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BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC

Bruiser is a gorgeous Bull Terrier. The owner could no longer care for him and contacted us in hopes of rehoming him to a loving and permanent home. He was just received on February 06th. He is currently 14 months old and born on November 20, 2012. He is up to date on all shots and neutered. He seems to be very loving and playful. We will know more about his character and temperament as the days progress while he’s in our care.

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- Steve Gogulski
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"


  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    He is such a beauty... I'd take him in a heartbeat ... But my wife would hang me up by the goolies from our biggest oak tree! If you need him driven from NC to WA I'll volunteer to take him if the home is good. Lucky family coming up. I won't even begin to ask any questions about his "donators" .... My blood would probably boil.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Thanks Phil.
    What I can tell you is that Craig and I took off at 0300 this morning for an 8 hour trip to the tip of NC corner near Tennessee. (Great View of the mountains which are non existant in this area).
    The owner simply "didn't have time" for him any more since he worked all day and his wife recently started working as well which put this lively 14 month old Bull terrier (puppy) at home alone without supervision.
    He was one of our puppies from Lucain x Karamel litter at the end of 2012. the owners knew we contracted our puppies to come back to us in the event the puppy needed to be rehomed. Thankfully, they abided by our contract and contacted us. We wasted no time and hit the road to rescue him.
    I can't lie, he never barked, whimpered, and showed any signs of stress on the entire trip home. He was an angel and he is a great EBT.
    We have full confidence he will find a VERY good home with people who can spend time with him. We were fooled by the original owner who obviously proved to lack the commitment involved with raising a puppy. We can only pray the next owners will be true to their word and have the heart and commitment to raise Bruiser with the dedication it takes.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited February 2014
    Unreal... It's like a circular reference formula.... Sometimes I think my brain is too small to comprehend how peoples' brains can be so very tiny as to not fully understand the relatively simple task involved in the bringing up of a dog,... When they believe they can competently undertake the more complex aspects of life. Mind you, a far too great a percentage of people believe they can even bring up children these days. I don't know which is more frightening. But someone will surely be blessed, as many others are, when they get to own one of your clan... Maybe take a scale with you next time, for brain mass.... (if such a device exists).
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Steve, how many dogs have you had returned to you over the years? I hope not many, but I'm glad they did give him back. Have you ever had anyone try to sell them to another owner? Breaks my heart whenever I see someone give up a pet because they don't have the 'time'. He's a gorgeous fella and I'm sure he's happy to be home!
  • Let me know Steve. I know you'd prefer to rehome him nearby.
  • Nice USMC sweat pants, did you serve?

    One Bully is just not enough
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @Boyda - Fortunately there's only been a few occasions where we had a puppy of ours returned to us. A couple were understandable circumstances but this occasion was not. The owner had the capability to raise Bruiser properly but chose not to. Amazes me because when you meet new owners they are all on cloud nine about getting a future Bull Terrier and provide us with everything we wish to hear about how they are going to be raised and spoiled. Some people just don't have integrity.
    @Whitebull - That's a photo of Craig I took yesterday at a Rest Stop with Bruiser. Both Craig and I are actually retired Marines that met in Okinawa many moons ago. Craig and Terri live out in Jacksonville, NC and Julie and I are in Richlands, NC. We are only about 20 minutes away from each other.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • I don't understand this.  I know I've come across people that go to a local SPCA or if a friend has an unwanted litter of puppies or kittens and one falls head over heels for a cute little furry animal.  They get home and everything is great, but after several months, the cute puppy/kitten stage wears off and it is now a nuisance.  Or, their kids really, really want a puppy and promise to raise it and walk it every day after school and again, the newness wears off.  But, these are expensive dogs and not usually a decision made on a whim to choose a BT.  You don't have to answer, but it seems strange to just change their minds at this stage.  I do give them credit for contacting you and living by the terms of their contract, though.
  • Bull Terriers are by far one of the most unique breeds out there and most defiantly one of the more stubborn. I think when people get the privilege to bring one home, they turn a blind eye on how much time and effort you constantly have to put into them, and next thing you know they've had enough and want to rehome, even though 99.9% of the time it's not the dogs fault, but the owners. I'm glad this dog is back with you, I'm sure he is an amazing guy and I wish him the best of luck!
  • I will say if I wasn't expecting stoegers behavior and if we hadn't researched the breed as much or as long as we had and just wanted him for his incredible good looks I can see how the breed can be too much. I'm glad they contacted you back for his rehoming instead of the shelter or craigslist! He looks great! I hope he gets his furever perminate home soon!
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    When Craig and met with Bruiser and spent the first couple minutes playing with him we both looked at each other as though we were thinking the exact same thing - "This Bull Terrier is great!" He loved attention, he didn't seem overly hyper especially for his age, and he looked fantastic. He could use a few pounds but that could be done easily and very quickly. After a few hours of driving we stopped at a Rest Stop and spent more time with him. He's a clown and loves attention! I see nothing wrong at all with him. If the owner expected to run off to work everyday and leave him run loose in his house without getting into trouble he's sadly mistaken. At least for the time being while he's so young. I admit I leave mine on their own in the house when I'm out but they're older and have no urge to be destructive.
    I think Bruiser is Great and we've been getting a lot of inquiries on him. Somebody is going to be very happy with him!
    Here he is as a puppy.

