Good Morning all, I am a new user and just wanted to say Hi before I start with all of my questions.
I am the proud owner of a beautiful black & white bull terrier boy, he is 29 weeks old and very much loved.
The thing is he is scratching a lot and has got "bold" spots on his belly from constantly scratching.
I took him to the vet, we took a skin sample to check for mites but nothing showed. I then gave him some meds that the
vet prescribed ( antibiotics, cortisone & antihistamine ) and the scratching stopped for as long as the meds lasted.
About a week and then he stared scratching again.
What can I do to stop this scratching? I was told that it might be his food, but I'm feeding Cyrus The Hills Science plan
for medium breed and it is a good quality food.
Please help!
Thank you!
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September 2015