dog one that started to wear the side out too. I have gone back to the first one. Looks like I'll try cotton or leather one.
    Thanks for the help
  • kjw78, I saw a soft collar at Whole Foods tonight.  It was made of hemp and had a fleecy side that touched the dog's skin.  It seemed very soft.  Just putting this out there in case you want to check it out, or see if there's any information from people that have used a collar like that.  Hope your pup is better soon.
  • Spud deals with collar burns as well I prefer not to keep the collar on at almost all times and use his harness now. I normally carry his collar at the park to acknowledge he has his rabies shot and not to deter any other owners.

    Spud will get yeast below his neck so I've added the coconut oil and the red/brownish yeast neck is now getting whiter and whiter in the last two weeks.
  • Hello. it's been a long while since I've been on the forum. My 5 year old male is going through an allergy problem. He just turned 5 and this is the worst it's been. Is there a way to narrow down the symptoms? It can't be food related. He eats taste of the wild, raw meat, and the occasional wet food I.e. Iams, or newmans organic. They seem to be seasonal. Is it a grass or mold issue. Should I even take them to the vet? They might just give him steroids and charge me an arm and a leg. Any help would be great. He has lots of little bumps down his sides, single large bumps on the top of two of his feet. The worst spot is his face. Picture included. Thanks everybody
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  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    I've never been wild about TOTW, pun intended.  Is he getting a formula with potato or sweet potato in it?
    I'd add coconut oil to his kibble, make sure he has a bath at least once a week with some medicated shampoo and, EVERY night, before bed, rub his whole body with coconut oil. Ideally you take coconut oil (we are talking the white, hard, extra virgin variety here), and infuse it with Zambuk, about 15% Zambuk with the coconut.  (be careful of his eyes (and willy) and other openings)....
    And upload a photo of his nails for us please.

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    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • edited May 2016
    I think Harley Quinn is developing this problem. She grew out of her first collar so I replaced it and shortly after noticed what looked like a red graze under her neck and thought she'd maybe caught it on something, I left the collar off for a while and it healed however the other day it was back and although just a small patch I noticed she's losing her fur all down her throat area. She seems to react to all collars like this could it be a metal allergy? I ensure that the collars are the correct fit. Maybe it is a nylon allergy but she has had leather ones too. I've tried various types, she's collarless at the moment and spends a lot of time without one, I walk her on a harness. I have coconut oil so will treat her with that but having had a bully with real skin problems before I deperately want to avoid her suffering that experience. Her claws are still white, although she's only 17 weeks old at the moment so maybe the discolouration is still to develop. I feed her on James Wellbeloved complete which is a UK hypoallergenic food comprised of rice and either fish or bird protein. Is it worth investing in supplements too I've seen mention of Nuvet is it? Sorry to jump on your post @kwj78 but am keen to nip it in the bud.
  • I feed my dogs coconut oil everyday. Almost a teaspoon. I'm guessing it's grass allergies because they are seasonal. His bumps kind of come and go. For example in the middle of the day they will be red bumps and bleeding. After a. Good 4 hour nap they have subsided. I've used bag balm, coconut oil, fungi scan and showsheen. I took some pictures of his feet. (Only have an old iPad with no flash) We just got back from the beach so he's extra wet.
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  • I've tried these on him and boy oh boy does he hate it. He hates bag balm to. He can hear me open the tin from upstairs and try's to hide. I can tell he's not comfortable. He avoids cuddling. Normally he sleeps with me all night every night. Have you ever seen/used these products? I'm not sure if they are useful or not
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  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Hey good video. I'll make that stuff tonight. I'd have to spray his entire body down though. He is covered with bumps on his front deltoid and chest area. His face is the worst part. Also all down his sides. does that spray help repair tissue and grow hair back? Or does it just treat the itching?
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Externally you are only going to be able to make him feel better and treat the existing eruptions topically. You are going to need to find out what he is ingesting to slow and then stop new outbreaks. It's 80% chance something eaten (or not eating) and 20% chance that it is external/ grass/ pesticide/ fertilizer.  The nail photos helped in that they show there is not a large presence of yeast at all, that's good. Try changing his kibble and/or his meat and his wet food, gradually... But I am 80% sure its the food.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Ok thank you. The percentages help me understand. Maybe he is lacking something in his nutrition. He gets these outbreaks only in spring/summer. When he was younger I thought it was just fleas. However with his age they just get worse every year. He's had basically the same diet his whole life. Taste of the wild buffalo or wetlands, a decent wet food, raw beef and chicken maybe once or twice a week. Occasional egg.

    When I put coconut oil on his owies they seem to flare up more. Turn red and bleed a little. I'm guessing because it's rehydrating his skin.

