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Nipping whilst in “zoomie” mode

Dorris24Dorris24 Australia

Hi all, was wondering if anyone could offer me some advice on my 13 month old miniature EBT Shazza.

She is an absolute beautiful soul and wouldn’t hurt a fly but when she goes into the bully trance and runs in circles and goes crazy she runs up and nips people and I don’t know how to stop it as it’s like she’s posed by the devil in that moment.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance 🙏🏽


  • jur45jur45 australia

    I would distract prior to zoomie mode if you can..... Anything you know of that she likes. Its when we think its hilarious that this continues and then we encounter issues😊

  • Dorris24Dorris24 Australia

    Thanks for the advice, we don’t really get much warning if any when she starts, kind of just duck for cover and hope for the best.

    We tell her no and don’t encourage but once she’s in the zone it’s hard to get her to snap out.

  • Billie_TinaBillie_Tina California

    Awwe 13 months - she's still a puppy and starting to transition into their adolescent stage (fun times 😉)

    Zoomies are inevitable, if she nips give her a firm "No", "off", or a command of your choice and walk away. Be consistent and she will realize nipping isn't tolerated. It took my girl a while, but she knows now it's not okay

  • Dorris24Dorris24 Australia

    Thank you - I will put all your advise into action, watch this space I will give you a update on our progress 😊

  • that1Boomerthat1Boomer Middletown, PA
    All I can offer is, be consistent and understand why she is doing the nipping. McKenzie at a year had much the same issues. I figured out that the onset of bed time made her do zoomies. She would and still does do them to fight sleep. I then started to make sure she was tired by 7 or 8 in the evening. She loves to fetch and that is the easiest way to get her energy out. A tired EBT is the best behaved EBT. They do somewhat lose their minds when a zoomie sets in. I don't always stop them, but when I do, I make sure she understands I am not mad. I just want her to stop. Plain and simple, understand what you are up against and what is causing it. They only do it because you are not correcting consistently. They get confused at when it is acceptable or when it is not. Sometimes giving them the cold shoulder is enough, because EBT's want your attention more than anything. You ignore and they get the point. Soon I would expect you will understand the cycles of your little girls hucklebutting. Once you get that down. You have a place to start. But always always always stay clear of the nipping or aggression. Stop the behavior stay clear of her while she is having an episode of nipping. Personally, I can stop McKenzie about 75% of the time, with a HEY! Other times, she does what she wants and we fix all the furniture and rugs, after she stops. Nothing like the 60 lbs McKenzie Devil Run.  :)

    All the best of luck, 
  • Have you tried taking him to a vet? Maybe you are lacking vitamins.
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