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Diet suggestions please ?

Hello, I'm new to the forum, my name is Mel. I have a 2 year old male bully. For over a year now his diet has been 2 cups of dry food in the morning & 2 cups of dry food with raw "gourmet beef" mince at night. but lately he has been showing signs of pains in the tummy. Can any one suggest a good healthy diet for him? I've also noticed what is similar to pimples around his mouth, could this be related to his diet ?


  • Welcome to the forum Mel. What brand dry food? If he's been fed that same diet for over a year and is just now showing signs of stomach pain I would think it related to something other than the food. I'm no expert on that at all and others with more experience than me will chime in as well.
  • We have been changing up his dry food because he gets fussy & stops eating it after a while. At the moment he is on super coat ( I don't like to give him the cheaper stuff but he is actually eating it) any suggestions on a good dry food for him ? As a pup he was on nutro for 12 months but stopped eating it :/ I want to find him a good diet & stick to it :)
  • I have been feeding my two Orijen for the last 10 months, they love it and its one of the better ones out there. Acana is also made by the same people if you want less protein in the diet.
    One Bully is just not enough
  • We feed Taste of the Wild and Blue Buffalo dry to Maya. Lots of good quality, grain free foods out there.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I recommend reading this:

    Additionally, there are many good topics about this subject within this category on the Forum.

    "Super Coat"??? Never even heard of that food but it may be the cause of his Belly ache. If your BT is finicky about his food try mixing in some meats in his kibble.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
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