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Trancing Causes Stress?

Our beloved 8 year old male bully Bikkel is currently in intensive care due to a massive ulcer which extends from his throat to his stomach. He showed no symptoms of illness until 4 weeks ago, but our vet reckons that this has been developing for months (typical result of the high pain threshold problem I'm afraid).
This is my 4th bully, all of whom have tranced in the garden or round the table - I guess that a lot of you know about this. My concern now is that the vet has told me that there is now a school of thought that trancing is actually displaying anxiety and stress which in turn can lead to the development of ulcers. Has anyone out there heard of this before? Quite scary from our viewpoint as we have allowed him to do this for years. Any info welcome Many thanks Pete


  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    edited August 2013
    We are similarly on our fourth (pair) of Bullies.  I can't see any link from my experience.... If anything, trancing could be a symptom of stress, not a cause of stress, but, our 9 month old's trance a (tiny) little every now and then, if they find a prickly bush or table cloth.... and they are wonderfully healthy and have very effectively transferred any stress they might have had, to us :-)  Our last girl who left us at 14 was always pretty health and always loved to trance (especially in the closet, under my wife's skirts)... she had zero cause for stress, but did trance "more" the last year, and passed of lung disease.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I'd like to see the so called research that was conducted that linked trancing to ulcers. I just can't see how they would be medically related. I have no owned a Bull Terrier that would trance. However, I have seen a few videos where it clearly showed the Bull Terrier frozen in trace while staring at something which was usually a tree or bush.
    The other day I seen one of the new Corvette Stingrays parked at a store and trust me I was in deep trance. I'm in high hopes all my staring hasn't endangered my health in any way. :D
    On a serious note, as common as it is to hear about the BT breed having several people note the act of trancing you'd think they'd have already associated it with those BT's that display high levels of stress and anxiety. However, usually the BT's with stress and anxiety are the ones that are high strung and hard to manage. I would think the BT's that find themselves in a deep state of trancing would be more calm and relaxed. I could be wrong because, once again, I have not experienced a BT that had this issue.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Steve, now we know the source of those two horn-like bumps growing on your forehead!!! Corvette Staring!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • edited August 2013
    Everytime I see my wife in a slinky dress I'm trancing....never has caused me any stress...well not the kind of stress we're referring to here.

    Seriously though, I doubt that trancing can be directly linked to an ulcer. Whatever the reason your Bikkel is in my thoughts and prayers.

    I am certain however, that huckelbutting can be directly linked to torn sofa pillows, upset house plants, and dents in the drywall.
  • Pgreid...I'm sure you are very worried about your bull terrier.  While I'm not sure if stress causes trancing, I do think trancing is something to be addressed.  The people in here are NOT trying to make light of your concerns.  What we have learned is Vets are not always 'in tune' or 'schooled' on BT behaviors. 

    I will say my preyers for your 8 yr old BT.

  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    Well said DiaNNe, let not our focus on tracing detract from the fact that we understand, and many of us have lived, the total human mind retching stress that occurs when our kids have serious medical issues... We do pray that you are lucky enough to find quality vetinary care to bring your family member through... It's few and far between, but it is out there if you can find a vet with a calling instead of a degree in financial administration .
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • But how do you address it? If it's inherent in the breed? Do you genotype it and try to breed it out? It's a complex issue and there is still no concrete scientific evidence that would even suggest it to be harmful or related to stress.

    To me this is a case of a Vet that's looking for an excuse instead of treating a serious medical condition.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    There are many ailments that are inherent to the breed but this doesn't mean all Bull Terriers possess the genes to repeat the genetic faults. Yes, the idea would be to prevent the breeding of any dog that possessed hereditary faults. Trancing to some may or may not be considered a health problem or genetic fault. From some of the articles I've read from owners with a dog that tranced they mentioned no other issues and had no reason to complain about what the dog did other than it being odd to witness from time to time.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Hello everyone. Firstly, many thanks for the comments and the words of encouragement.  The sad news is that we had a call late last night to tell us the devastating news that the results had come back from the lab and that our boy had stomach cancer and that there was no hope for him to make a recovery.  We drove over and were with him when he was put to sleep.  It doesn't seem possible that only three weeks ago he was still careering round the place trying to show us who was boss!
    I understand that some of you have concerns about the vet's comments and that perhaps he was trying to find an easy answer for the problem of the ulcer.  I have to say that he has been a wonderful vet over the years who really loved our Bikkel.  His parents were BT breeders, so he grew up with them and really does understand them.  The fact that we had to drive over 10 miles to get to him every time Bikkel needed attention might show how much we appreciated him.
    I talked to him last night after Bikkel was gone and he explained a bit more about his comments on trancing.  I got it wrong.  He said that some vets now believe that trancing is a Bully's way of relieving stress, not that trancinig in itself caused stress.  However, he did say that knowing Bikkel as well as he did, he could not believe for a moment that he had a stress issue and neither can we.  Bikkel would quite often be lying fast asleep in the garden and then suddenly waken up, 'trance 'under our legs and then proceed to the bamboo where he would spend many a happy hour standing stock still - this could be broken quite easily by a shake of the cookie jar and he would bound into the kitchen looking for a treat.
    Oh dear, the place seems so empty without him here.  No more snoring from the hallway, no more fights to get him off the couch, no more cold nose poking under the newspaper looking for attention.  Time will heal we know and then we'll start looking for Bully number 5 - the vet has already mentioned a two year old looking for a new home...........................!
  • I am heartbroken for you this morning. I passed off to sleep last night thinking about this thread and hoping for the the best. I can only imagine your heartbreak, And before my screen goes all blurry....over that Rainbow Bridge there are endless cookie jars, long hallways for snoring, and the most comfortable sofas.
  • What Xtracho said....... @-)
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • So sorry for your loss.  Our prayers for you and your family.
    Craig Lee BONC Jacksonville NC
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    I think I know exactly what you are feeling right now and it is not a fun place at all. I always hate to admit this, because it makes my "human" relationships look smaller than they are, but when we lost our last 14 year old EBT I felt that the loss was FAR more significant than any human loss that we had experienced.
    It takes time to get over and I wish you strength and hope you embark on the search for number 5 as soon as you are able... Number 5 will never replace your boy, but will sure as heck bring joy to your life.
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
  • Not a dry eye in the house.  I am sorry for your loss.  Time will heal and you will find a way to move on.  I am glad you are already open minded to BT#5.  Give time to greive....then GET UP..and go look for the perfect # 5.
  • It's so unfortunate to hear this news... :(

    Our Bullies are only here for a short time, it's amazing how much effect they have on us during a relatively small window.

    If you do decide to add #5 to your family, please share the experience here with us on this forum.

    Again, sorry to hear of your loss.
  • Jeez you guys really are something special! Thanks so much for all your thoughts and support, you have no idea how much this means to the two of us. Shame that I only found this site now, but I am now going to be checking it out daily. Thanks again - the pain is still very raw, but we have all those memories.
    2592 x 1936 - 847K
  • What a handsome heart aches for you.
  • philsergeantphilsergeant Palm City, Florida, USA
    And we'll be waiting, with baited breath, for your first post about #5!!!
    In the beginning God created English Bull Terriers, in the image of EBT's, God created all other breeds.
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