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Memphis struggles with skin....

Hello again all🙂

I am at a cross road with my Memphis. We are getting no where with his recurring skin infections adjusting diet and supplementation. He rapidly declined and AB was my only option even though I know I am harming him whilst trying to work with my vet.

It isn't working, I am near the end of another cycle of strong AB and ??? I have researched again and am waiting for the other vet at the practice (my one treating Memphis is on leave) to give me her opinion as I think he needs 'leaky gut' treatment (supplied info/remedies to them to read) which is cease AB and uptake of different supplements, amino acids I think? etc. Today is my last day waiting for them.

Memphis doesn't have time on his side. I have an interstate homeopath lined up. I just want to work alongside the vet, know if they can't offer more than meds and if things go haywire I can go back as they know his history etc.

I'm reluctant to just go to another vet as 99% will just pump big pharma meds. My one is open to alternative, natural remedies at least. The suggestion of skin specialist will most likely entail antiinflammatory, steroid medication etc was the vets response.

If I do cease AB which finish this Friday, I have to be realistic in that he may pass from this infection if no medication intervention was agreed. It gets that bad really! Others would know who've experienced this.

I've nursed him at home for a week and more as his feet got that bad and neocort made them swell more. It was Moose all over. Syringing water etc. Memphis is the exact age Moose was when he passed😞

I've also spoken to their breeder who i keep in touch, updated. Has no experience with this issue with his dogs. Ive seen his photos and others from litters. Two are near my way and no issues he's aware of. Mother since passed at home. He feeds his dogs kibble nothing special. Hardy on land where they've always been lucky to have. He's lovely, doesn't brush me off but hasn't had any problems so can't advise but to try kibble. I'm so not for commercial food. Memphis still on raw but I had to cook it a bit to get his appetite up to eat. This is normal with all the crap I have to shove down his throat😖

Memphis at least got the energy for a swim n walk today. This is day three walking which I am happy to see.

I will keep you updated🙏

Happy fourth birthday my spirit Moose love n light🤍

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  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I can't remeber if I asked you this in the past or not but Have you had a Allergy Test conducted on him? A specialist can conduct a test that will provide everything he is reactive to. This would be the very first thing I'd do in order to find out what foods, ingredients, and natural ailments to avoid.
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • jur45jur45 australia

    Yes Steve just went through his allergy report from 2022 again.

    -grass, plant mould, fungus

    - chicken, duck, pork peas, corn, halibut, oats, turkey, buckwheat, chickpea, dairy, oatmeal, peanut

    Memphis is severely limping, hind leg this time. Bathed him in Epsom salts. He is very sombre. Was crying last night in which I slept through. I'm still couch sleeping with him. He may have hurt his leg further last night in moving to the other couch. Idk.

    I wasn't happy with one vet's options for leaky gut treatment so I'm waiting for his vet (back Monday) for her advice on leaky gut treatment minus AB etc.

    His course of AB finish this Friday. It was a three week course this time. I know this is bad but I have to realise he may not make an alternative treatment plan without. It is touch n go with him. I use the days he is able to walk, swim as I dont know when it may be his last.

    I'm also waiting on online homeopath treatment plan. We had a public holiday too so time is not favoring me.

    Ive given them both all history and current meds he is on. Diet etc. I cannot get all supps in him from the vet as it is as he only eats one meal and these supps/veggies put him off. Thinking of smoothie for him and syringing? He hates me I'm sure and I dislike all this too.

    He had hair radionics test prior to Xmas and supps were dispensed accordingly. His urine was good last visit. Had bloods done when shaved n treated. That's all I can remember for now.

    Will update again.

  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    It's apparent you're making all efforts to acquire a solution to resolve this issue. The worst part about trying to figure what's causing the issues is all the trial and error that may be making the issue worse by changes in his diet, meds, shampoos, etc.

    I'd be trying to remain consistent with his foods and utilize a good trusted food that may be focused on skin and coat. I'd also bump up his exercise regime which really helps minimize stress and anxiety. Refrain from prolonged crate time (if you are crating him).

    Rub some natural coconut oil on his fur every few days. It's ok if he licks it too because they do like the taste and it's not bad for them.

    I prefer natural remedies because I know many Bull Terriers react poorly to meds which can seriously compromise their immune system and make matters worse.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • jur45jur45 australia

    Thanks Steve.