    Quick question.... Would grass fed beef be a better solution? If it's in his diet like you and Steve have been saying when it comes to allergy a it's gotta be something he's not getting. I would say. Time for me to play detective. Thanks again for your help
  • @fontanna666. My previous Bull Terrier had similar problems and was diagnosed with Atopy and numerous allergies. It started with reactions in the summer, with sore paws and rashes on her stomach and nose. It got worse as she got older and she experienced problems to a greater or lesser degree all year round. She also developed problems with ear infections and sore skin on her ears and constantly chewed at her paws when they were sore. Our vet referred her to a vet who specialised in skin problems and she was allergy tested and was allergic to grass, dust, and various types of common weeds. We replaced our carpets for laminate flooring, cut all gluten from her diet, although it was minimal any way. We had to give her monthly injections to help her build up tolerance to the things she was allergic to and medicated baths fortnightly. During the summer when things got really bad she was given steroid tablets but the vets were not keen on these in the long term for health reasons. Eventually new medication was brought out which although not steroids was effective. Thankfully she had life long vet insurance . Her skin problems were manageable but always flared up worse in the Summer. Once you've tried everything that's been suggested on this thread hopefully your Dog's problems will clear up but if not do take him to the vet. Archie's problems just got progressively worse each year until we finally managed to hit on a regime that gave her the most relief. Good Luck x
  • Well I bought some salmon oil and some vitamins today for bro. Wish me luck. I hope I can get this cleared up. I rubbed him down in coconut oil last night before bed. Then this morning I gave him a bath. He is losing so much hair now. If I don't see any improvement soon I'm going to have to take him to the vet for allergy testing.

    Thanks for sharing your story about your girl. That's seems almost exactly what's going on with my male. Trying to find the source. It's getting frustrating. I've been looking in to his diet. Trying to figure out if he's lacking in something. I live in port angeles Washington and everybody has allergies. Sooooo much pollen and grass. Not to mention my house gets dirty fast. Lots of dust and mold that's increasingly getting hard to deal with. Gotta love the northwest
  • My girl Puma has/had the same thing on her neck. It was recommended by Phil on her to rub the coconut oil directly to her neck. It cleared after about a week. We no longer use collars at all and only a harness for short and long walks. When her and our lab rough play they soft bite each others neck and get wet. Puma's neck will look raw again for the next 2 days but clears up.
  • Well, it looks like I'm going to the vet tomorrow. I would go today but they are closed for the holiday. I've tried everything with diet and apple cider vinegar spray, coconut oil ect. Hasn't seem to get any better. Maybe isome areas of his body have showed improvement but for the most part nothing has healed.

    Today is the worst it has been. I just got done giving him a shower and now his wounds are bloody and itchy and much worse. I'll see what the vet says tomorrow. I have a feeling they will say mange, or grain in his diet. I hope I can get to the bottom of this. I really hate seeing my boy like this. I've tried every bit of good information and it hasn't helped yet.

    Here are some pictures I just took. Like I said he just got out of the shower so the wounds look fresh
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  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Yeah! That has got to be some serious strain of mange... What a bummer, poor kid... I am sure you'll get him the meds he needs. Please keep us informed... sometimes home remedies just don't do the trick. Time to pull out the check book... I know it sucks bad, like a punch in the gut!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Well, I just got off from a 10 hour shift at work and came home. The damnedest thing he looks way better. His bumps are almost complete gone. He doesn't have clumps of hair coming off, no bloody pussy bumps or anything. This is weird. That doesn't make any sense to me. All I did was give him his bath then fed him food with salmon oil. A 10 hour nap can cure that. So bizarre how they flare up and go away just in a few hours.

    I'll still go to the vet tomorrow and post a follow up
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Well good news on that spot of relief (pun intended)... good luck tomorrow!!!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Just out of curiosity, when your gone on a 10 hour shift is he home alone? My concern is that his immune system has been compromised due to stress and anxiety. If so, common mites (which can be found on most dogs) can actually rake havoc and turn into a problem. As Phil mentioned, he could very well be having a adverse reaction to the mites to the point his immune system isn't strong enough to prevent issues. In this case mange results from the mites.
    Salmon oil is a good supplement due to the omegas and it helps with their skin and coat. I would encourage you to look into a good supplement also that could help boost his immune system. Often we don't see the benefits of a good supplement until the dog starts to have issues that they really shouldn't be having an issue with to begin with.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Well he's not alone. My 3 year old female is with him as well. He's never showed any signs of anxiety in the past. I usually only work 4 days and not 10 hours. If I leave town to play shows or compete they stay at grandmas. Their favorite place in the world.

    That's something I didn't even take into consideration. Immue system lowering from stress. The two seem just fine alone. Never hand an issue. However there could be an underlying issue that I have not addressed. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    So they get a little bit of co nut oil in the morning. Before I leave work they get wet food with 3 pumps of salmon oil and a multivitamin. Then they just have their taste of the wild dry for the remainder of the day.

    What sups would you recommend?

    P.s. I got rid of his black leather collar in the picture shown. Seemed to be causing red neck
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  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    There are a few good supplements on the market that are great for boosting the immune system. My preference is NuVet because I have witnessed the positive results fast especially with rescue Bull Terriers that I have received which weren't exactly in great health. Skin issues are commonly seen on Bull Terriers that may be experiencing stress, anxiety, or poor nutrition and these are all things that can be easily corrected.

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    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
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