The first week
It's 25 years since I last had a puppy and I had totally forgotten just how EXHAUSTING it is! We have named our little devil Oscar; we wanted to call him Buster, but we live in the Netherlands and everyone thought we were saying bastard so we decided to change after 2 days!! We knew that adopting a deaf pup was challenging to say the least, but it's the small things that we didn't think of. Instead of shouting to him when he's chewing the plants/electric cables/carpet/ or anything reachable, you have to get up every time and let him know NO! Amazingly, no 'little accidents' so far indoors as he already asks to go out by barking at the back door. He's already pretty good at showing he has a temper and that he thinks he's boss! but hey! that's a bullie for you. Attached a few pics now 11 weeks old. Thanks by the way for all the lovely messages,
1935 x 1936 - 1M
898 x 1203 - 265K
760 x 760 - 125K
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
He looks fabulous... You can see right into his soul... He's going to be very special.... I know, with everything else you've got going on with his introduction, it might be a bit much to add the ear taping to the celebrations ... But get to it as soon as you can... Those are some heavy floppers! Besides you've got to be busy posting more pictures and stories!
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"