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    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • People may disagree with my lifestyle with a bull terrier... But I'm a "single parent" with a full time job and Quinn is left at home alone for 8 hours 5 days a week. She is very well-behaved though and doesn't chew or destroy while I am away. She was crate trained when she was little but I was able to leave her out with no issues a little after a year of age. When I got her I knew that all of my time not spent at work would be for her. And I've sacrificed parts of my social life and things I want to do for her well-being. I just really don't understand how at 21 (when I picked her up at 8 weeks) I could comprehend that my life was now HER life, but grown adults - even with help from a partner - can't handle the responsibilities and time constraints of a dog. Blows my mind.

    Anyway. Glad you got Bruiser back so you can hopefully find him a new, more permanent, loving home. He's so handsome and sounds like an absolute gem!
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited February 2014
    Actually you guys might remember, I was at Craig's place with u Steve, the week that Craig was shipping that litter off I believe.. And I am sure I can remember seeing Bruiser on Craig's front lawn with the kids.... I knew I should have driven home with a Puppy that week... Now we know if should have been Bruiser.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • philsergeant, have faith.  I have a feeling Bruiser will get a great forever home.  :)  Who knows, the new owner might take you up on your offer to help get him to his new home and you can meet the new owners firsthand.
  • OMG! You even have pic's of him as a baby.  That's great!  There is a difference in raising a BT from 8 weeks, and taking a BT that is older.  (Although this boy is still young.)  Now you can at least share pic's of him.  I think that's great!  I've been watching your pic's since you first posted him.  The people responding for him is remarkable, and to learn he is from one of your litters. Wow!
  • Exiled, is there a secret your keeping from us?
  • Boyda, maybe.  :)   He looks like a wonderful BT and companion.  I'm confident that he will get the forever home that he deserves.
  • Hm, I can't wait for news that Bruiser has his new home... :D

    And he is such a cute pup! Didn't see those when I posted earlier. I love teeny tiny baby pictures.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @Phil - I wish you would have taken him home with you. However, that litter was spoken for a couple days after birth. Phil I could have sworn you came over here vice Jacksonville?
    Well, I'm up early this morning and in need of driving out to Charlotte for another EBT Rescue.
    "Thou shall not allow any EBT's to end up in a shelter in North Carolina."

