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Loose Stool

Gave Spud 2 cooked turkey hot dogs Friday and 1 and a half raw on Saturday. The package has stated they are thoroughly cooked but now Sunday, Monday and today he has had loose stool. He didn't eat his food this morning so I put it away. He's acting normal and drinking water like usual. He is taking in treats normally.

I'm positive it's the turkey dogs. I may not feed him again until dinner to eat his stomach settle. Anyone with any advice?


  • I personly dont give sophie any other food apart from totw . I dont think hot dogs r good for them but I know alot of people use them also he will love them so thats why he will go off his food waiting for more hot dogs lol his toilet will return to normal stools but may take a few days to get out of his system x my friend gave my sophie some chicken I was not impressed because I can have her on my lap while I eat food and she would not even look at it the next day she went to grab food off him this is why I only give her her food hope hes ok x
  • I'm sure Steve can answer this, but I have had this happen with hot dogs. I was slicing them into tiny pieces to use as training tools in addition to bits of cheese and puparoni. When I used the hot dogs Apollo would also have loose stool that I assumed was because he's a puppy and being introduced to new food. My husband looked up info on feeding dogs hot dogs. I can't remember what it's called (whatever it is that makes us sleepy) but it's not good for dogs. I don't even know what website it was but it said to give them all beef dogs only. Hope it helps.
  • edited July 2013
    Yea, he normally only has peanut butter as treats or pet store treats such as zukes and has normal stool. He is doing everything fine and isn't lethargic and has not thrown up at all.

    I'd want to take him to the vet but I have a feeling all they will say is what I've been told already. Just like when Spud had leg stain, which I thought was more but he has since got rid of his limp.

    I definitely won't be using hot dogs from here on out.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Hot dogs aren't the best treat to give a dog and we all know the meat content isn't exactly the healthiest meats in the world. Any dog that may not be used to eating a variety of raw and cooked meats can get the squirts if their digestive system isn't used to it.  Chances are you dog probably has a little bit of an upset stomach and the diarrhea is just a reaction to the type of new food that went through his digestive system. Most dogs won't have too much reaction from a hot dog other than a happy face. However, if you noticed your dog's appetite decreased since yesterday you may want to provide him some chicken broth and a couple pieces of bread. The broth will provide him some nutrients while at the same time as re-hydrating him after a bought of diarrhea. If he hasn't regained his appetite by tomorrow you may want to get him checked. Just ensure he's drinking fluids. I'm confident he'll be fine by tomorrow.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thanks guys. Gave him bread and his stool was runny but its getting better. He finally had a small meal tonight of kibble and didn't have time to get the broth. If things seem loose again tomorrow I'll likely have some broth with bread still and check with the vet possibly.
  • Solid stool this morning but a little mushy. I'm happy. This is the first time I was happy in my life that poop was solid.
  • edited July 2013
    When my kids were younger I would always look forward to 2 things....... New cleaning products and new Disney movies. I'd say after having a sick pup, happy about having solid stool qualifies as A-okay! ;)
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