    Btw hes allergic to coconut, I missed writing this no shampoo as such. Oh the can I possibly keep him off grass? Once I cross the road, near the beach yes I'm ok but there's no way to avoid unless I walk with the cars. I always wash with water afterwards. Yes its in the backyard. Idk how to limit him. He'll be bored if not with me out there.

    I've been pretty consistent with diet over their years. I mainly stuck with raw lamb and supps were to imitate your nuvet as I understood they needed extra support with immune system. Thats my natural way from the start. Its only when they'd present with symptoms do I omit a supp, try a new protein or lastly follow the vets advice! You say a good trusted food? I haven't sourced an organic, unvax, grass fed/finished protein for him nor myself.

    Long story short. Ive decided this afternoon to go with the animal homeopath I had lined up and her protocol for leaky gut. I am confident and happy with the products/remedies suggested nothing synthetic as such. I still have to set a diet plan. As I said i don't have time on my side. The vet mucked me around so my decision was easily made. I will have a natural AB along with other things to help strengthen his immune system etc.

    I understand that stress plays a huge role in his immune system and mine but truly, he couldnt walk yesterday. He chose not too. Not going out the back with me in the garden is a big 'I can't.

    Today he was up moving. I took him out but not swimming as he will jump gung ho and hinder his leg again. He doesn't just swim, he jumps in, runs for his stick. He doesn't worry about any pain as you know how they are😉 its after that he suffers. He walked home very fatigued, panting. I can see he has no stamina for distance. His body runs 'hot' and it is obvious. Honestly I cannot drag him out with his fatigued body or a bad limp. A slight limp yes. I did this with Moose and it looked cruel and his suffering I missed. I know our loss of Moose is another big factor. I cannot entertain Memphis all day. If he is beside me at home, I will entertain him with his stick throwing but not with leg issues so yes he's bored but with me all the time. There is always someone home with him. No crate. He understands when I need to go out and settles well.

    I am hopeful this new pathway will work. I'm praying I can reverse any damage and have a happy, strong boy in which he can endure longer exercise time n play.

    I'll let you know how we go🙏

    Sorry didnt know how to delete pic (one without him)

    He sits in the neighbors yard, not our yard, no fence.

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  • jur45jur45 australia


    Getting homeopathic remedies sent today, I'm excited to get him started and well.

    Surprise morning. A lovely elderly gentleman (Kernel Sanders look) asked to take a pic of Memphis this morning. Guess where's he's from Steve? ...

    North Carolina😃 I told him about you and I wish I could just rock in with my Memphis😉 I know he's not pure bully but I love him with his 12% staffy mix regardless🥰

  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Poor Memphis is plagued with allergic reactions to a few very common ailments. It's no wonder his condition is so difficult for you to remedy. I couldn't imagine trying to avoid grass. That's near impossible for a dog to avoid.

    Hopefully you'll see some positive results homeopathic remedies. Time will tell.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • jur45jur45 australia


    Its day five on homeopathic treatment. We are adjusting, its not worse. Skin will show signs of detoxing etc. so wounds around ankles, nose are still weeping.

    He finally has more appetite and getting some weight back on. Had pulling strength on our walk back home! Full walk, swim, run on the beach today. I think he is a happier dog. It is early days but every day is a good day, healing his body. I am feeling very positive for an excellent outcome for Memphis💙

  • Harvey21Harvey21 Rochester NY

    Your boy is so adorable and I am so sorry you’re dealing with skin issues. I have a 3 year old male who licks his feet occasionally. We bath him about once every two weeks, and then blow dry his skin to get an access water off. If he goes outside tho and lays in the grass we will give him another bath to remove all pollen and dander off of him. Did you have the blood test for his allergies or just the gut, nails and saliva one? Those arnt accurate and maybe some coconut oil might do him some good unsure you know it wouldn’t. I have my boy on instinct raw/kibble. It has grains and freeze dried raw salon. He looks it. We also add organic fresh (or frozen) kale, some strawberries or bananas and a splash of organic plain Kiefer or Greek yogurt to his food 2x a day. His skin is better, I recommend! I wish you the best!

  • jur45jur45 australia

    Thankyou for responding and all your advice🙏

    I only did saliva, hair testing. Coconut is a trigger but hopefully when his gut is happier, he won't be as sensitive to triggers.

    He is looking and feeling a lot better!

    We are getting there.

    We will tweak his diet again when it is the right time. I am happy he has appetite and is gaining weight n strength finally🙏

    4160 x 3120 - 6M
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