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Hi all us again, luna started having this issue about a week ago there have been no changes in her diet or supplements ( she is on victor hi energy, coconut oil alt with salmon oil). We are away from home so her usual vet is not available I took her to a vet in the area but they were of no help because they had no EBT knowledge.

4032 x 1816 - 2M


  • jur45jur45 australia

    Well I'm having my own big issues with mine🙄

    What is she lying on? Any new products if on carpet, grass issues etc.

    Just apply something early so as to not get the skin broken leading to infection.

    There's lots of alternative things you may have at home aloe vera, witch hazel I haven't tried yet. I'm applying inside of banana peel on moose' itchy spot. Its less red but he's still extremely itchy. He's on antibiotics as he's got a skin infection so idk if this makes his skin appear better.

    For us it can be a seasonal issue. I just know it is not easy. Perhaps you'll find the trigger early and give her relief🤞

  • I just bought some ACV going to start applying it tonight hopefully that helps. I think it might be seasonal like you said. I was considering changing foods to see if it might be food realated last time she was doing great then we had to switch foods because she started having tummy issues.

    Poor moose I hope he gets to feeling better soon its so hard to try and find something that works for them.

    Have you heard of adding ACV to food or water to help with skin issues? A friend of mine said her vet recommended it for her french bulldog

  • jur45jur45 australia

    Yes I put it in their food. 1/2 or 1tsp.

    I put capful colloidal silver in their drinking water and topically for wounds etc. I also give vitamin c powder form in their food too. I try everything🙄

    I couldn't help mine and they've both got infections. I feel I've failed but it got really bad with Memphis. I had no other choice as staph goes rampant and quick.

    The itching is the hardest now as I declined cytopoint and apoquel to the vets disappointment.

    I will update in my progress and goodluck🍀

  • I will add that to her food tomorrow hopefully it helps. She is on vitamin C already. I feel like the more thought I put into her food and supplements the more she needs😕

    Thats the strange part she doesnt itch it she more likes to lay belly on the cold floor I think that soothes whatever shes feeling. I have been putting a cool pack on her and she seems comfortable

    You are not failing these EBTS are just as our vet tells me COMPLEX, but your pups seem very well taken care of best of luck hope they get better.

    Hope to hear a good news update soon🤞 I will update in a few days see if theres any change

  • jur45jur45 australia

    Just wandering can you get nuvet where you are? I can't and its highly recommend by Steve.


  • I have tried but due to my husbands job we move around too much to start her on something I might not be able to get very often.

  • Looks like mild allergies/yeast reaction.. I hope the AVC helps! Luna's profile pic is so cute!

  • I've been recommended Nu Stock cream, it's sulphur based, smells a bit but from reviews it's meant to be great for skin conditions, currently using it on Terences ear as he has an open sore that won't heal.

    Tried everything now I'm using Nu Stock and covering it with a Band Aid plaster and it seems to be healing, you can purchase on ebay

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