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In-tact male marking my house!!!

My 14 month old in-tact male, Loki, is suddenly marking constantly around the house! How do I stop this behavior???!

We got him at 8 weeks old and he was already basically house broken. He has rarely had accidents in the house. Smart and well trained boy.

For the past few weeks he has started lifting his leg on my couch mostly but several other places in the house as well. It’s getting bad. I don’t know how to make this stop. I have a 5 year old female BT as well, but obviously never had this issue with her. I know he’s getting older and trying to show him dominance to the older female in the house, but I can’t stand it.

Not neutering him was just a health decision we are not studding him. Our female was spayed around 1.5 years old. I am now reconsidering my decision and wanting to get him neutered possibly. I’m finding I can’t relax because I’m following him all over the house trying to stop him from peeing everywhere.

I know lots of people refrain from neutering their males how do you avoid this horrible problem?!

He is crate trained, exercised daily, we have a large fenced in yard, he’s happy and healthy and loved tons. He isn’t aggressive (he plays hard, but he’s friendly and lovable) has no prey drive… he’s a sweet good dog from a reputable breeder and we have had no problems from him other than this.


  • jur45jur45 australia

    All I can say 'I remember those days'

    You just gotta yes, stick with them and be ready for when the leg lift looks like a goer say firmly NO WEE WEE or whatever wording. They do get it.

    I used to just keep them distracted with something and follow them out to do sniff n wee stuff. My moose used to try to get my plants etc but I was on the ball most of the time.

    Distraction, attention is all I can advise. Neutering in my belief won't change instilled habits so get cracking on his case before it really sets in, firm😜

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