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Steve, I wish you safe driving and a successful end to that new mission.... You must be getting (nearly) as old as I am.... your memory is slipping.  We went together from your place over to Craig's and I'm sure that was the litter that was going out.... timing looks right.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Safe travels Steve and lots of photos of your next rescue.
  • Bruiser has been a great young Bullie so far. He did not make a peep for the entire 400 mile trip home. He did not try to run or bolt from the kennel when you stopped to potty. While he is outside between Izzabell and Isis they have been playing. He has showed absolutely no aggression towards the other dogs, to include our chickens, our new puppy Spartacus, Lucian and our neighbors dog even came over and introduced themselves. Now he was barking at the neighbors cat when he saw him. He shows no signs of abuse or any food aggression. I sat there and petted him while he ate.  He is @55 pounds and about 10 lbs light, but we are feeding him very to get his weight back.  The sweats were to do the 800 plus miles in comfort.  I will give you all Bruisers updates.  
    Craig Lee BONC Jacksonville NC
  • I was looking for my post but could not find it.  That post was from yesterday.  No changes in Bruiser.  Still very loving young bullie.   Bruiser though, does have a pending adoption by a really nice couple that are on waiting list for a puppy.   They have been in contact with Steve and I and we have spoken for a couple hours already. They are well into the forum, and have extensive knowledge of the breed, and are previous owners of a bullie.  He will have a loving home which is so nice to know. Phil you were over here.  You wanted to see Isis which was due a couple weeks after your visit.  We try so hard to make sure the puppy or a rescue go to a great home.  I am sure they will keep us all posted on his status once they adopt him. 

    Craig Lee BONC Jacksonville NC
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I'm glad Craig has a better memory than me. I get so many people coming here to visit with our Bullies that I have a hard time remembering everyone. That was a good long while ago too.  :-/

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • I have a memory, but do not have the gift of putting things to words like Steve.
    Craig Lee BONC Jacksonville NC
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Considering the fabulous origins and "staying power" of Bruiser in remaining such a well balanced and behaved Bullie... Those buyers could only have been total air-heads... Sorry to say.... Giving up such a treasure for "convenience".... blows my liddle mind!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • I am so excited for Bruiser and cannot wait to see pictures of him on his journey to his forever home, emphasis on "forever."  I can't think of anyone in my family that has EVER given up on an animal, even a living being as small as a goldfish.  Honestly, I judge people by how they treat animals and whenever a dog shows a distrust or is wary of a person, I trust them.  It's always turned out to be true.

    My kids have always felt like pets are their siblings.  Reading about the BTs that are being rescued, I can't understand it.  It's one thing if a new living situation doesn't allow them to keep a pet or someone loses a job, or has health issues, but I'll never comprehend this situation.

    Has there been any information about Isis, the tripod in Florida, after her adoption?  I think about her often. 
  • Will send an email for an update on Isis. She crosses my mind quite often as well.
  • Oh I'm glad he has a forever home now!!
  • Was supposed to have vet appointment on Friday. Vet postponed because of weather. Probably Tuesday.
    Craig Lee BONC Jacksonville NC
  • Good for you for  going to pick him up and take him back! =D>
  • edited February 2014
    @exiled...and everyone else that may be interested.

    I received an email from the medical director at the shelter and she reports that Isis is doing very well! Her daddy was transferred to N.Y. for his work. So she is enjoying the northern climate. He even bought her a big, fluffy sweater! I requested from her that if her daddy ever sends photos to please forward and let him know that I would love to be in email contact with him.

    Thanks for being concerned about such a sweet girl.
  • Oh, thank you, Xtracho!  So happy to hear such GREAT news!  I think about her just about every time I'm on the forum, and she weighs heavy on me when I see anything about a rescue.  To know that they have that information means that he's keeping in touch.  She is such a sweetie.  I would have gotten her in a heartbeat, too, but I thought it would have been cruel to have her in a home with three flights of stairs.  Fingers crossed for some pictures, especially in her fluffy sweater.  This news made my day, a great Monday.
  • Oh that's great news!! I wonder what part of ny! I'd love to see more bullie babies up here with great owners!
  • Awsome I would love a pic!!!!
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Bruiser has been adopted to a wonderful family!  :-bd

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • He's on his way home right now.  This is a picture I posted on a new thread introducing him.  This was taken this morning as they were crossing the border from NC to SC.  My kids have named him "Rodney" and we are thrilled to welcome him into our home. 
    Rodney's homecoming.jpg
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  • Hope,

    Was very nice to meet your husband Jeff.  Did not envy his long ride home.  Hope it all went well.  So glad that Rodney will be getting a forever home.  Looks like he is riding up front just chilling.

    Craig Lee BONC Jacksonville NC
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