Feeding Oscar
Hello folks - belated good wishes for 2014 to all of you from here in the Netherlands! Oscar is doing well- still a few obedience issues due to the deafness, but nothing insurmountable. But I'm coming to you guys again because of a new problem - best go the experts! We have fed Oscar from day 1 on a raw meat diet (plus veg,etc) always ordered online. We were let down on a delivery on Christmas eve which meant that we ran out of his food last thing on Boxing Day. So I went to a 24 hour shop and reluctantly bought a tin of Pedigree ( only thing they had). This was wolfed down by Oscar and the meat delivery duly arrived on the 27th. From that point on he had refused to set any raw meat at all. We have even tried with a piece of minute steak - sniffed and walked away! So he had been on a diet of tinned food and dried food ever since. Apart from the fact that we now have a freezer full of meat, I am coming to you guys to get any feedback on Orijen dried food. I have done a lot of online research and unfortunately we are unable to get most of the product that is recommended on here. I want a grain free diet and this brand is getting good reviews from owners but I would appreciate any experience that you may have. Far more trust in a Bully owner feedback! Attached latest pics of the white devil!

2592 x 1936 - 1M

2592 x 1936 - 1M
I have not tried it due to the success I've had with a few other grain free foods. However, if it's available to you and your Bullie enjoys eating it I'd welcome that diet. Often the choice of food stems on the individual dogs taste as much as the nutritional value. Meaning, I wouldn't keep my Bullies on Victor if they were losing their appetite, eating less, and dropping weight. It would be at that time I'd look into another top quality kibble that they'd find more appetizing in order to eat the volume of food they need.
I wouldn't worry too much about the fact that your EBT got a little spoiled on the canned food mixture. As long as he's eating the proper amount of his quality kibble you won't be hurting him by mixing in some pedigree canned food since he really likes the taste.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
Hi guys
Just an update on the feeding situation - ordered Orijen pup food on-line and it has been a big success. He loves it and it looks as if he is starting to bulk out a bit more since we started him on it. So for any owners from Europe, I can heartily recommend this brand as an alternative to the ones our American friends talk about and which we cannot get over here.
Now the next problem to overcome - his ears have collapsed again after nearly two months of being up, so we have had to resort in taping them up again in the hope that this will definitely be the last time. I must say that I was really surprised as it happened over night and he will be 6 months old next week. I am taking heart that some of you have had to have several goes at getting them to stay up!
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"